hey was wondering if any one here uses/used JJR coil packs and what you think i am trying to work out if i just go with split fires or save a bit and get some JJR ones, anyone that can assist me?
hey danai can you pm a around about figure on what it cost you as i only want 5th gear syncro done and probably thrust bearing but wanna know how much i could be poosible looking at , thanks
sorry all for making a new thread but my gear box has been making noises and i am unsure of what oil to get as i have never done it before, is their any stuff that would maybe get rid of some noise aswell?
sorry if there is a link to this info im just a bit stupid when it comes to finding stuff lol
sounds like an intercooler pipe/join, would be over fueling like a bitch tho and if it was that u would notice black smoke, try damos idea he reads alot lol
brought a greddy profec B spec II from sydney a couple of weeks ago and now want a Eboost, brought it as a working ebc
looking for a swap for a EBOOST plus cash their way or $350
sorry just read the one saying meeting at 3pm thought it was 2day,and i cant look at 2 many pages coz my internet is so slow i would be here all night lol
the main reason all the defects ect have slowed down is because its not december/ january like neil said its when most cops are out and about, it will be good to have a meeting with officer neil and talk about the issues we have ect.
damo remember what happened 2 me with ur 800 dollar rebuild lol
naaa hes a good guy my stock turbo housing was apparently stuffed( even tho my car was running fine with it b4 i sent it to him !), dont worry about that reuben just get a garret or somthing