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Everything posted by Aggroman

  1. That would be sweet.. would sure beat driving down to wakefeild for anything.. Maybe we should start an online petition
  2. Looking good Matt. I wish I remembered my camera to experiment with different angles. Oh well maybe next time.. Ill pm ya my email.
  3. way to leave me out of the list shell.. or am i not part of this forum As you can tell im totally devastated and must be on the list for total wank value.. That is all
  4. Glenmore Park (penrith) bout half hour from you. if you indeed live in kellyville
  5. I've done my B-Pillars in the CF stuff so if you get it and need some help. I've got a bit of experience with it and dont mind lending a hand..
  6. im still keen. But Palmie is still a bit of a trek for me so I might just meetup at the homebush point. If I change my mind ill be sure to PM ya
  7. hey dude. You can do many things like stip off the old paint by bathing it in metho and then paint in the colour of your choice. I did gear surround the same colour as the 34gtr and the rest like AC panel in matt black, it matches better then the factory grey. Search in the cosmetic section 'shitty interior paint' or the likes to find a whole thread. Or PM 'Charles89' he is selling 3m carbon fiber vinyl so u can do the whole carbon look much cheaper then buyin carbon stuff. Here are two pics. the first is my surround (crappy pic but u get the idea) and the 2nd is one that charles did on his 34. Hope that helps. David
  8. Hey all, Looking to get a tripple gauge cluster from a R34 GTT. With or without gauges, No real prefference. In good condition but can have light scratches etc as it will be resprayed matt black. PM me with offers as i probably will forget to check here. Or if you know of anyone selling one let me know and ill chase it up. I am located in western sydney but will pay for postage if i cant pick it up. Thanks all, David
  9. Just a few quick ones I took the other day with my new smoked front indicators..
  10. here is me destroying whats left of my tyres after the texi.. Ill have to look Matt to see if there is any vid of your big skid..
  11. A guy that i used to work with had a black GTT wing on his black 32 gtst.. It didnt look amazing but didnt look bad either, I was undecided for a while but now I like it.. If I bought a 32 I would consider it. So pretty much it suits it quite well depending on the colour of your car.. ie if it was grey I think it would look shithouse. Unsure about white, ask someone to photoshop it? Hope that helps man.
  12. Got the day off from work so ill be there to do a before turbo dyno reading on the crappy n/a. Then over the next few weeks put together the high comp motor and get my after reading.. Should I be arsed doing a build thread to show ppl how to high comp turbo their car from n/a?
  13. thanks Andrew, Tried doing a bit of searching around the net and 16636 72P00 seem to be for the r33 injectors and look a little different to mine (only 2 were broken off).. Ill try and suss it out when i go back in to get the o-rings. Thanks for the help guys
  14. Thanks Jebud for the info, I managed to get the o-rings.. $11 a pop is quite rediculous. They didnt have the cap that sits on the bottom of the injector listed.. i guess ill have to use the ones off my old GT injectors if they fit something when i take them off..
  15. Hey all, Did a bit of searching around but cant find a solid answer. So I thought I would ask in NSW as places in Vic are the only ones i can find Bought a set of GTT injectors but cant find anywhere in the western sydney region to get some new pintle caps (the cap on the bottom end of the injector) and new o-rings for top and bottom.. I know of mobile injector cleaners that come out and clean them, replace all that but dont want to pay the callout fee of what would be more then 5 times the cost of new ones. Nissan spare parts in penrith place looked at me like i was a retard.. Guy didnt seem to know wat to look for part no wise.. No luck google searching or ebaying either. Any ideas where I can look? Thanks, David
  16. damn evo's on their stilts being able to get up and around the plaza carpark!
  17. ill be in for this.. That is if the car isnt in the shop getting turbo done.. turbo over photos
  18. as per other topic im in for whatever whenever.. Just give me an address for a meeting spot and ill be there.. If you want to tag along Terry I dont mind picking you up to go wherever.
  19. Mitchell's Pass is a small downhill twisty bit of road in emu plains/emi heights. Has a semi decent lookout at night over the lights of penrith.. Would have to block off the road for snaps though as the parking spots are blocked by trees. (its relavtvely quiet there anyways). There is also a few spots to stop along the pass with cliff face either side which i just thought of.. at night though it would be pitch black. If your interested one night (any night will do) to come out just pm me and we can meet up to check that area out. p.s. its drift spec now PJ.. and thank you for the kind words Terry
  20. how much for postage to sydney 2745 some detailed pics as well please to show condition of o-rings.. any blockages to warrant needing a flowtest etc?
  21. sounds like fun.. Ill turn up to say hi and look at all the big numbers, Been wanting to head to unigroup to talk to bout getting some work done when the car is getting turbo'd in a few months.. Running my N/A would just be silly although im keen to see what kinda power its running haha.
  22. Ive been wanting to do some decent photos of my car since i finished getting it set up.. Im out penrith way which has no good spots to take photos.. car is quite low so im restricted to few places.. Thing I really want to do is a nice city shot at night under lights, maybe around the rocks so I can get the harbour bridge as a backdrop, Shame I dont visit the city often to know of a nice place.. If you ever think of a place to do it just PM and i can come out to wherever you want me to.. Here is a pic of my car from texi last sunday Courtesy of Mr Xmetal..
  23. in the 2 hour job of changing spark plugs in the 34 last nite semi intoxicated i managed to lose a gromet and break a hose so im out. Hopefully I can find the gromet in daylight lol. You kidlets have fun out there.
  24. i r be teh commings!
  25. hahaha good to see your thinking of me this time Dave.. Man i think i might just burn that farking shirt everyone has one.. maybe we should all wear it like a gang cause us skyline drivers are all deviants like that according to the general public..
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