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Everything posted by bozodos

  1. it's funny, I enjoy doing lunges now, I usually do 50 steps with 30kg of plates on my cardio days.
  2. did regular DL today, 110x5, 140x5, 140x5, 140x4 110x5. Very pleased that it's improved.
  3. sounds a bit like the stuff rev is doing, I find that interesting because it is such low reps. Obviously for the very advanced lifters. I did SLDL 85 x 15 3 times tonight, I've noticed two things. I'm getting better at it, and my grip is not the point of failure any more. Going to give regular deadlift a go next time to see how it's improved. I've also decided I want to concentrate on weight loss for now, so I'll keep on with the linear progression as far as I can.
  4. well the 3 mores is something I learned from him FIGJAM, and something I put into practice now, so I'm ALWAYS doing one of them, every single session.
  5. Markos: I was more frustrated at you putting up video after video of your lifters, while telling everyone else that they won't get to this level, combined with your often vague or confusing responses to questions - I think the regulars here all know your credentials with the results that you get from people, and it's why I specifically ask YOU for advice over the millions of fitness blogs, forum threads etc. I know that effort is number 1, all I'm trying to find out is if with my crappy deadlift vs bench and squat, which variant would be more effective for me to get better at deadlifting, rather than potentially wasting time. I'm not after a magic program or anything, and why would I blame you for myself failing? That would be stupidity, and I don't intend to fail. rev:yeah I hear you, but I literally don't have any options other than regular gym training.
  6. Well all I can do is the best that I can isn't it. I'm asking for advice on how to progress myself effectively, not to be constantly reminded that I'll never be up to the standard of a PTC trainee, which is an ongoing thing with you in all of the fitness threads. You can spam all the youtube links that you like, but it's hardly inspiring when you follow it up with "oh but unless you train at a PTC, don't even HOPE to get near this". You may consider it a realistic outlook, but regardless how is that of any use to any of us. I don't have any strength coaches or gyms to train at, so I'm simply after advice that I can implement by myself.
  7. since you're around Markos, to improve my fairly ordinary deadlift, and I best off sticking with the 3 x 15 SLDL, or should I do shorter sets with more weight of regular deadlift?
  8. maybe I've been deadlifting wrong :S
  9. Does no one bother competing in the heavier weight classes any more?
  10. well a protein drink is not a full meal replacement but most of us don't have a gym with a fridge and microwave to eat straight after, I personally have a shake straight away, then a meal 30 minutes or so after. And no we're not all experts - if any of us were training at a PTC we would be asking a lot of these questions at the gym rather than here You've gotta remember that most of us have been fed a steady stream of stuff about the "benefits" of doing bodypart splits, eating funky diets and the joys of cable crossover machines. When I tell people I've switched to the PTC beginner routine and explain what it is, I tend to get polite scoffing in reply to the fact that I'm doing full body, and doing all 3 major compound lifts on the same days. So far I feel like I'm actually making progress after plateauing out, and it's giving me clear goals to hit every time I walk into the gym. You'd know better than anyone that the fitness industry is full of broscience and ill informed people, and the misinformation tends to get perpetuated.
  11. dosen't everyone at your gym run on a program set by you or one of your coaches? Also wouldn't everyone either be eating or having protein shakes post workout? Do you mean that your regular lifters don't pay the same amount of attention to nutrition as the powerlifters?
  12. try to go for more reps at lower or more sets or less reps more weight usually.
  13. I thought 'hip drahve' was more in relation to squats than DL
  14. have a read of the pdf on the first page of this thread if you want any more reason to doubt Paleo http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=154123511&page=1
  15. IIFYM is pretty much a cult on Bodybuilding.com I've noticed. Same as Paleo is the Crossfit darling. I'm currently eating a LOT of protein, low carb, minimal processed stuff. Will give it a few more weeks before making a comment on effectiveness.
  16. back started to get really tight during SLDL tonight, so only did sets of 10 vs 15 (and felt like a pussy because of it!) OTOH, I did 2 x 20 @ 120kg squats, but my form was starting to suffer, so might not up the weight until I can get both sets perfect. I did manage to finish the PTC beginner workout in 45 minutes by myself though, which could possibly explain why I had such trouble on the SLDL (not enough rest maybe). Feeling a lot better already since starting this program - dosen't feel like I'm wasting time at the gym 2 days out of 5.
  17. lookin' swole Birdy! I think blah_blah is talking about the IIFYM devotees who post about eating icecream and other random stuff creatively fitted into their macros on bodybuilding.com Markos. I was under the impression that 6% = serious discipline and dieting.
  18. this might be a question for Markos, but with stiff legged deadlifts, is the bar meant to stay in contact with your body all the way down, and is it meant to touch the floor on each rep?
  19. yeah I'll probably grab that shortly - I really wanted to watch it at the cinema first though.
  20. it's hard to tell, but like I said, I'll give it a few weeks on what I'm doing now to see if there's any difference. I'd say that ultimately bodyfat percentage would be the best measure.
  21. it came out in the US months ago - I chose to wait for it at the cinema here rather than watch a crappy cam version. weighed myself again, still at the same point as the last 3 weeks or so, given recent diet and training changes I'll check again in a few more weeks!
  22. isn't that guy also a bodybuilder? I was showing a mate a video of him to prove that powerlifting and aesthetics were not mutually exclusive haha
  23. went to the premiere of Pain and Gain at the local cinema last night, nearly the entire audience was the swole guys from the gym who also lift 5 days a week + the "natty" bodybuilding crew from the other gym. Good movie, was surprised to see compound movements featured a lot, 10/10 lols
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