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Everything posted by MeLSki

  1. All my pics are now up
  2. wow...I just noticed how many replies this thread has
  3. I'll be there
  4. sowie bubba
  5. lol Tom you're so random dude
  6. Nah don't think she is, you would have to ask Trent (Dearlove) seeing his lovely girlfriend helped out. How ever are you guys illiterate? Seeing that I clearly mentioned in the first post of the pix: "It was my dodgy camera"
  7. and the douchebag who hit the pole:
  8. more.....
  9. Hey guys, I finally got the pix from the cruise sorted out. They're all from the Dogswamp Meetpoint and reeeeally blurry (except the ones of my car lol) so I'm sorry about that! It was my dodgy camera. But thanks to Trent (Dearlove)'s GF for the pix she was like my little assistant lol (oh and there's quite a few sorry):
  10. That's what I thought dude I was sure it was 4pm finish for Drift
  11. I like Nightcruisers, I like the mix of cars... though Hills runs are fun
  12. dude, it's same night as Nightcruisers, you might want to rethink the date
  13. You knwo I'm there Reece Benson if we leave Drift at 4 we'll make it in time dude
  14. We didn't see any cops by the time we had left. When I hit a pole in my bunky the pole snapped on half and blocked three lanes of traffic and took out another car and the cops took an hour and a half to show up so it's not surprising they didn't show for that twat! I might be planning another cruise around Marchish I'm thinkin
  15. Yay I'm so glad it went well and everyone had fun. Sorry about the dyslexic right/left thing, was just testing ya's lol yay I had a ball thanks everyone for the support, you guys were great!! Scott post up the rest of the pics !!! Thanks Nath!! Man it was exhausting and stressful enough planning this cruise my mouth got me in so much trouble bagging out other cruises lol so I was sh!t scared of coming on here today hahaha so I think it'll be a while before I plan another lol See Scott....I'm not all talk Yeah man you never coughed that $5 up either hahahahah
  16. Yeah that's what I thought lol but they're pretty good guys hey pretty respectful wickid Bubba should be good hope u can make it
  17. we don't leave till 9 so you should have time. If you need the second meet point, pm Benson haha
  18. pfft I'll enter show and shine with you Benson, dont' listen to them who cares if you don't win, it feels nice seeing people admire your baby!! I'm in but you already know that Dani
  19. I'm hoping so I had to have this weekend, last weekend was MV09 and next friday I want to go watch drift and I'm not keen on saturday cruising so yeah I hope it's a good turn out mym outh has gotten me into trouble in the past so I hope I can live up to it hahaha
  20. lol you guys are funni Nath, thanks for taking Benson and Co and yes I can't wait to see the sexifiro lol my calaisturbo.com mates are all like "aww I don't want to get stickered cos of your ricer friends" and I'm like "ummm you gusy are half rice" lol jkz Nathan you might scare them haha That's a shame the beast is away Scott, but yeah be good to meet you. Just so you all know I won't have access AT ALL to the internet tomorrow so if you ned my mobile number for the cruise, pm me your email addy !! Benson, are you able to keep an eye on the thread for me tomorrow and sms me if anyone needs anything? Cheers buddy! Can't wait guys!
  21. Mods, are you able to please add into the initial post that I can't PM and if peopel want info to PM me their email? Much appreciated
  22. Dan, I've sent you an email of screen shots for examples of what happens and I've deleted my inbox and outbox. Kym.... didn't you know the second meetpoint is your place?? haha
  23. Ok guys I can't PM, I don't have the net at home and for some reason I can't send or reply to PM's I've tried to let the mods know and ask how it can be fixed but I've had no response at all. Soooo if you need info then PM me your email address so I can response via email! Cheers (so Teo {hotchoc}) that's including your PM dude and btw nah I don't work at Westsh!tnet anymore lol:)
  24. This is true Patty but no cutting me off this tiem just kiddin brutha!! lol K Guys I ran the cruise last weekend and maps all printed ready to go Yayyy!
  25. Benson! Brandon! You guys better be there!!!
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