So the rules will allow the sports sedans, V8 supercar/Fujitsu, 997 Porsche etc, to score outright points. Whether they enter or not is beside the point, the rules will allow it !!!
The other point is that you need to do a bit more homework on F4000/Holden history.
The current tyres available for F4000 are some 4 - 5 secs a lap slower than those available in 2000. A 22 year old, aluminium tub March, is some 5 - 6 secs a lap slower than a 14 year old carbon fibre tub Reynard 95D.
"Only problem is someone wants to get the trophy for bashing up these grassroots competitors in their road registered cars..."
Is not Michelle a 'grassroots' competitor, is not Neill a 'grassroots' competitor, are not the F/vee competitors that ran supersprints a few years ago 'grassroots' competitors ?
Oh - sorry, has to be a closed or road registered car, at least that will stop the skirt from blowing up in front of the eyes.