Hey everyone,
We have managed to secure 4 extra spots due to the demand..
so if you were keen on a spot now is your chance.. DONT MISS OUT!
Entries will be given preference to payment received, so if you cant get to a fax right away pay now and send it later.
It is also with great pleasure that i announce that FSPORT (http://www.fsport.com.au) and Kumho Tyres have kindly offered to support this championship and are offering the following prizes:
- A $1000 discount voucher for the purchase of 4 Kumho motorsport tyres for the overall winner of each class for the championship
- A $100 discount to any competitor buying their first set of Kumho motorsport tyres
- Another prize awarded per event to be announced shortly.
You've got to be in it to win it though so get those entries in! The points structure rewards attendance and performance across the days sessions, so you don't have to be the fastest to win something.
Remember the COMPETITION IS OPTIONAL so please state on your entry form if you wish to compete to make groupings a bit easier..
For those that were previously wondering
Metal Valve caps; not required but encouraged to have, they are only a few dollars.
Fire Extinguishers; not required but encouraged, $30-40 could save your cars life and is cheap insurance and VERY easy to mount..
Any more questions, dont hessitate to contact me via PM or post up here.