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Everything posted by bozodos

  1. well its more probably an attempt at friendly recognition those who have chosen to drive a grey import rather than a grandpa spec Corolla or average joe falcondore
  2. The maintenence would be a bitch on the M3 but it would be a worthy opponent to a GT-R, probably would outclass most RB20DET Skylines though.
  3. Something dosen't sound right if you're being offered an R32 GTS-T and a BMW M3 E36 for similar money. I love Nissans, but if the E36 was genuinely cheap then I'd be getting it in a heartbeat!
  4. I've seen a couple of RB30E + T still going strong a couple of years later, pinging is the main issue due to higher compression of course.
  5. are the heads identical too?
  6. yeah I don't see the point in 'owning' a house just for owning it's sake (unless I had a shedload of disposable income). banks are funny old things - they were only too happy to hand over to me 20k plus to buy my R32 (didn't get the maximum obviously, and also told them that I was going to buy an R32 Skyline with the money) when all I had was my VN still on finance and was an apprentice living at mum n dads house, and gave my mate 25k when all he had was a VL Calais to his name lol also living at home, my GF goes to get 3.5k after the Global Financial Crisis (working permanent part time for over a year + owns her own VW Beetle n living with the parents), and gets knocked back even by the financial advisor types who try and get you the best deal from a whole portfolio of lenders!
  7. is the main torrent getting around still just the pre release Steam version, and has any cracks been made for it? I was almost going to download it, but fark all seeders + no cracks means either I'll buy the 360 version or wait until there is a Skullptura / Reloaded release
  8. I personally wouldn't buy a rim that I couldn't see in the metal beforehand (excluding brand new), and I think that Nisskid was generally referring to rims that were being sold by traders of repute - if you're gonna be buying them through Yahoo Auctions JP, then its like any other online auction; caveat emptor.
  9. They should make importing Cefiros illegal due to the kind of people who buy them
  10. short of writing the facts down on a wooden stake and literally bashing them into your heads with a hammer, I don't think that there is any other way that Gary is going to be able to get the facts into some of your very thick skulls
  11. Interesting question lol. Well mine has a Stagea RB25DET + gearbox (bought the car with it, but would have love to have seen how on earth they sourced a manual stag series 1 box!)
  12. the other thing is that there is a lot of niche clubs - in Mildura in the past month alone we have seen meets for the Eureka Club (Pretty sure it was around 700 made total!) and a some 30's model Citroen Club! I think it could be a workable idea, though it would be kind of different to the R31 club in that there was no mass produced Aussie version of the R32. But then what about a GT-R club, or an 80's Import Club, or an R33 Club etc lol. I am sceptical that this would actually get off the ground, but it would be cool
  13. I tend to find that the true enthusiasts stick with them and those who aren't as passionate move on
  14. that Iprimus 102 gb or whatever it is plan, meters traffic in both directions (bad for constant seeding), and if you hit EITHER the off or on peak limit of 51gb you get capped.
  15. meh with MW thats ALL I get generally unless I luck out and get matched to an Aussie. Still playable, just have to account for the lag. HAHA @ shit flamin mongrels who go on Xbox Live with modded boxes, its a well known fact that MS ban at random; delayed effect works better for those who would try and circumvent the system, a la the anti cheat system on Steam. One would think that you'd have one xbox to play online and a modded one to play backups, since realistically there's only a handful of games that are big on Xbox Live
  16. don't even need Splitfires, even the cheaper coilpacks do the same thing, they are easy as to install, just need to unplug the old ones from the loom, take em out n put the new ones in!
  17. bozodos


    I do Tokyo Understeer all the time
  18. yeah VH45DE would be fkn awesome, I would do it to mine if I had a pot of gold
  19. apart from the rear muffler which is the size of a BBQ gas bottle lol
  20. which is why I (referring to my previous post) look not EVERY single VL owner is a muzza with a heqtiq "BT1" (usually painted a different shade of yellow LOL) or a bogan whos idea of a fast car is a powerglide, a t3/t4, "kickin out sideways in 3rd" (with 205 wide tyres lol) and a Rajab/JPC/Bresciani tune / motor, but most are - I've been a member of Calais Turbo for 4 odd years and its the overwhelming attitude of this community, not to mention nearly every single VLT around here. Even Skyline owners are bogans these days, at least around these parts, I can count the number of serious enthusiasts I've met on 2 hands lol.
  21. was it a single layer one that was on there?
  22. BTW Terry, you don't see muscle car clubs dwindling in numbers, in fact they import more and more of them! Same goes for hot rod clubs - every meet they have here seems to be growing in numbers!
  23. FYI Scathing, most of the used JDM rims I've seen have been of impeccable quality, one would think that any organic matter would be cleaned off as a matter of course at Customs anyway. I'd rather a quality used part than an el cheapo new one, but a new good quality one is always good
  24. yeah I've had a chunk blow out of the cheap shit gasket that was on my turbo - replaced with a second hand Nissan one lol, still going strong.
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