I am an ex-employee of Bar20, and i know the bouncers in question...
these guys are lovely guys. In the whole time i worked with them, there was never any trouble from them. These guys put up with so much shit from the low life patrons who go into that joint and they do a f**kin good job of protecting us employees....
Im not excusing their actions, but all im saying is just be careful before u label them as thugs... im pretty sure if someone was racially abusing u and spitting on u, (and they politely told them to leave a number of times) u would lose it too!
All im saying is, cut these guys some slack, obivously the situation escalated out of control, and i know them personally and they are really nice guys, who would never START trouble... remember they have now lost their jobs because of a couple of drunk losers who couldnt accept that they werent going to see some arse and tits to end their night...