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Everything posted by MeLSki

  1. MeLSki

    A Duck

  2. Aw Lubz You =p

  3. My mate got done for that last week. So BOV's aren't illegal right? Espesh' if they are stock? Sorry I know it's a n00b question but I don't have one atm so I don't know!
  4. when I was 15 with a trainer at Altone Park
  5. MeLSki

    A Duck

    Anatidaephobia — the fear that somewhere, somehow, a duck is watching you
  6. we were going to go to this then got todl it wasn't on!! Dammti didn't check on saturday
  7. kk cool thanx Terence
  8. that's heaps deceiving whats are lug nuts btw?
  9. lol ur a fkn psycho! THE CRUISE WAS SH!T GET OVER IT can't you see we've moved on to speak about other stuff hahahaha thankx n00b and no one had a go at THE KID we were telling him what he fkd up on which we are entitled lol and the amount of ppl that were skitzing about it last night??? and don't call me 'love' you psycho and don't PM me again
  10. oooh thats right I remember now we thought you guys were random when you're friend yelled something at me then when I went to turn off I remember saying to Jordan "oh no not randoms he has an sauwa sticker" I remember now
  11. And Ryan if you read what I said previously, I said the same things that Dan, Benson and a few others agreed on, I didn't expect it to go perfect, we were just talking about sw33ts cruise before, allot of people missed the kalamunda meet on that one but we still knew where the second meet point was. This guy didn't drive the course nor did he print enough maps and the maps he did print were screen shots from google maps For something that he had been advertising for a while now he could have put a little more thought into it, or if he wasn't sure, he should have asked for help, that's all we've been saying. No one said we expected perfection, just an idea of wtf was going on would've been enough. As I said it started as constructive criticism no one is having a go at him no one has said "Rick you are a d!ckhead" we've just been saying "umm wtf happened?"
  12. Oh true!!! Haha sorry you guys just ended up with us out of no where because you weren't with us at Perry Lakes hahaha we were like who are these randoms? Nah that's cool your mate probably didn't realise what he was doing!! Dude what's with your exhaust? It's all op-en at the back?!
  13. Ryan dude... you weren't there you don't know what happened mate And like I said yeah I ragged out the cruise cos it was sh!t but I'm happy to plan one and as i said if I do a sh!t job then I'll be open to criticism too And it wasn't even a cruise, a major majority got lost the minute we left Hillarys And we're 100% entitled to our opinions seeing that we were actually there and it started as people giving their opinions and constructive critisism but saying things like what you just said Ryan is going to make people angry like: "Everyone just stop your whining and harden up", "Don't listen to these people" Coming from someone who wasn't even at the 'meet point' ill call it. Allot of people were angry last night Ryan so mate offer the kid all your help, thats cool but don't have a go at us for venting our frustration
  14. and the random white 33 with no exhaust and the kid was yelling out the window at me and they ended up at the Bell tower with us and no one knew them!!! lol wtf!!!
  15. apologies for the anger guys but getting PM's from some guy I don't even know asking me to not be harsh on the kid, if you want to say that do it on the thread don't PM me about it our mini cruise was actually fun I think in total me, jordan, julz, chloe, benson and a guy and his gf from Calais Turbo Club ended up on like 5 diff cruises (club cruises and mini 'lost' cruises) lol Patty if I do this you better come!!!!
  16. Yeah I'll give it a go. I've only been on the scene as myself since May, but I've been in the scene for a few years and been on allot of cruises. I'll organise one for Jan/Feb? And if I screw up you's can nail me too. But, I won't fck it up like last nights!!!!
  17. lol Dan wins!! ... (hes not my bf btw) And Jords... it says ur name babe but full agree! Yeah Benson we all skipped sw33ts first point for some reason lol and then like 5 of us ended up at freo hahaha that was an awsome night PS If someone was to organise a cruise...what would be the best amount of time between stops? like on average... is 25 minutes too short? And do we liek the coastal trips? I like the ones that end up in freo for some reason haha opinions?!
  18. Sw33ts cruise was one of the funnest I've been on!!! Maybz cos it was my first cruise in the 33!! lol the first meet was confusing but after that was an awsome run and everyone stuck together pretty well!!! *pms Sw33t*
  19. Well actually I don't think it was harsh what so ever, with what people wanted to say to him I think I've said it as soft as possible and yeah he's new to it, so therefore maybe he should have thought more into it before planning a cruise, like Dan said, do the drive yourself to make sure it's good and no I didn't hear anything when the maps were being handed out obviously because not everyone was there at that point and the map should clearly state that. Not only that, how were we meant to follow a mp that 50% of us didn't have??? I think allot of people would agree that my points were extremely valid! Allot of people were very angry about the layout of the cruise and the amount of petrol that was wasted and I've never been on a cruise before were the mass majority bailed due to confusion and frustration. Note: I did also clearly state that I was providing constructive critisism.
  20. I used to play soccer, kickboxing and state netball.... But then I discovered that getting trashed on alcohol and fairy dust was more fun!!! I use to go to the gym, but had to cut back costs so I quit. I go for a 40min walk every afternoon and do Yoga? And does Nintendo Wii count as sport?!?!?! I clean my car once a week.... that's allot of energy And of course yeah the bedroom sport, weekly aswell ...................im talking about pilates, guys
  21. thank god this one was on! Saved the night!!! Had good fun on this one
  22. Yeah wow great cruise man you should like run cruises for a living..... Ok, no offence hey, but I would like to say on behalf of all the poor, frustrated, expecting people that rocked up last night...dude it might be best if you consider maybe not ever planning a cruise again, hey.... I'm heaps sorry I don't mean to be rude but here's some constructive feedback: 1. Posting the where abouts of the cruise over the forum? We might as well just hand our keys over to the cops in the future yeah? For the people who questioned the directions of the cruise and to the organiser for posting it....... cops read the forums, everyone knows that, that's how they fill their quota!!! The whole point of a cruise is running it wether its NoR or SoR...we're in Perth guys not freakin Sydney it's not that bloody big!! And if you really desperately need to know how far NoR or Sor it goes try a PM to the organiser ??? Wow.... Rocket Science hey! 2. Starting a cruise that early and in hillarys? I dont' think many people enjoyed driving up Hepburn with the 7.30 sun and also wasn't much time for people to finish work, chillax and then head to a cruise that far out. 3. Maps? What'd you print like 10? If you were expecting a massive turn out and the turn out ended up being only average...why did you run out of maps?!?!?! 4. Structure of Map. Hands up who got lost the minute we left Hillarys? After ending in some over sized U Turn at Perry Lakes, about 7 cars (that I was with) decided to bail and head to Emporers Cruise. 5. No Stops? Why were there no stops?????? ....... ................ Mods, please take note I'm only trying to provide constructive feedback and not having a go because I am sure allot of people will second what I've said, and like I also said, didn't mean to be rude but I lost over a quarter tank of fuel on that pointless, ridiculous run and it was extremely dissapointing hey !! How ever it was good to see a few people, hadnt' seen in a while and to see Kelly's sexc V35 with the virginal cherrys lol ***My vote is for Sw33t to run another cruise!!!!
  23. that was only the fourth time, btu thats what I'm sayign! It's never anything serious! I've never had a fine, never lost a demerit! I'm an Angel
  24. ctruises are mroe fun when the words been spread and it's not 'skylines only'
  25. lol hair extensions, house of earnest, $180 fake boobs, bras'n'things, $30 being a chick in an import and getting away with anything, priceless
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