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Everything posted by Aggroman

  1. Manifold looks prety rusty to me or is it just surface rust? Providing its in good nick ill take it. Shame you only have 5 injectors I would of taken them too if it was 6... PM me to talk bout it further.. Moving this weekend so I cant respond till net is back up.. by Wed at latest
  2. I CALL TAG-ALONG with PJ & NICK..
  3. being a P plater the rules are still rather fresh.. You have since progressed to your greens which means the fine was not finalised if infact u were pinged (RTA is notified of infringments as they are processed by police etc).. So you will be keeping your licence because they would of informed you at the test that u had a outstanding offence that has not been served.. If you were pinged for less then 5 I doubt it would go through as they have a 10% margin for error. I have a friend who is a cop and thats what he told me. OR u can play the innacurate speedo crapola if u can still do that?? Hope that helps put your mind at ease.. If you dont recieve anything over the next 2 weeks then your safe for sure. Cheers, David
  4. Ahh the fun of road rage.. Im a nice person till you wrong me then I become Aggroman as my username suggests lol My story goes: driving brother back from dropping his car off to be serviced in the city.. got to the m4 driving down the middle lane in my 34 just past woodville road turnoff headed towards penrith. Needed to get around traffic so i check my mirrors and merge into the right lane, green p plater (fully hecktic wog with big white sunnies aka my genereation) in a EG civic comes flyin up and nearly hits me. I was in the lane for at least 10 seconds watching him. so I say to my brother "F#*k you buddy" and slow down to 100.. He then tries to whip around the left of me. So naturally i drop it to 3rd and block him. He then winds down his window and starts carrying on callin me a fu*#in dickhead etc.. My response "Are you gay?" "WTF YOU SAY TO ME" "You have to be gay, If you were any closer id have to report you for sexual assault".. I think its hilarious and feel better so I let him pass and merge left again. He wasnt quite happy with that. He starts chasing me shouting how im dead and starts getting on the phone.. I think to myself can u be any bigger of a stereotype. I finally have enough of his crap and just say piss off before u get hurt. He then spits on my car.. I snap, "your F'ing dead now".. he starts swerving at me and tries to ditch me at the last second and taking the off ramp.. I was waiting for something like that and followed.. I think then he realised he was in trouble, I tell me brother to drive my car and get out with my Factory wheel brace thing that I keep under my seat and walk up.. he is on the phone to his cousins (one would assume) saying OMG he is cummin bro.. I just smash him in the face once and break his glasses. I see blood and say, Spit again you POS and ill kill you. I was contemplating draggin him out and brickin his accelerator just to really screw him over with a blown engine. But I'm not that big of a deviant. Rule of the story, If your a low enough person to spit u dont deserve any kind of human decency in my eyes..
  5. WTF 6 Camaro's entered lol.. Just checking its not yet full for a friend.. See you all in a few weeks time
  6. aww that made my day hahaha.. Hope the sale is going well but its never too late to just do a manual conversion, might work out cheaper then the turn around on transfer or rego, new insurance policy and cash adjustment on new car. Can get a good R33 box for less then $1500 then add pedals and installation of 800 and your done.. But what do i know I'm turboing my 34
  7. Hey Justin, Instead of driving why not cruise with shanil if you think you would be embarrassed. If he already has a passenger let me know closer to the date and u can jump in the back seat of his car to get there then cruise with me then you can be the camera bitch Just an idea that way you can enjoy the bouncy stiffness of a skyline.. If you want to drive then yes you can come along and ride with us just be careful and try not to get distracted staring at all the cars, i'm bad enough on parramatta road and i've been driving for years haha. Cheers, David
  8. Im in, providing im not dead from my 21st the night before..
  9. Hey mate im interested pending condition of the climate control screen plastic. As that is all that im after. So if you could PM me some more detailed pics that would be awesome.. Thanks, David p.s. sigh im an idiot and ment to PM that sorry..
  10. I hate people that do this crap in threads so.. Way to back up your friend by swearing and being an immature idiot.. It gets things no where and damages your integrity. If you have a problem don't go about it this way, Send him a PM or speak to a moderator as its irrelavent to the thread.. Also sounds to me from your description you only have second hand information so some of what you heard can be exaggerated.. Also saying your mechanics have verified the body work of the car with no examples doesnt really do much, considering a mechanic would work on internals unlike a spray painter/panel beater who would know a great deal more.. Feel free to get the proper inspections done with a refference to prove if you wish, Though most reading this thread wont care as they are not in the market for a GTR. Chris was obviously interested in buying the car, hence why he travelled to another state. If he didnt like it for whatever reason he had then there would be no need to do any further inspections as he had made a decision. Thats the kind of things that happen when selling a car.. Try calming down before posting next time as your post doesnt make complete sense.. Also please dont respond attacking me as I wont dignify it with a response..
  11. 9.5 +12 will need a rolled guard with stretched tyres. either that or it will just poke out and fender will need a flare.. its a kinda hardcore offset, more suited to a GTR. the sizing im going to get with new wheels is as follows if its any help. 18x8.5 +30 18x9.5 +35 or +30 for staggered look, depending on what type of wheels i get. You should be able to trial fit them if u take the car there.. just dont tigthen the wheel nuts so they dont get scratched.. jack it up remove your wheel and slide the new one on and check for guard clearance..
  12. I might be up for this.. Only ever been once with my 34 ran a 15.0, 15.1, 15.3 with my old bilsteins and crappy tyres that got too much wheel spin and 3" Kakimoto Full mega exhaust, Got new suspension and might feel like giving it a proper go with or without new tyres to get under that 15 sec margin. Still painfully slow Preferably go after the 15th so ill have the money.. haha
  13. I hate NSW.. good thing im back in the falcon.. by the time it goes back a gear it would already be red
  14. Paid and such.. We dont have to print out our oun scruitineering sheets this time?? Also wont have membership card as it says is needed for signon cause I havnt gotten anything since joining just before last texi.. Cant wait!!
  15. IMO we should delete the NA section of the forums.. nothing good comes from it, just arguing and stupid posts or heavily repeated questions because children dont know how to search.. Its a shambles and to me the bane of the forums. Of course this is no way totally serious as it would never happen.. Is there a way to restrict its useage or something, or perhaps make a proper etiquette sticky with a guide to commonly asked questions and where to find the answers etc.. Actually I could write that up sometime during the week if given the go ahead for things like.. "best bang for buck power mods (CAI/extractors)" "upgrading brakes" and whatever else i can think of later.. Yeah thats all I can think of now before I go out.. I'll check back after SNS to see.
  16. Work Emotion CR KAI... My Favourite wheels for a 32.
  17. Ill come for the BBQ and drinks.. id rather just buy dry ice and remove the dents myself
  18. Dori you mad man! 18x10 wheels. Do they fit the 34 or is it too much of a stretch being 10 inch wide all round?? GL on sale also
  19. SWEEEEEEEET!! Ill pay and all that junk early next week. Car wont have epic tilt with new suspension.. On a side note I stripped the thread of a wheel nut today and need to get a new one.. any idea where? nothin fancy just regular wheel nut.
  20. Im liking it quite alot.. except the sides of the wing.. a little too bland for me.. I really need to get some for my B pillars
  21. I've seen some go for around the 700-1000 mark.. depending on K's and all that junk.. Not the most sort after engine im afraid. Might be more worthwhile keeping for parts, or stripping. except the head and pistons they are rubbish
  22. Tried fax again.. didnt work.. Scanned and Emailed as instructed doof.
  23. spend the money and get some good rotors and calipers like i did Otherwise its probably not worth painting the GT calipers as it just looks too small and lets face it they arent exactly attractive calipers.. Stealth up the calipers and do them Satin Black or something.
  24. I tried to Fax a few times today.. checked number twice... 2nd time this has happened to me.. Can i just scan it and e-mail to you doof?
  25. Black Wheels and Gold Calipers = Sex. This is a pic of my calipers while driving...
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