If you can show me who has a full set of 4 rebuild kits (front and rear) for $100 i'll be happy as lizard in the sun lol, from what i have read in my searches prior to making this thread $150 -$160 for all 4 seems the going rate.
Cheers, thats something i hadnt considered with the sludge build up, but couldnt a strip down and a wash out with water then drying help clean out the sludge without the need to rebuild? or is there more im not understanding?
i guess unless you split them there is no wa the guarantee they are clean inside.
Still for $160 its cheaper than a front set of RB74's so its not too bad a preventative as Richard said.
Mate, thats what i was thinkiing of with the uneven wear comment - pad drag - which is somethign i believe i have with theleading edge of the pads always getting worn first - which can be misleading cos if you just look through the wheel to check the pad life, you never look from the bottom.
As for piss easy, i certainly looks like it and i'll definately be doing this myself. Just looking for helpful information on the WHY of it instead of the how much every other thread about rebuilds was about
Cheers guys, and further reasons its a good idea post em up