:bahaha: i just got my first written warning for exceeding my download limit by five times the allowed amount, haha i didn't think i downloaded that much ohwell will just have to whore more and download less
*shakes fist at it manager*
JUDGED seen pics of your car before with the F&F stickers thought it looked good a little different but each to there own i think, the only thing i didn't like was the GTR badge but who am i to talk i drive a holden
im pretty sure thats the night my dog ran away and i got all stressed and wasn't in the right frame of mind to come to the casino. Soughta sucked really wanted to blow some money and meet all you friendly people
i am an SEO specialist which means "Search Engine Optimization Specialist" I do work on peoples websites editing there code search engine submission that kinda boring stuff.....
its easy and pays my bills and soon will pay for my line
i usually just look at car sites and download drift videos but ocassionally i do work