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Everything posted by Aggroman

  1. Weakling Terry I just stick my arm up one of the front vents (love the GTR bar) and squeeze the clips with my fingers.. Just remember to undo the globe or u feel like an idiot afterwards when it gets stuck as u pull it out haha
  2. Money Sent. Fax will be sent tomorrow morning.. Printer ink almost ran out so I fixed the relevent info with a black pen.. Mad ghetto but u can still read it all.
  3. Good to hear man.. Updates the look of the car by 5 years... now back to my n64 and other electronic gizzmo's.. I hear the commo 64 is back! just kidding
  4. I know its not what u are looking for exactly but ill offer up my 34 for like $20 to cover petrol and food. I live in glenmore park so its like 5 mins away.
  5. Just finished Campaign on hardened some really epic bits which i loved.. People bitch about the story being hard to follow but I thought it was good. It kinda just ends which shitted me off means I have to wait another 2 years to continue it ARGH. Mucked around on spec ops but I'm not really a big fan of it because they skimped on the single-player for more enhanced multi-player crap.. stupid Infinity Ward.
  6. I shall helpeth if required.. shoot me a list of possible things that might be needed and ill tell you what I would be best at.. p.s. car is entering on friday.
  7. Those look horrible.. Clicked the link and what a suprise another fully sick dickhead.. If you really want to know what they are called, give them a call, they dont respond to emails very often.
  8. Do it yourself.. I changed my brothers turbo, dump, front and exhaust on his S15 in one weekend only hard part was the damn oil lines... And it was the first time I had even looked at the SR engine. Hardest part with alot of them would be trying to get some of the bolts off after 10yrs or so. I have a semi decent tool collection if your ever in need of anything. Hornsby is kinda far away but if its for a good cause im sure i can make the trek, Doubt you will need it but.. Then after all the work is done, go to a titty bar
  9. Me smell a fakey.. Could be legit. Be cautious everyone
  10. Hey eric, why not try Vimeo.. It seems to be far better video quality then youtube and streams really fast on my PC. I watch alotta vids from the all4drift guys on there. Just a suggestion anyways Cheers, David
  11. There is your answer. We would of been fine
  12. Jason it seriously looks like u just put that pic in paint and just erased an area in each reverse light lol.. Dowsetts already broken one of his.. I really like the LED Bootlid brake light.. Ill have to get one next month.
  13. Spotted this today along Mulgoa road heading towards Glenmore Park.. Hooning it in the wet and tried egging me on.. dont feel like dying today thanks
  14. Just realized that yesterday was the 1yr anniversary of getting my car. Cant think of a better way to celebrates the end of the cars 1st year in the country.
  15. Dont need them.. Keep the middle one if u have it still but the two sides arent needed.. I havnt used them for a year and no problems They are just splash guards.. keeps your washer bottle clean from road crap. If you really want some you will have to go to a wreckers and probably pay $100
  16. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bRB73TE-D1g Here ya go, the fun everyone missed on the way home haha.. only decent vid that I can be bothered uploading at 1am lol.. Ignore the stupid chatter between Andy and I.. except the part where I heel toe down 2 gears.. im still proud I did it properly without jabbing the brake in harder Vid ends when we start to catch the other cars that left earlier.
  17. http://s751.photobucket.com/albums/xx160/A...n/Putty%20Road/ Thats all the photos I kept.. most of the way home is just video so if i can shrink/chop the 2gig vid files ill put them on my youtube account and post em up.. Did anyone else get a mad drivers arm?
  18. 6.3 Gig of vids and pics to sort through, plus the dvd footage from terrys place... including the special event.. Aggro chases down Terry Will post up later tonight, first things first.. food and shower!! Nice to meet all of you and to put faces to names for the others I didnt get a chance to meet.. I think I still won for loudest exhaust It still sucks that I fail on the uphill parts. Must get turbo.. screw P plates
  19. Ill let everyone look at my car on saturday and decide if its worthy lol. ill have to get the front bar resprayed and drop it back down for that tuff look not speed bump beater mode.
  20. I know wat your talking about Yo-Yo.. but when u mention the tafe and hill are u sure u dont mean the great western heading towards st marys. It happens all the time, 95% are housewives they dont know that they need to accelerate more when going uphill, and because its auto they dont know that the car is struggling. Dont be afraid to use the godly loud skyline horn, it usually scares the crap outta them and they move left.. especially if u give them a bit of a salute.
  21. Deposited $40.. for myself and +1 under "aggroman putty rd"
  22. best crash ever! 1) not a p plater. 2) commonwhore. 3) fully sick lebbos got f*cked up.. Imagine if it was a p plater, RTA instates flying lessons to all L plate drivers?? ... Its this kinda stuff that happens everyday. Yet we hear little to no ramifications about it because of 2 small circumstances not an import or p plater, So the media doesnt care. To everyone else its just another DUI accident.. /end rant
  23. WOO tint group buy! I lika the sounds of that. Or as nissan would put it with my rear tint 'Privacy glass'. wats with nissan and silly names.. tint from factory is privacy glass.. little rain visors on the windows are typhoon protectors.. WTF..
  24. ^^^ OMG look at those stockies.. I've never seen them before, They look so 80's.. I wonder what the specs on those would be.
  25. Weird.. I did the 33gts-t brake upgrade on my car months ago and it was a direct swap.. no modding or anything like you need to do.. Im sure the 34 N/A came with the 12mm size because I posted a while ago about putting 32GTR brakes on my car and was told of the differences. I think you are just unlucky enough (or lucky if you prefer) to have GTT hubs. Have a search about '32 GTR brake upgrade' or similar, it was in here or the Suspension/Braking section (I created the thread if it helps) to have a look and see what was said in there.. Hope it works out well for you, and congrats to adding ever more confusion as to which model parts go on the N/A 34 haha
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