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Everything posted by MeLSki

  1. "everyone else" being your LAN and world of warcraft friends? jkz
  2. Awww he's beautiful!!!
  3. I believ it's McDonalds that has caused this...it's a mass plan of global domination.... first they supersize us... then steal our money God damn Ronald McDonald....
  4. Completely agree.... computer talk should remain on computers on cars it's fail
  5. What do you mean they got used at risky areas? I thought you were only not safe if there is a skimming device? How'd they get all his details and liek Dan said, how'd they get his phone number? Dude.... I think it was your mum prank calling you PS - Hai Rowan!! lol
  6. where do you reckon you got skimmed?
  7. Congratulations guys! When do we get to see pics of the little one? And I think I missed the post but what name was decided? How exciting x
  8. wow.... this place has gone down hill did you just make a thread to point out that you think your number plate is funny? My rego came the other day as well... two hundred and something or other... grrr feels like I only just paid it
  9. WGMG: People in general.... stoopid people... always around and doing annoying things
  10. Dude, Check your mail! lol how hard did you hit your head? Haha xx

  11. I just rang the Police Station that they said they were from and they literally told me to forget about it. I didnt' get any names, ID's or anything I was that flustered and angry at the situation!!!
  12. WGMG: Lovely Police Officers who try to defect us for factory standard pieces like indicators.... ?!
  13. lol you know what I mean...it was broken down into 3 parts where the cop was just a total PMS'ing drop kick.... her bf probably dumped her and so she was like "look at that biatch in that glitter shitter.... CHARGE!"
  14. AAAAARRRGHHHHH Incident #1 Yesterday I picked up my boyfriend from his work in Malaga, turned right off Beach Road onto Alexander Drive with a police patrol car behind me, next thing the lights go off, so during peak hour traffic and no where safe to pull over, I nodded and waved in the rear view and put my indicator on in recognition that they were pulling me over. The cop lets the siren off and starts tooting at me to pull over, btu there was no where safe to pull over, they cut through traffic and came up along side me and the female officer yells "pull over mate!" and I was like "umm trying to find somewhere safe to pull over, that's why I'm indicating" half way through my sentence the female officer turned and started talking to the other officer, ignoring what I was saying........ biatch much? Incident #2 Eventually I pulled over, the female officer took my licence, and wouldn't tell me why I was beign pulled over, does a licence check while the male officer asked me if my lights were HID, I was like "uhh no?" and turned them on for him. The female officer came back and told me she couldn't see my front P plate properly even though they were in a patrol behind me?!?! And then told me I needed a permit for my modifications. I was like "ok" then she said my front fog lights next to the indicators aren't factory (even though they are a factory stock standard option) and that my tint was too dark, my 3in canon is too big and my boot..... now this is the beautiful one.... my boot has been de winged and so where the boot sits lower than the rear of the car.... makes my boot UNROAD WORTHY!!!!!!!! WTF!!!!!!! Incident #3 I was getting so amped up and started arguing with the cop, because she said in her opinion I should receive a yellow sticker (she hadn't asked me to lift my bonnet and hadn't even walked down the drivers side of my car) and I told her I wasn't arguing with her, I was explaining that half the things she was pointing out were factory standard! And then....because she was sooooo professional.... she grunted at me and stormed off to her patrol, sat in the passenger seat and SULKED! Wtf? The male cop came over and told me to go over the pits just to be safe and take the paperwork into the Ballajura Police Station and they'll remove the 'caution' off my vehicle. I didn't get a yellow stickers, no ticket, no paper work NOTHING! I rang the pits and they literally laughed at me and said "we can't book you in, your car is registered and not defected" WTF !!!!!!
  15. That's insane, I got a txt about it, hope you find it dude!!! Good luck!! it was insured though yeah?
  16. +1 Good call Scottski
  17. Rowana! I'll try make it asap dude and I'll bring my girlies .... just can't this week or next week
  18. Talladega Nights “If my MTV career doesn’t work out, I was thinking about buying a gun.. and selling crack. I would be like a friendly crack dealer, though. Nothing too formal. I’d just be like ‘What’s up? Want some crack?’” “I’m on fire! I’m on fire! Help me Jesus! Help me Jewish god! Help me Tom Cruise! Tom Cruise use your witchcraft to get the fire off of me!” “I’m all jacked up on Mountain Dew” “Shut up you little potlicker, I oughta put you in a microwave” “I’m gonna come at you like a spider-monkey”
  19. She must've been a minger
  20. sex talk keeps it hawt lol check events and member section for cruises, or Nightcruisers is run every first and third saturday of the month at City West
  21. Isn't there already one of these in the members area?
  22. lol this is the funniest cruise thread I've read *shakes head* tsk tsk little kiddies. Glad you decided against Northbridge omg and Rockeby Road? Wooo Speed Bumps ftl !!! I won't make it to this one it looks like a fail Best advice I and anyone on here would give you (as I think it's been previously mentioned) make sure you run the cruise before you post it, you'll know what does and doesnt' work! If you have a 'bright' idea like ermm crowded places, go run it on a friday or saturday night, if you see the obstacle and difficulty for your own car (times that by 50 - 100 cars), then be realistic and realise it's going to fail and you won't look liek a bunch of try hard kids trying to make a cruise name for yourselves... If this one goes well and gets good feeback, I'll come on the next Good luck
  23. Bottom Line: Cruises are fun, if you do the right thing you'll be fine, if you act like a dick, that's your problem, yeah you'll get stickered, fined whatevz, if you're too pussy to cruise, then don't
  24. pfft, I made you biatch lol jkz I failed I'm afraid of heights k
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