Kinks how does my daily ride have any bearing on a thread about blow off valves? begone troll.
I hate dosing, just makes me think of wankers in VL Turbos, and the noise gets grating on my ears very quickly.
Mine's a Turbosmart Supersonic BOV, I like the sound, and the cops around here have never given a toss about it, and yes ive let it off near them accidentely, but chances are if they are pulling you over to defect you they're going to make something up if they dont find anything anyway. Having the stock crossover pipe helps, if I ever did get defected for it, its easy to swap with the stocker.
Can't find a video of anything that sounds like it, needless to say it dosen't sound like one of those godawful Blitz (or was it HKS? high pitched whistle) ones which sound like something from Need For Speed.