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Everything posted by Craved

  1. that would explain why they have such a huge factory oil cooler! cant confirm the issues they have though, havent had much of a chance to check those cars out close up! could run them drift style with no bonnet
  2. forgot to post this up, what are you going to race the car in Abo Bob? rx-7 seem to go pretty well in improved production but you would need to check specs needed etc before getting the car!
  3. there is an rx7 with T88 for sale at j-spec bit over your price but 15K, could do worse
  4. i'll be turning up by myself, someone come and grab me (not literally) if you see me drive in!!! Cheers
  5. should come out and have a watch in the morning see you guys out there!!
  6. edit on that -- unless you remove back seats they are illegal in 2 door cars
  7. benm, these cant be put in legally in a 2door car, front seats must fold forward in a 2door.. 4 door would be OK
  8. picked mine up today, will need to modify it to work with the 400R front bar.. put it in but not in right spot.. actually noticed a drop in temp after using it so it does work!
  9. hey GTR-80Y, so tired this morning, would have held up and chatted but hey! saw you screemin up behind me and if the car wasn't cold would had some fun ed R34 - your car definately gets some road presence dude
  10. LOL - your right R31nismoid! thanks for the info people, im only really looking for 280Kw or so for now, not chasing big power yet! so it looks like from everyones experiences that the sizes arent the main governing factor, mainly spring which makes sense .. so anything from 38mm to 45 will do! thanks for all the info people, keep your experiences coming!!
  11. there is a filler on the side of the gear box, just fill it up til it comes out that hole! then move onto the next thing til you find it! out of curiosity, does it do it at idle?
  12. yeah i checked that out Sumo, even replaced all the gaskets in the head with the headgasket! and it has me a bit stumped seeing the idle settles down more when it's warmed up and reved out (read more heat in exhaust)... wil have to wait til i get a new ex manifold to really see!
  13. there's something else for us try! thanks for the info dangerous_daveo!
  14. thanks B-Man i'm only loking at running around 17-19 PSI since i havent decompressed the engine at all, can you adjust the boost level with much scope on the 45mm wg8??? also do you still use an EBC on your system or only use the gate to completely control BOOST
  15. that neutral sensor does what exactly? affects idle doesn't it?
  16. perhaps the selector in the gear box that tells the car its in reverse is not working.. just a thought if fuses etc are OK
  17. got any flat spots on your tyres? had a wheel alignment lately? just a couple of options! plsu most cars vibrate, but you will always notice it more when holding onto the body of the car e.g handbrake lever
  18. auto trans fluid is what i used, dont know about that brand -- not on the bottle???
  19. if anyone can confirm these that would be great! at least i've got an idea now!!
  20. i did do a search but nothing answering my question directly, or it somewhere inside a 30 page thread and i couldn't find it ok if it's boost related then what would each of the sizes sought of equate to when install on an engine e.g 35mm works 25 - 30 psi 38mm 20 -25 45mm 10 - 20 etc etc etc etc etc an ideas?
  21. z32 are 80mm arent they so even if it is just the casing it wont upgrade an r33 gtst (rb25) will it?
  22. im in for this one John, will drop in in the morning (hang on it is morning) well later today and get one if you got em in stock!! :confused: do i still have to call if i show up in person
  23. just wondering: what actually governs the size of an external wastegate needed on turbo cars? im currently gathering all the parts needed for my upgrade but looking into wastegates and what i would need to run on an rb25 with HKS GT3040 with 1.12 AR exhaust housing..??? i know what they do, BUT are they used in respect to the turbo size, engine size, boost level, or a combination of both? think ive seen most people have used say a 38mm gate, but is a 35mm too small or a 45mm too big? cheers
  24. hey people, found that my exhaust manifold was cracked really bad (read: almost right around) when i was changing the head gasket trying to resolve an overheating/bubbles in the radiator issue... can anyone confirm whether or not this would cause an idle problem? symtoms include : cold starts very bad, wont idle at all and stalls when no throtle used... plus when the throttle is applied will suddenly jump up over 2K then when released will drop to 1K then bounce up to 2K again then drop and stall...plus on/off throttle when driving is really sudden and un-smooth/jerky (similar to if the tps is set wrong) have been told that it shouldn't cause this but i believe otherwise since the issue gets better when the cars warms up... then gets better, to almost idle after its warm and i rev the car out a couple of times... my guess is that when the car warms up more the manifold expands and closes the gap heaps.. any ideas? it will be getting replaced eventually when i get the new turbo on but it's bugging me now and for the last couple of months
  25. personally i dont mind mine squeeling a bit, just a noise that comes from a performance pad! most near all race cars have squeeling brakes and everytime i hear them coming up to a corner i like the sound! i know the road car isn't a race car but we can dream similar issues if you've got a triple plate clutch ............ she's gonna rattle at the lights!!!! good luck with the efforts here!
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