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Everything posted by Aggroman

  1. alrighty sorry for the MASSIVE delay.. it was out of my hands but the list is updated.. if you have paid and entered please send me a PM straight away and I will sort it out.
  2. red is winning.. Love the car and nice to see you working on it yourself
  3. 4,5,6 are all the same.. way to go
  4. herp derp!
  5. im working on getting the updated list from the exec in charge of doing this.. hold on juuust a lil bit
  6. lots of ppl buying but not alot raving about it.. get excited you bums!
  7. yeah just pm it to me or the awesome email feature listed at the bottom of the sheet
  8. Entrants; 1. Dave - Aggroman 2. Tyson - Unigroup 3. Todd Milham - Unigroup 4. Andrew - Zebra 5. Dennis - Notebook5555 6. Geoff - Tokyo Geoff 7. David B - Tokyo Geoff 2 8. Michael - XKLABA 9. Steve - Randy 10. Luke - Luke GTR 11. Sebastian - The_moose 12. Scott - BunsenBurna 13. David Drag 14. Craig - Sparky206 15. Chris Ac 16. Chris - LNG33S 17. Chris - CDSV700 18. andrew - Mr_Clubby 19. Michael - BBTR 20. David Carter - unigroup 21. Steve Pembry - unigroup 22. Geoff - Kinks 23. Matthew - MAT_G 24. Ryan - Bodella 25. Jack D 26. Daniel Feil - unigroup 27. Dave Biddle 28. Tyler - 70Rolla 29. Patrick - HamiltonAU 30. Evan - NinjaEv 31. Jordan Colossi (awaiting payment to show) 32. Anna - ~Anna~ 33. Matt - Cassbo 34. Nick - Goldzilla 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. Reserves; 1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
  9. indeed there are bazil!
  10. I could but then i would be posting up peoples full names and some will have a shitfit if i do.. so how about anyone that is wanting confirmation send me another PM asking so.. Charles you and your brother are both in btw
  11. some dickhead *points to self* said 2:45 meetup when its really 3:30 for autograph time with jim sorry folks!
  12. everyone that sent a pm has gotten in, there are a CRAPLOAD of pms to reply to each one with a confirmation days after.. Only people that had a stuff around would of recieved a reply to sort it out. You are definately in Kyle. in regards to tables list im not 100% sure
  13. looks like the 8ball shift knob turned out alright..
  14. Drew your entry was definately recieved as was ur payment so dont fret you are 100% in
  15. that was indeed me.. sorry i was too busy saying "motherf**ker where did he get them side skirts!"they didnt just look like sideskrit extensions but more proper GTR skirts.. Care to enlighten me? perhaps by PM?
  16. haha i love the end with fapdrew doing the double handed fist pump
  17. We will announce next year in the coming week hopefully.. Awesome day out as always but I need more than 2 sets of tyres now as come the afternoon I felt left out lol
  18. got it... legend
  19. Ok everyone the list is updated as of friday, all other entrants will need to pay on the day as well as bring their forms AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE PLEASE!!!! eiresgaus i still havnt recieved a form from you but ur payment has been recieved so ur on the list
  20. Hey you! You like sports car!?!? Matthew Everingham Photography in conjunction with SAU:NSW are back again following the success of last year's calendar with new 2012 model. Each Calendar is printed in A3 Ring bound high gloss paper for the best results and would look good just about anywhere! This is going to be a limited batch so order now to avoid missing out. Here are the details: Cost: Each Calendar is $24.95 for non-members, $19.95 for SAU:NSW Financial member Delivered to your door To order simply deposit money into club account which is below Bank - NAB Branch - Marrickville Account name - Skylines Australia NSW BSB - 082 356 Account number - 546 393 766 Please put your full/user name in the description, eg "Calendar D Michaels" or if you have a long surname "Cal Joey Shabadoo" Once you have made your deposit send an email to '[email protected]' listing your full name and delivery address All orders need to be placed and payments cleared by December 3rd 2011 After the cut-off date all orders will be posted out for arrival by mid December. Here is a quick Preview of what to expect. In order to keep the quality as high as possible as well as keeping the cost as low as possible both SAU:NSW and Matthew Everingham would like to thank the following sponsors Hope Health Group - http://www.hope-health-group.com/ Just Jap - http://justjap.com/ Top Secret Imports - http://www.topsecretimports.com.au/ Performance-Wise - http://www.performance-wise.com/ PhillB Enterprises - http://www.phillbenterprises.com/ Circuit Club - http://www.circuitclub.com.au/ Unigroup Engineering - http://www.unigroup.com.au V Sport - http://www.vsport.com.au Japlink Motors - http://www.japlinkmotors.com.au Japan4 - http://www.japan4.com.au Import Monster - http://www.importmonster.com.au/ Autocult.net - http://autocult.net/ If you have any questions or comments please post below or PM me. Regards, David SAU:NSW Vice-President
  21. yeah we will accept entries on the day.. have about another 5 to put up soon
  22. good girl.. I got the last few too, also have a few payments but no forms sent in yet.. Joel im looking in your direction!
  23. Hey Everyone. Up for sale is a almost new Q45 AFM (90MM) I bought this with the intention of using on my car but looking at going MAF-less ECU so its no longer needed. As you can see in the pics the mesh is pefect and the body has no cracks or scratches. Comes with a used plug Just looking to get rid of it quick $110 posted anywhere in aus Located Western Suburbs of Sydney. Thanks, Dave
  24. ill just do the maraulan trick
  25. brand : Rota Grid R size: 18x8.5 +22 i think front 18x9.5 +20 but dont quote me on offset Tyres: 235/40 federals front 275/35 toyos on the rear. rear guards are rolled but dont need to be if u run a 245 on the rear suspension: BC racing BR series or if you want straigt up BALLER spec go 18x9.5+15 all round. sorry for big pics cant be arsed resizing
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