Morning folks.... Well events yesterday afternoon/night werent what I expected. Got a call from a mate at midday asking if I want to accompany him down to Matty @ Pits to get his car on the dyno just to check the replacement cam he got in is fine. I thought hell why not I finish work at 1:30pm it will be a good drive.
Got there at 3pm and and we got the car onto the dyno..
Matty played around with it for a while and fixed up a few things here and there. It came to about 6pm and was doing a few final power runs...
Knock Knock.......... who's there? Spun a bearing in the last 10 mins on dyno...
After many profanities were used Matty ended up dropping us at the train station and we got the train back to Sandgate then got a lift home....
Got home at about 10:30pm and then up again to start work at 5:30am...
Tired Scott is tired..