Last night, leaving the Saint, I rushed into the roundabout to go right and cut a 4wd off, I look in my rear view to see flash9ing lights on an undercover d's dash, so I pulled over. The cop walks over flashlight in the car and OMG it was tottalllllyyyyy the dark cop from Super Troopers!!!!!!!!!! I started laughing straight away, cop goes "oh wow car full of girls, my mate here said 'look car full of boys, pull them over', but it's our lucky night!!" I was like "NO! Your mate said 'oh look import! Pull them over!!" The cops started laughing and are like "oh come on it's not really like that!! Anyway we're just doing random breath tests tonight" and I'm like "what? in an undercover car? suuure but yeah only had red bull tonight" and then he asked me if my rims were legal? I'm like 'umm...yeah' and then they wouldn't leave they kept talking to us randomly, 'where yous off to', heaps bizarre! The girls were laughing and flirting with them and the cop was asking me about the paint job and all this stuff I was like "dude can I go now?"
Man best cops ever hey! They were heaps funny, he was swearing and laughing along with us about cops pulling over improts and all!
Mean while across town someone was being stabbed. At least we know priority one is to flirt with the three girls in the colourful import lol