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Everything posted by Aggroman

  1. Ill be staying at a friends house a few mins from the meetup tonight so ill be good to get to there. Thanks for the offer mick, Would be good to call yavuz and stir him up saying there are big problems
  2. if you want to embed something from youtube do the following.. Open the vid and click the share button, then tick the box 'long link' copy that and paste it in here, no need to use embed code.. Also the correct way to do that is [ url] *post link here*[ /url] but without the spaces in the brackets
  3. I should be in for this but will be needing to ride shotgun with someone as my feet are farked and cant use clutch properly.. Matt ill be looking in your direction
  4. What about the burgundy red? Right set of wheels and they look tuff as nails
  5. At least now I know what u were talkin about tonight lol
  6. You broke my cones nick!!
  7. It's just as a precaution.. we have never had an official cruise meet police trouble but there has been 1 or 2 instances where cars were pulled over a little while after a cruise, no more random than if u were out driving yourself on a weekend
  8. chiming in on this.. I installed this on a freinds s13 SR and it has gotten the thumbs up from MRC and Rigoli.. Still waiting on a proper power run but is going well edit: forgot to mention this was originally a non ext gate manifold. We drilled the merge collector and made our own ext gate point at a 45 degree angle
  9. im sure it all has been done, just have to try someone locally that does fittings or look more in depth at the Speedflow, Earls catalogues online (or whomever makes your existing adaptors, those 2 are just the main ones used in AUS)
  10. Damn it jez why do u have to be so far away.. I was thinking about doing the front guards before car goes in for a respray on the 20th..
  11. I need to stop doing 2nd gear launches lol
  12. Oh just a note to everyone thinking of entering on the day Be sure to get there early enough to do your forms etc.. We still have approx 5 spots available
  13. Mr Fatz.. Do you have the handbrake cable setup from the 33gtst? Putting my standard brakes on teh brothers S15 but forgot about the cable DOH!
  14. You can get some 120 or 150 degree fittings to replace the 90 degree ones. Or replace the adaptors from straight to 90 degree like this one on the right
  15. looks like the old blitz r35 that was being developed for D1.. same car with a new body kit?
  16. Yep, follow the process in the first post and it should be on its way soon.. or if you dont want to wait come grab one at Texi this sunday
  17. Ok list is updated as of this morning.. Tipper_86 I havnt seen yours yet but it may just take a while to come through so dont stress about not bein there yet.
  18. 1. Pete - Fatz - 32 gtr 2. Aaron - Azz86 - Civic type R 3. Jarrad - Ruxis - 34 gtt 4. Martin - emts - 200sx 5. Ryan - Bodella - stag 6. Patrick - HamiltonAU - 33gtst 7. Alex - S13_skyline_inside - 34gtt 8. Ben - BenM - nascup 9. Evan - NinjaEv - 32 gtr 10. Garry - Jasper63 - pulsar SSS 11. Hayes - Hayes810 - WRX 12. Alex - S13_skyline_inside - 34 gtt 13. Brett Heckenberg - beamer 14. Chris - Chriscross - 33gtst 15. Jeremy - DVS JEZ - 32gtr 16. John - a20089 - 33gtr 17. Neil - Neil - 33 gtst 18. Tim - Volityl - Mitsi GTO 19. Eric - Pezhead - 33gtr 20. Will - Kube - 33gtst 21. Owen - Owens - 33GTR 22. Dale - PSI Parts - 33GTST 23. Sam - Obzz - 180sx (waiting payment confirmation) 24. Ben - Dnissi - 200sx 25. Eddy - Dnissi 2 - VW Polo 26. Rob - RGB - R33 GTST 27. Matt - Matboy - Emo 28. James B - R33 GTST 29. Nick - Levinboy 30.Tony - soaringtony 31. Steve - HKS26T 32. Greg - Greg_R31
  19. Hey all, Following on from the amazing turnout and great day of the December Track day we here at SAU:NSW bring you the first trackday of 2012! And to make things better for you we have lowered the price! Its at Wakefield Park and as we all know it doesnt need much of an introduction to most of you, to anyone thats never heard of Wakefield Park this is a very safe track about 2 hours from Sydney where you can drive your pride and joy as fast as you like with safe run off areas and no speed cameras to worry about! If you've never driven on a track before and want someone experienced to give you instruction and help with how to drive better, faster or safer, or even if you've done a couple of trackdays and just want to ask some questions (no matter how silly they may seem) we have this at no extra charge available throughout the day. For the trackday format is our usual Driver Training day which means there will be no Official timing. (means the day is cheaper for you) and for those that need to know, there are plenty of options including iphone/android apps that you can view here http://www.skylinesa...988-lap-timers/ Rest assured that there will be plenty of opportunity to run your car through its paces or come out for a first time and learn how to track your car. Ok so here's the details; Date: 24th March 2012 Where: Wakefield Park (www.wakefieldpark.com.au for directions) Who: Anyone with any car (doesnt have to be a Skyline) What: Trackday, suits total beginner to advanced What time should I get there: 8am at Scruitineering for experienced, 730am for beginners (Scruit finishes at 840am sharp, if you're late you need to wait until the day has started so the rest of the group isnt held up) How much: SAUNSW members $170 per driver, non members price $190 per driver. Passengers: Allowed on passenger sessions free of charge, must wear helmet and same clothing as drivers aswel as sign an indemnity form. Licence needed: CAMS L2S or AASA club licence ($50 for 12 months, yes you can arrange this on the day no worries) How the day runs; Firstly, when you arrive at the track, find a place to park and empty all loose objects out of the car. Ensure there's nothing loose in the engine bay and no leaks, brake lights work and you have all ur wheel nuts on etc. Then drive your car to the scruitineering shed (its marked, but if you dont know where it is, follow where everyone else goes or just ask someone, its very easy to find, directly on the left as you enter from the highway). Your car will be checked to make sure its safe to go on the track and it will then be assigned a number which is your number for the day. You then park the car back in your original spot and go to the office to sign on. Take your licence with you or if you dont have one, this is where you can get one. Once you've signed on its now time to wait for the drivers brief to begin (which will be announced on the loud speakers throughout the pits and starts at 845am sharp). Once the drivers brief is over, all the drivers are split into groups based on experience so that everyone is comfortable in their group. One group is then allowed on the track at one time for evenly timed sessions, once one group comes off, another goes on, this repeats until the end of the day with a short break around lunch so officials and helpers can get some food and drinks. Thats basically it! The only way to secure a spot is through sending in an entry form and payment to the SAUNSW account. The very basic entry form is attached to this post and the bank details are below; SAUNSW bank details: Bank - NAB Branch - Marrickville Account name - Skylines Australia NSW BSB - 082 356 Account number - 546 393 766 Please put your FULL NAME in the description, eg "JOE SMITH" Cheers, David SAUNSW 24 March 2012 Entry Form.pdf
  20. Hey Tyler, Nothing yet, how long ago did you send it? if you only faxed it today dont stress as it will probably turn up early tomorrow morning, If you want to though u can email it to '[email protected]' or pm it to me..
  21. you really need to stop making a bunch of useless threads
  22. Nice car but yeah what an awesome garage!
  23. haha they have gotten you onto the wurth clamps.. I dont mind them but wouldn't call them the 'ducks guts' as they do
  24. Where the 2 blanking bolts go is where you want to get those adaptors/fittings and put your sensors in those.. They will always be getting oil whether the thermostat is open or closed.
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