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Everything posted by bozodos

  1. pretty sure we even discussed that accident ITT lol.
  2. nah it's actually because it's still relatively babby weight compared to my squat and DL. 85kg for reps is lightweight baby!
  3. 2-3 minutes for heavy compounds, ~1 minute for assistance for me Dan, depends on how hard I'm breathing as squats require the most rest, and bench the least.
  4. many of the PTC deadlift videos I've seen have upper back rounding to some degree - the peanut gallery on YouTube is always quick to point this out too
  5. i'm talking really arched, for entire sets, not 1RM upper back rounding, but yeah I know what you mean.
  6. yeah hip position change. I used it today, worked well, but my form is quite shit trying to keep the glutes squeezed while doing it. saw the regular curlbros doing deadlifts for once today, 170kg with completely rounded back. I really wanted to tell them that they were cruising towards snap city, but I thought that these two jersey shore wannabes would likely tell the fat guy who squats 3 times a week to f**k off and mind his own business.
  7. ah yeah fair enough. I do like that Rip posts on his own forum frequently and yeah I like him and Jim Wendler's No BS, straight talking approach (which was why I also liked the PTC Newsletters and Markos' very dry humour). I still haven't read Starting Strength in its entirety - next up is the 5/3/1 book as I'm intending to start in the next week or so. I did have question relating to Rip's methods (for the more experienced here) - Is it ok to keep the back neutral and thrust with the upper legs for OHP like Rip teaches, or is that defeating the purpose of the press (legs shoulder width apart, pressing from the chest, not a push press)? It would certainly make it easier to get it out of the bottom. There strangely enough doesn't seem to be much of an online presence for health and fitness forums in Australia (unless I'm missing something). There is Bodybuilding.com, but their forums are full of broscience phds, blind devotion to IIFYM, supplement company shills (and rajab forbid you ever say anything negative about any supplement ever) and tools. I do like select content there though, like Alan Aragon's writeups.
  8. I don't post on there Tolga - I joined it to see if Markos had any more wisdom to share, but it's mainly relating to GPC stuff that is of no interest to me. I sometimes read the Starting Strength forum, but threads tend to derail after 2 or 3 pages
  9. AusBB, ProRaw (but never posted because there's bugger all content on there), /fit/
  10. yet you can buy them freely in Canada lol. R32s would be 25 years old now....
  11. in reference to the Blood Type Diet (and author) "A search of PubMed under the author's name does not yield any peer-reviewed articles with data to support his claims. For example, his claim that elderberry can be used as a remedy for the common flu lacks scientific evidence and may be misleading." "D'Adamo claims many ABO specific lectins exist in foods.[1]:23 This claim is unsubstantiated by established biochemical research, which has found no differences in the reactions of lectins with human ABO types. Research shows that lectins specific to a particular ABO type are generally not found in foods (with several rare exceptions, e.g., the Lima bean) and that lectins with ABO specificity are more frequently found in non-food plants or animals." also http://ajcn.nutrition.org/content/98/1/99 lol @ Tolga
  12. they're all way too small though
  13. it's paleo training brah - cavemen didn't have shoes that guy in the pic above appears to either have lost the genetic lottery or has too much estrogen
  14. which is a joke really, if I dropped a 20 on my foot it's going to break it no matter what I'm wearing. If my gym banned chalk I'd cancel my membership
  15. yeah well I suppose in the context of you playing a sport it makes sense Birds. alr33x: gym staff member noticed it. Surprising to only get told off now given that I've been doing it for quite a while, starting to get over this particular gym though - they're making it pretty obvious that they don't want serious lifters there apart from bodybuilding pretty boys.
  16. I dunno man - the only time I'm putting a heavy barbell on my back or picking one up off the floor is at the gym...
  17. I've already got a pair coming lol. Yeah well they're really just to cover my feet, if I could I'd squat and DL in bare feet. Feels really f**king wrong in trainers now. Got a few other guys squatting in their socks too now.
  18. got told off for squatting in socks today - put my shoes back on and did 4 reps before chucking the bar back in the hooks - f**k that. Hopefully my Chuck Taylor's turn up soon.
  19. Yep seen enough failures of Greens on various RAIDS - the speculation is that the drive's powerdown energy saving features create havoc in the array. I'd be using regular drives. If you're paranoid about drive wear, use a Red or a Black / Blue as a scratch disk for your torrents, then have them automatically move to a Green on completion. My standalone Greens have been going for 3-5 years respectively, no complaints, make sure they get adequate airflow and aren't subject to vibration
  20. that's right - bone structure can't be changed, but saying that someone will always be fat or skinny or muscular according to their somatype is complete broscience.
  21. re read wiki article brah.
  22. that's with my arse planted firmly into the bottom of the seat - not sitting on top of it, or slouched down into it - the mrs on the other hand had to sit slouched all the way down because her hips could barely fit between door and centre console lol I could sit myself into a Bride fixed back seat with a bit of a squeeze, I've yet to see a woman do that!
  23. yeah me too - my R32's GT-R seats are still the comfiest I've sat in in any non luxury car. Couldn't get over how well they fitted my frame.
  24. i'd say that's just differences in muscle insertions and bodyfat % btw I could fit into GT-R seats fine at 110kg, 5"11? you guys must have wide hips lol
  25. I agree with birds - I ate very healthily as a kid (thanks parents!), and was a typical skinny kid until I was 18, when I had a full time job and started drinking, eating bulk junk food etc. My somatype would have been "meso". I think that the genetics part is overstated - people have a tendency to over and under estimate their activity and eating levels (barring any other medical conditions). I used to put it down to things like metabolism, until I realised that those people who I thought had faster ones were actually just a lot more active than I, and/ or were doing a version of intermittent fasting, rather than absent mindedly snacking etc. That said, the more lean body mass that you're carrying, the higher your basal metabolic rate will be, and therefore you can eat more without getting 'fat'. Most of my family are rake thin tbh.
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