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Everything posted by Aggroman

  1. Jus to let you know cam covers will fit rb25 neo and non neo heads so long as you dont have the factory cross over pipe/intake..
  2. I may catch a massive case of the cant be arsed so matt let me know if u need anything to give me incentive
  3. is that why you went for steveo?
  4. an email has been sent out to all entrants informing them on the change and of any possible solution to this delay.. I hope that you all inform your relavent spectators as such as id hate to see someone come home with the shiets after going out there and realising its not on
  5. I will write up a email informing all entrants of the change and what avenues are available tomorrow.. Work load is crap at home and at work atm
  6. Don't forget to fill in and send the new form dori
  7. NEW DATE: 18TH SEPTEMBER 2011 we have organised with Sydney Dragway to continue our day on the 18th september which will be a sunday. If you still want to get in on it all entrants will be allocated to the next day but should something arise and you cant make it please let me know and we will sort it out for you.. Furthermore we are really sorry about all this mixup, it was dumped in our lap very last minute and we have tried our best to accommodate everyone and rectify it ASAP to help everyone get things organised
  8. I hear you like a phat ass
  9. we have heard nothing about that from our recent talkings with WSID so keep it at what it is for now.. a rumour
  10. Also for the last few entrants I have not put up your spectators on this list but they are on the list that is being sent to WSID today so dont worry they will have a ticket
  11. mate you are on the list.. you dont need to quote the whole spectators list just state what names u wish to be added, makes my life easier
  12. Also all added spectators are on the list.. if you are missing let me know before 2pm tomorrow (tuesday) as stated above
  13. the email or fax no are on the form.. if you must PM it to me BEFORE 2pm tuesday the 5th
  14. So long as I'm not busy then no problem ur welcome for a ride or two
  15. Sorry for the Delay I was lazy and the Garage was cold.. Pics are up to show everythings condition
  16. I thought you were talking about Steveo and Paul when I first read that
  17. If you like Jarrod just send me a PM with all of your details that should be on the form and ill do it for you.. (im thinking you are just using microsoft word viewer not the actual program so you cant edit documents)
  18. I didnt bother reading it all and CBF writing a massive essay so ill break it down It can be done, its not hard at all manifolds bolt up fine, dont need to change pistions thats crap.. Plenty of cars run 10:1 Comp GTT aftermarket ECU's work, I run A PFC in mine. (secret quirrel trick to get rid of engine check light as GT's dont have traction control, dont know what that is? google it. Its what the stagea ppl do as they have hte same problem any good workshop cna do it). You can also run standard ECU with a piggyback to handle fuel etc like a Greddy Emanage Ultimate with the Ignition Harness thats sold seperately (required for r34 only) The only parts that you cant get off the shelf are turbo water/oil lines they need to be custom (easy as) everything else matches up fine. except for a plazmaman plenum you will need GTT runners So long as you have enough exhaust flow boost isnt an issue, Im pushing 250KW atm with standard motor, highflow turbo (at 14psi) and supporting mods and will be up to 300-350 with a turbo change. Budget 4-5K if you are going to give it to a workshop to install and tune. Parts will set you back roughly 3.5K depending on computer choice. The 25DE Neo motors are tough as nails so dont worry about throwing a rod unless you service your car poorly.. Wanna see how one goes? Come to the Texi in September and watch me..Or just look at my sig below
  19. I ran mine inside the car and have had no problems.. I Dont think outside the car is allowed.. Entries will be updated shortly, we are closing in on the 40 entrants
  20. V spec 2 or Nur if bought in bayside has blue engine bay all the other variants will have black..
  21. Hey all I have a Greddy turbo timer + nissan harness in silver Has a few scuffs on top from double sided tape but the face is in perfect condition Asking $50 plus postage I also have a full R34 GTT lock and key set with 2 valet keys. Original Key was destroyed. All in perfect working order with no damageIgnition barrel has the black face with white lettering for ACC ING and START. Also asking $50 plus postage (set from wreckers is $150+) Both items are located in Penrith NSW. I will grab some pics of it tomorrow afternoon for anyone that wants it and post them up here.
  22. Maybe I should come in my N/A car hahaha it may now have a hair dryer strapped to it but it was factory NA
  23. WUUUUSSS!!
  24. sig'd because its relevant to my interests
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