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Everything posted by zonk

  1. Beam rust proofing do a good job
  2. Ah yes sais on the dpi site that you cant get double or nothing whilst on your P's.. yay another 8 months wait :S f**k public busses that stink like urine
  3. Hey everyone I want to know if you can apply for a E class license if you have lost your license on your P's. IF anyone has done this please let me know asap !
  4. i got flashed at night all they got was the front plate and left side of car.. its black and white photo so it would be hard to make out who is driving.. but if u got flashed day time it might show u in the pic see if ur mates can take the fall and get there points so ur in the clear ..
  5. to answer ur question i was caught on red p plates 101 in 60 zone so 41 over i got 6 months and $1000 fine... Fines have gotten alot heavier so dont be shocked if u get a big one... and if u lose ur license do the time dont be a dumb flamin mongrel like me and get caught without a licnese.. was gona get mine back this april and got caught driving without.. now gota wait till next year..!!! Arh its only now how much i realise a license is a privillage.. but hey im still gona drive without it and if i see cops.. pedal to the metal jks
  6. Fixed now all good
  7. got new pipe today thanks to jase.. Its alot better now that new pipe is in but now i can hear air comming out !! gona have a fiddle with it in a little bit somewhere there is air comming out coz its not boosting properlly
  8. well the car still runs so should be orite u rekon?? What stores can i get this pipe from? super cheap didnt have it..
  9. I had a look for it but to dark to see anything :S i hope it hasnt got sucked through into something..
  10. Where can i go to buy one of these pipes from? xspeed or something?
  11. umm yer i knew it was there but to start with it was more scrapped off then a hole.. then i notced few days ago the boost was gone so yer.. magic go jam it mate
  12. Yo alpine how much would that be to get welded ? Do u work at that bc store? or should I just got for a new pipe looks like you guys stock them.. hit me back cheers mate
  13. i rather just a fresh pipe ay.. well who ever put this fmic in they did a dodgey home job and didnt know that the pipe was gona be touching the bonnet so every time i would go over a bump it would knock against it.. and yer a hole came out lol.. im gona try super cheap tomoz any other places to look for?? cheers skyliners
  14. So u guys dont rekon a repair place would have these type of pipes? And how much am i looking at to replace this ? cheers guys all the help is good
  15. Oh ok cheers zxy .. How do i upload pics btw? just so i can show everyone what pipe im talking about
  16. Hey every I need some help in trying to locate something for my car.. I have a 20 cent peice hole in the pipe that comes out from the FMIC and into the engine .. Ive lost power and everything no boost at all so if anyone knows where i can get one of these pipes from that would be handy cheers and any chance a normal car repair place woudl have it? cheers skyliners ..
  17. Dont mean to dig up old topics but this happens to me.. i have a R33 AUTO with bov and turbo.. A good way to stop this is when u going fast and u release the accelerator or have to brake.. give it a couple little bursts of accelerator and it wont happen.. thats what stops mine from stalling and all the lights coming on and thinking ur car is f**ked lol but it isnt ..
  18. When u look at the level of power steering fluid is it supose to be at the level that sais cold on the dip stick.. coz i took it to a mechanic and he sais thats fine u dont want it at the hot level :S
  19. Ive got this to.. ive noticed if i put my foot down before a corner and put on brakes straight after and go in for a turn it will cut out.. so i just make sure i dont do that or if i do i play with the accelerator like someone else noted..
  20. nice car mate wats the mods on it?
  21. Im tempted to just buy a bottle now from caltex but im iffy bout the brand thats in it already.. Thanks for answerming my question Tridentt but i just need to kno its not gona stuff anything up :S
  22. What happens if i top it up with a different fluid thats different to the one in the car? any damage?
  23. Hey everyone have a little problem my power steering bottle is gone down a bit and its only just tipping the dipstik and its make that anoying noise when u turn the steering wheel.. What i need to know is what fluid do I use for a R33 GTS T Series 1. Cheers.
  24. ActionDan it was the cat rubbing against the tailshaft.. But its all fixed now.. my mechanic said he moved it down so its all better no more rattle... MY BABY IS REBORN AGAIN HAHA
  25. yer that sounds like it ... yer thanks
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