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Everything posted by bozodos

  1. looks hard on the wrists! Why is it such a good assistance excercise? The crossfitters pitch to me was "come and join us to train functional strength, don't be a 5 day bro split meathead!". Not a fan of the high rep olympic lifting and random workouts they do, but some of the cardio stuff looks like it has potential (apart from the whole burpees thing). They do have much better set up gyms than any of the commercial ones here that seem more interested on cashing in on women feeling guilty than making anyone stronger.
  2. I think the biggest sign was when they took away some of the free weights area to run more classes on and installed more elliptical machines haha. Oh well, another 6 months and I'll probaby be training with the Crossfitters (I've already had some try to convert me lol)
  3. What's so special about the front squat? Apart from it looking like an inherently harder movement than a back squat. We have 170kg of bumper plates in our gym - they are generally only used in the power cage for squats and deadlifts / shrugs etc (until idiots pinch them for the smith machine).
  4. I meant over becoming internet famous lol...
  5. I'm surprised you're not getting told off for making your lifters do unsafe things like squats LOL
  6. has he been copping much shit over this?
  7. sure is, ironically it seems to be the most viewed PTC video, and I've seen it posted around various fitness sites like /fit/ lol
  8. hahaha nice promotion there for Markos
  9. that's one of the reasons I don't use the one at our gym - not enough plates to go around + spend 10 minutes wandering around looking for them.
  10. wouldn't you just squat more instead of using leg press? or do lunges? That's what I do, and it saves a lot of time loading dozens of plates on!
  11. at least the guy was showing concern for your safety instead of just potentially letting yourself get into snap city i guess.
  12. I did some strongman training with a mate who does that / powerlifting on the weekend - the whole tyre flipping, keg pressing, stone moving sled pulling type routine. it was good fun apart from showing up a lack of conditioning on my part! Also managed to do a PB of 170x2 deadlifts during the same session! It helped a lot being shown how to position my feet properly and keeping my arms closer in to my body. as if not have hyphy mud as a pre trainer!
  13. yeah even our crappy gym has some all ABC bars albeit very beat up ones. Only gyms in town with new weights are the Crossfit ones haha.
  14. I would have thought that any bar bought from a reputable supplier would not bend under any normal amount of weight used at a gym. Even the ghetto old bars at our gym are straight! My gym has also opened up a new facility... that is only open to those with personal training and only has treadmills and Nautilus machines, but all brand new gear at that.
  15. i think you'll find that some commercial gyms don't want serious lifters - after the weights room at ours was shrunk AGAIN much to the anger of all of us regulars, one of my training partners was told by an employee that the management did not care for the free weights users or investing in any more equipment / room for them as he makes all of his money out of the group fitness classes. I think you mean anabolic rather than catatonic btw Birds?
  16. no holden = not profitable for the associated industries (i.e the component manufacturers etc), which then leads to it not being profitable for Toyota being the only manufacturer left. The flow on effect would be terrible for our economy, and leave thousands out of work. Compared to most other vehicle manufacturing countries, we subsidize our local companies less and allow far more relaxed rules on imports as well.
  17. that's what I do on the PTC Beginner program on everything but squats and RDLs (2x20 and 3x15 respectively)
  18. thats what I'd always thought in regards to size, pity your mrs does not want you to get any bigger - mine would be content with me having the figure of a curlbro, luckily I don't lift for her (or anyone else but myself!) The days when I feel that I can't be stuffed or too tired etc are the days that I really force myself into the gym and feel better for it mentally as well as physically. Not depending on other people to train with and being self reliant with my training has helped too, especially when partners can be flaky.
  19. that is impressive - had she trained before? Was that just doing your regular beginners workout? I started bench pressing again yesterday - I found that I had to drop a reasonable amount of weight to keep my arms tucked in and not all the way out, but did not get any unnatural feeling in the shoulders thankfully.
  20. I'm inclined to agree there - to me they seem to be a crutch for not enough sleep or food. Thing is though Markos, is it preferable to not go at all if not feeling 100%, or to use caffeinated drinks etc?
  21. No doubt lol. Some people would say that even supplementing with Creatine is not truly 'natty'.
  22. interesting theory
  23. might as well cut to the chase and start pinning. Speaking of which, do pro powerlifters use gear? Probably a Markos question, not judging, genuinely curious.
  24. sounds very bro with the marketing lol, and science to back up the product's claims?
  25. like I said on LS1.com.au, chances are they never seriously expected one of their candidates to land a seat. I think he'll be right, it's obviously caught them unawares.
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