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Everything posted by Aggroman

  1. Hey matt do a cruise for a day that I have off kthxbai
  2. If only i had the patience and like most people the money to go nuts on my car a bit more.. 10-15k doesnt get you much these days so id hate to see the final bill on this. You going to track it all around Aus or just go to whatever it is thats local to adelaide?
  3. oh man thats tight. Would of left me a little worried at the start thinking it wouldnt fit.. Loving the car so far, got a rough time before its finished? SAU Nats perhaps?
  4. I actually would be interested to see what it looked like without it on as its been sooooo long since ive seen that thing
  5. ZOMG PJ you still exist.. I havnt heard from you for AAAGES.. Garnish looks awesome, you actually made that yourself?
  6. You will never stop having trouble with those neighbours, i remember the stories when I picked up that rear cradle aaages ago from ur place.
  7. id laugh if you got pulled over for having a profanity on your door fatz
  8. anymore derogatory comments and finger pointing etc will be met with warnings and banning should they continue.. Thunder or Greg if you will enough is enough, everyone has moved on and so should you. Posting irrelevant things trying to prove a point is off topic and well if im honest bloody annoying so just stop. If you feel unfairly portrayed take it up with a moderator and get it sorted instead of looking like an idiot. To the rest of SAU remember what this thread is about.. Eric is sharing his story and journey from start to finish so if you absolutely have to be a keyboard warrior and say something that could be offensive or derogatory to a person or buisness do it via PM and not publically those are the rules.. Anyone reading this and having second thoughts about doing trackdays etc I emplore you to re-think it. SAU:NSW has and always will put safety first at everyone of our events, If you are still unsure come and watch one of our events and judge it for yourself..
  9. Hey Guys After losing my Nismo front bar to the kittly litter at wakie im left trying to source a new front bar be it temporary or permanent depending on the bar, Car currently has the top section of a GTR bar attached to the end of the bonnet so ideally something that can match itAll the body shops I can think of either dont get back to me or just dont have anything and ive tried almost all I can think of.. So if you have either a GTT or GTR bar for sale or can send something my way it would be great, Id like to get this before tuesday the 15th March.. Budget is dependant on the bar so anything and everything that wont take 10+ days to arrive Thanks, David p.s. if u study the pic in my sig u can see what im talking about with my old bar.
  10. only the sweetest and kindest remarks from the great steveo.. Yeah no dramas, started to get a bit of knock in 5th so i took it easy.. did an oil change to look for any metal shavings and it was clean so fingers crossed motor isnt on its way out.. Cant afford to stuff around fixing the car.. So time to hang up the racing boots for this year
  11. There is this crappy silver mx5 around the corner that you can steal parts from Eric
  12. hardy har har.. Semis and less camber in the rear and possibly pads that are not made by EBC for the next round.. Very dissapointed at my 1st wakie
  13. umm the evo had a regular ct9a engine not a rotary.. Its because it enetered with a rotary club that might be confusing some ppl..
  14. I guess you can say thats Radical news neil!
  15. 1:18 is bleh.. Dunc keep an eye out for my front bar at turn 2 would ya lol Thanks to Eric and Don/Mal from renew for helping with scruitineering.. still not sure how i got stuck with it but oh well.
  16. Im glad I got these done.. Will give me something to remember it by lol
  17. ok swapping spot is fine, email his form or fax it stating the swap in the payment area of the form. If it cant be sent it must be brought completed on the day early.. You two can organise payment to each other for the spot.. replying off phone atm so can't go into massive detail or ill be here all day
  18. screw it, put me down for some.. Will pay on the day.. we all know im good for the money
  19. Which it isnt, Must be like japan and let drifters and circuit goes on at the same time.. dangerous but i get to drift!!
  20. well you snooze you lose.. last spot it GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONE!! Thanks folks, will see you all bright and early saturday
  21. 1 SPOT LEFT!!!
  22. Good to know.. thanks man!
  23. Recieved forms.. waiting on payments to show for both of you..
  24. Front window tint hmmm something i have always wanted but never thought of doing when I have the money..
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