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Everything posted by MeLSki

  1. Oh!!!! That was soooo below the belt!
  2. What do u mean for a ladies car....it's not a ladiescar it's a SH!TBOX? And swooshing is fine?....but it's never doen it before up until satruday....i swear it's comign from the exhaust when it first happened i thought I'd popped a tyre
  3. Ok....so update on the bunky! To all you Einsteins who said: "Get a new car" thankyou for your highly intelligent, genious input....how ever, noticable to some, I am more than obviously in the process of doing this..so please stop hammering me with your overwhelming brain power!! Anyways...more to the point...the bunky is now making a "shooosh" sound every nwo and then when I accelerate. I can't pin point any pattern, it just happens randomly. it soudns liek the exhaust, but it's pretty scary! Please help! I really need to keep this running to get em from A to B at least till I get finance!!!
  4. I never use the "whatever. i dont care" line!!! When m,y (non-existant) bf says "Im thinking of agoing for a few beers with the boys". I straight away breathe a sigh of relief and my brain goes "omfg YESSSS! Wine with the girls" ......... I never tell a guy they can't go out with the boys...that's like writing ur own relationship break up!
  5. We do tell you guys the problem!!! And yous go "uhh i don't get it" it's like omfg why don't you go hutn or somethign neanderthal! I'm so tired of guys! I'm a guy-chick I dont' care what my (non-existant) bf does its like "as logn as ur happy babe" and then they're like "you never let me do anything!" and I'm liek huh? What drives me mental is they are so many messed up biatches out there that cotnrol their boys to the point the guy cuts sick and breaks loose then they coem across a chick like me and expect that im a psycho like those ones so they go off at me for doing nothing. Most guys should be greatful to get a chick like me, i love cars (and not just sit itn the passenger seat) i can actually do stuff!! i love video games, i don't care much for gay movies like the notebook, i watch the footy, i cook & clean, I go otu with the girls, I like my own space, a bf's night out with the boys is my time to go crazywith the girls!! But nooooooo I still get treated like I'm some wickid witch of the west Now explain that to me boys And I'm getting ganged up on now!
  6. r u kiddin... they're jerks! I work in the city so it's easier to catch the bus and I get on in heels and as i got to walk down the aisle...they take of real quick and then giggle in the rear view as I go flat on my face!!! Then they splash puddles on u!!!
  7. Hahaha but they are! All these rules! And then you tell them something and they go "i don't understand what ur so upset about" it's like ummm idiot I just told you! Yep guys are confusing and complex because they can't just be themselves they've got all these social rules lol
  8. I'm really sorry I know I shouldn't be reading this...being female and all..but it makes me laugh... guys are so confusing and complex! For example: 25: The girl who replies to the question 'What do you want for Christmas?' with 'If you loved me, you'd know what I want!' gets an Xbox 360 End of story. .......I would LOVE an X Box 360 for christmas...in fact I'd probably cry with joy! 23: It is acceptable for you to drive her car. It is not acceptable for her to drive yours. ......and what about when you're a better driver than him? or when he's drunk? Or when you.....steal his keys lo
  9. Oh!!! u nasty! lol They don't deseve nice days! Bus drivers are horrible people!!!
  10. My ex has his licence suspended for life for being a hoon to many times and then continuing to drive without a licence. He drives a honda civic at the moment and brags bout how he can it up to 8gram...on Grand Promenade DIANELLA!!! Where al lthe oldies live all because he fell asleep at the wheel and drove his r32 into the back of another car so now he flogs the civic. He messed me around heaps so I'm reeeeally tempted to o an anonymous tip to the cops about him hooning and then they'll see his suspension..... perfect revenge on the ex?
  11. I've had it done to me by a bus! I could've stabbed the driver if I'd gotten the chance! I was on my way to meet a guy in the city (for a date haha) and I have really curly hair so I straighten it every day (twice) and I thort I was lookin pretty hot and thsi stu[id bus got me head to toe and of course only half my hair got wet so only half went curly and the other half stayed straight. I didn't go to the date, I went home! Stupid bus and puddle!! I cried! :'(
  12. Hahaha true true! I'll walk you's there? lol
  13. Ok cool, cheers for the info!
  14. Dammit... the noise has stopped.... now my car won't start without a jump! I've checked the battery filled up with distilled water and checked the leads... everything seems fine! It's all buggered!
  15. Awww I'm a pretty lady now am I? Haha And OI! I do get dirty with my car!! Last week I'd just had my nails done and I got a nail in my tyre so I changed it all by myself!!! And to prove it...I stuffed one of my nails up cos they weren't dry yet but it didn't matter cos my car could drive again!!! Aaaaand I ended up with black stuff on my face. I rocked up at my friends "girls nite" and they were like "melskis playing cars again" lol So yeah umm...if someone could help me that'd be awsome! I'm in Yokine...
  16. OMFG My hero! lol why didn't I think of that! Just burn it....and walk away... haha
  17. Well thank god I have that spare wheel in my loungeroom.... haha just kidding...i think I'll get one of the boys to do it...I'm so not risking crushing my pretty face lol
  18. Ok, great cheers for the advice! Might have to pay ur mate Raj a visit soemtime too
  19. Everyone's told me not to do that because it's dangerous?
  20. Hmm...well thats what it sounds like...but like I said no power steering
  21. Pffft! Yeah right! No!! if it had power steering it wouldn't be so much of a bunky! lol Why?
  22. It doesn't have problems =( my flying gherkin is just havign a bad week!!!! lol but how the hell do you get under it to do the oil change? I don't have a front lawn! And I'll end up hurting myself....btw I've never doen an oil change before. I just googled it so I know what to do haha
  23. Meh too hard...I'm too lazy for all that effort!
  24. I had a horrible week with the Ford Meteor which I have affectionately named the "Flying Gherkin" (you have no idea how bad I'm hanging to get rid of this piece of sh!t and replace with a real car!). Firstly it wouldn't start every morning and had to jump it. So I filled distilled water in the battery. Then it was makign this grinding sound and I realised there was this massive nail on the inner of the back right passenger tyre. Then it started overheating (in winter lol) so I drained the crappy coolant and put some fresh stuff in. I know its due for an oil change but I can't afford to take it to a mechanic and I don't have any ramps to do it myself (and no one I know has any). Now it's makign this constant sound thats kind of like a fluttering type of rattling. When I first got given the sh!tbox my ex unclipped the fan because it was doing something to the radiator (i wasn't really listening when he told me because I was playing ps2 lol) and I think that might be responsible for the noise. I have no idea what he unclipped let aloen what it does? I know it was to stop the fan running when the car was idle or something. Oh bugger I don't know, can anyone help me?
  25. omfg !!!!! Eugene? From Hampton???? Hell nice s13 dude! When'd you get that? loves it!! I'm gettin an R32 but the banks are screwing me around for my loan!
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