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Everything posted by MeLSki

  1. Last night, leaving the Saint, I rushed into the roundabout to go right and cut a 4wd off, I look in my rear view to see flash9ing lights on an undercover d's dash, so I pulled over. The cop walks over flashlight in the car and OMG it was tottalllllyyyyy the dark cop from Super Troopers!!!!!!!!!! I started laughing straight away, cop goes "oh wow car full of girls, my mate here said 'look car full of boys, pull them over', but it's our lucky night!!" I was like "NO! Your mate said 'oh look import! Pull them over!!" The cops started laughing and are like "oh come on it's not really like that!! Anyway we're just doing random breath tests tonight" and I'm like "what? in an undercover car? suuure but yeah only had red bull tonight" and then he asked me if my rims were legal? I'm like 'umm...yeah' and then they wouldn't leave they kept talking to us randomly, 'where yous off to', heaps bizarre! The girls were laughing and flirting with them and the cop was asking me about the paint job and all this stuff I was like "dude can I go now?" Man best cops ever hey! They were heaps funny, he was swearing and laughing along with us about cops pulling over improts and all! Mean while across town someone was being stabbed. At least we know priority one is to flirt with the three girls in the colourful import lol
  2. aww Yeah Dan.... I didn't think of that
  4. I've got the best one: [LSTCONTRL] Nooooo! I'm getting it! Don't touch!
  5. lol Bubba, Dan, i fully mega lol'd...
  6. www.photobucket.com.au ??
  7. Patzy no pic of the 33!!!??
  8. this might help ya a little as soem of these aren't taken yet! http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Hu...es-t161298.html
  9. MeLSki

    A Duck

  10. I want to change my pic!!! lol that's my pic on my sau profile, so here's a newer pic of me and my loverr: and before my works Gala Dinner (after some very intense consultations about hair extensions, fake tans and dress choices from Kelly) :
  11. Tom.... you are sooooooo the 'mate' who loves Dusk
  12. No way I've got the best plate and you'd be an idiot to not get this... [iLUVMELSKI] ... or... [iLUVAXEL]..???? ... win?
  13. Kelski, I'll let you and Dan know tomorrow morn bout the lift yeh? Pretty sure it'll be fine the other two are coming from Duncraig and not sure if they are coming or not, so should be cool bananas
  14. hmmm...... My Gaydar is going skitz atm aye
  15. Just get something random like [ZJSIVGL3Z] i saw [bLOND3] or something on an excel the other wek and the plates were upside down!! Classic
  16. get [LITARD] it'll be bombed n sh!t trust me....
  17. ok no... that's too much
  18. Congratz Guys! Best Wishes
  19. Thanks Guys for the tips! Terrence? What colour and how much? (PM Me! THanks ) And Pat, what if I can get black skirts the first time then just get them sprayed later ?
  20. sooo skirts and pods it is...leave black for now till I can afford the respray....sound liek a plan? And yeah Fane that front bar is the same as mine, can u please pm me details of where u got ur side skrits (if u got them?)
  21. Kelly is it going back to Tenagah on friday? Might see ya there! Thats when mine's going in!! Was going to come say Hi to you last saturday on the cruise, at teh WHitfords stop, but Jordan wouldn't let me he spoils all my fun!!
  22. the Pubs are a sausage fest? ...... why have I not been going to joondalup pubs.....
  23. but it's going to cost soooo much *cries* maybe get rid of the harl' and get back to black lol sif too hard... and ok n00b quesion here... wtf re pods?!?!
  24. yeah i love the side skirts, heaps want them i think they kinda give that finished look, but with the harl' it might look odd, like out of place
  25. nice interior! cept the seat covers See u on a cruise!!
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