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Everything posted by bozodos

  1. Cheers Leesh - fwiw, I think that the assisted chin / dip machine that I've been using for the past year is only helpful until a certain point rather than just slowly building up reps on the whole movements.
  2. yeah 5/3/1 is probably a bit heavy on volume compared to a 'proper' powerlifting routine where there is weeks of doing triples, doubles or singles at 90+% of 1RM. There is a variant for PL though. I started doing BBB this week, so far so good. Also managed to get out 6 single neutral grip chinups unassisted. Pretty stoked given that I weigh 122kg.
  3. I'd be pissing off the preacher curls - not good for your arms. Do standing ones (I prefer straight bar but not everyone has the wrist flexibility). Basically there is too many exercises with too much volume, and compounds should be done first, and heaviest, not at the end of a workout. I personally hate calf raises - you can do them til the cows come home, and I can bet you your legs won't grow appreciably at all. 20 rep squats at light weight are a good way to ensure that you're not going to be putting more weight on the bar effectively either. That is in regards to Hazjaz btw. The reason we keep going on about it is because Hazjaz is obviously a beginner in terms of results and type of programming; trying to adapt advanced / intermediate routines for beginners and majoring in the minor shit is a fail, I know this from personal experience. Generally leg machines are used as the assistance lifts to the big one - the squat. If you want to specialise in just growing muscles that's fine, but it's not the best method to take when starting out, and it's not as efficient as building up a decent amount of strength first.
  4. I'd suggest putting the whole DC training thing on pause until you've trained on a 3 day a week beginner program and built some more strength up first. That looks like a fairly meh workout to me; lots of little assistance things with squats at the end, while you're a beginner you might as well take advantage of the fact that you recover quicker than a more experienced trainee.
  5. pls explain Tolga? looked interesting though I'm not a huge fan of stimulant based pre workouts
  6. possibly one of your mufflers is no longer functional - when I used to run straight pipe on my R32 it developed a noticable turbo whistle, mainly at idle though.
  7. there's a few getting around - the S13, 14 and FC / FD swaps are fairly common over in the US though and have commercially available kits. There's also a few guys on here doing conversions - Captain Natro has an R33 with an auto. I'd say you'd need custom engine mounts, headers and tailshaft for starters, but I've seen LS engines in HR31 - R34 so it'll fit!
  8. I did notice I'd calculated my progression a tad too high, will see how it pans out for the rest of this cycle. 531 calcs are made a lot easier by using this calculator http://blackironbeast.com/5/3/1/calculator Yeah T Nation has started to fall into that trap by having contradictory articles and yeah plugging thier obviously garbage supps non stop - they were good when they had lots of articles by Rippetoe and Wendler - their current stuff, especially by Amit Sapir and Christian Thibadeux I find to be mostly garbage. Same as for most of the recent EliteFTS articles.
  9. I'd been thinking of changing to BBB for my assistance as only squatting once a week and doing 2 days of a lot of upper body assistance is starting to make my squat lag (2 failed reps in the last 3 weeks); I can't do the prescribed front squats at the weights mentioned yet. Frustrating as I enjoy doing chins, dips and db rows, but I'd rather the main lifts not suffer. Unfortuantely all of the helpful advice on BB.com is drowned out by the supplement shills and groupthink mentality (especially when it comes to anything deviating from IIFYM). Also the perpetuation of the notion that natty beginners should be training like experienced BB'ers on serious gear cycles.
  10. thing is though, a beginner has a much better ability to recover than a more advanced lifter, due to lighter weights and rate of adaption. Therefore he could get away with squatting 2 or 3 times a week. It's why 5/3/1 for beginners has 2x each main lift a week for example.
  11. DC is kind of advanced for where he's at, i'd suggest PTC Beginner routine - 3x10 squat 3x8 Bench, OHP, bent over row, Stiff leg Deadlift, barbell curl (I did Romanian for mine because the definitions vary) do this 3 times a week and do some sprints/hill/stair runs if you like. Add 2.5kg per workout or per week depending on how fast you progress. Do this for a few months and see how you go. Possibly the easiest to remember and follow beginner strength routine. Of course you can always do Starting Strength or 5/3/1 for beginners, but they have a bit more thought involved. Diet is also important, .8-1g/kg bodyweight per day is a good starting guide for most. As for more specific dieting advice, well that's a controversy all of it's own.
  12. as I said on another forum, the only people I've ever seen with big calves are serious bodybuilders (i.e. on insulin) and fat people.
  13. You'd be suprised how many people train like this. hazjaz: what do you squat, bench and deadlift for a 1 rep max (or 5 whatever), and what is your bodyweight?
  14. Z28 Camaro is faster than both. Typical LS master race powered car /thread
  15. I do have a lot of love for BN - I consume a kilo every 10 days or so! Finding a weird thing with the current WPC where it mixes awesome with water, but fairly meh with milk, especially the Coffee flavour. Opposite with the WPI though. Got Generation Iron, still haven't watched ,as the waifu refuses to watch it with me. Might watch it at work so I can have my colleagues ask me why I'm watching dudes in speedos lol On a positive note, the gym manager has told me that liquid chalk is fine with their insurance company, but no regular chalk. Apparetnly it was a fine layer on the floor that caused the fall. Whether it's true or not is a moot point I guess, at least it means I won't have to find $2k just yet for a home setup.
  16. I agree - I think the actual story is that someone is either feeding them a line, or they're lying so that they don't have to clean it up. If they don't allow me to at least try liquid chalk, I'll be cancelling my membership.
  17. yeah I reckon it's a bullshit pretense to ban it - the floor of the weights room is smooth rubber matting, but even so. The only places I've ever seen it accumulate are next to the power rack pins, at the head of the benches and right next to the leg of the curl rack.
  18. got told tonight that someone has slipped on some chalk dust at the gym and hurt themselves, so I can no longer use it, going to see the manager about using liquid chalk tomorrow, but failing that I guess I'll have to become home gym master race. FML
  19. He dosen't drive an LS powered 86 therefore he is a noob
  20. Ah yes it seems that the PDF I have is a scan and not an ebook! What a conundrum Terry - I'd be looking into an iPad app (if practical) or eBook verson that could be shared between devices, as it's not a cheap read! I thought you were an alternative therapist rather than mental health though? The latest DSM does seem to draw flak from some professionals about it 'pathologising normal behaviour', I'm not involved in that field, so can't really comment without having read it all.
  21. why's that Tezza?
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