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Tommy Kaira RL

SAU SA Club Member
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Everything posted by Tommy Kaira RL

  1. Ie been meaning to come and take up his offer of a drive one day
  2. PM sent
  3. Thats all most as good as taking pigeons into the theatre and letting them go. Like when there is a scene in New York with lots of them. They try to fly towards there freinds on the screen. Such a good laugh
  4. Any pics of the dirt circuit. Did you get a ride in shanes car?
  5. I saw a V35 down at the dry creek wreckers on lower churchill rd. They might have a few interior parts the same. I have a few dash parts.
  6. Ryan press the bottom right button on your dash. It will show you the contrast menu. What have you decided with the handbrake? I have thought of a circuit using a relay and the amplifier trigger to turn it on. That black box you were looking at would mean taking the dash out again I think. P.S I was impressd with your clarion aswell.
  7. There is one on ebay that is getting parted out from rust. It didnt pass compliance. I would part it out and start again. Its something you might never be happy about.
  8. Thats a close call. Glad you got it back before to much damage. Its interesting going to work at that time in the morning sometimes see commys full of blokes wearing beenies and hoodies. Obviously on there way home.
  9. I'll take the freshly machined CALIPERS for $50. Thats if they have been machined?
  10. Give me a ring I have a few spade drills with extensions for going down the wall
  11. hey Andrew I spoted a Carbon fibre bonet in the for sale section for V35 http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/topic/366569-v35-part-cf-bonnet-55019-racing-hart-rs-19x910-22-with-tyrestock-v35-mufflers/
  12. Im going to Kadina on the Sunday in the GTR for the car show. There is a huge turn out of SAU going from Adelaide this year. You should enter the M35 in would be next to Rubys stag. I usually have my M35 in the shows but this time I want to go in the GTR. Have a look in the SA members section. P.S See you Sunday
  13. Lesson learnt I will take a spare service fuse next time I work in sub stations so I cant turn them off (even tho it does happen ) I looked at the screwdriver today in the light and it only had a tiny little splat. Those HRC fuses are quick
  14. Trying to get the top cap off the 3phase bus to put another CB in. When I lifted the cap up it was tight and my screwdriver sliped and touched the phase to earth.
  15. You could grab all the parts on the one side of town. Too easy
  16. Had an interesting wiring job today. Went to connect up SLEDs shed into the meter box and I blew the ETSA service fuse . I came from work so I was in my ETSA uniform so when ETSA rocked up to fix the fuse I was trying to hide from them so they didnt see my shirt. So SLED disguised me as a mini SLED and I left out the side. Thanks for the jacket. Anyway glad you now have power on the shed SLED
  17. I have a FPR in golden grove area if your interested
  18. Yes I will bring it up to Kadina.
  19. Yes Abe and its in really good condition. Yeah I can post it for $60 inc postage Yes I can post them to you for free
  20. Being a rider once myself I thought it was safer to give up the bike because a few of my mates have had serious injuries. In the end a few of us would just go for Sunday morning ride in the hills. And we still managed to find a tourist driving on the opposite side of the road. Came around the corner on wrong side. I think if everyone got there bike licence they would have a better understanding of what its like to ride on the road. I always check for bikes even reversing out of driveways. I have a good sense when there around but sometimes they still come from nowhere. I think the younger riders are learning to many bad maners from the older ones like dashing between lanes, hitting my mirrors at the lights when they squeeze past to get to the front and monos.
  21. And yes I was going to say what did Pete do to help? But then I remembered he pumped the brakes. Are you going to be around wednesday afternoon. Ill come and hook the shed up before tea.
  22. I run 18s on my M35 with the low profile tyres and they look a bit small definately go 19s. Could you get Streeter to put the mags on the car before it leaves and throw the stockies in the boot. Got any pics of the new car?
  23. Speaking of R35s I saw a blue one today going past Mawson Lakes with NSW number plates. My guess its Munros new car.
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