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Nismo 3.2ish

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Everything posted by Nismo 3.2ish

  1. Must have misunderstood what you said, I worked hard to get rid of lag from the car I bought and got hammered for wanting and chasing more torque, on many occasions told to buy a V8, lol and when I saw "full Boost at 3500" I though it was great
  2. Full boost at 3500 is not laggy ? Mine was around 6000 + odd @ 338awkw, thats laggy
  3. Medical clinics and nursing homes are getting to look like money making machines and some dispense drugs at will. Antibiotics is one drug type that gets overused on a daily basis, misuse and overuse of these drugs have contributed to antibiotic resistance. This resistance develops when potentially harmful bacteria change in a way that reduces or eliminates the effectiveness of antibiotics and will come back to bite the human race on the bum.
  4. I think that some over the counter/prescribed drugs have a bit to answer for , especially on the roads and they would not show up under drug tests and if they did it would not matter. There are so many legally drugged out drongos driving around out the it is not funny. You think Sydney is a mad place to drive, some of these small country towns were there are a lot of retirees is as bad, some are on so many prescribed drugs their head rattle and I tell you this, they keep you on your toes trying to guess what some of them are going to do next yes I am one of them, but no drugs, yet , cannot wait
  5. There seems to be a few ways of looking at the power for drag against track and road. If you do not use your car on the road it does not matter how it drives around town, rev it up and let go , so whatever makes you happy. For me I did not mind loosing some Dyno KWs up top to have it drive the way I use my car. Probably still be OK to drag, just change gears earlier I guess
  6. Hey Terry, took a lot of fake Nismo stickers out of the engine bay and added a fake one of my own, LOL Now all I need is a Nismo Twin Turbo Logo for the Single , wonder if they would notice
  7. Guns , like Drugs , the people that want them, will get them. You attack the US you had better do it by "long distance", land your troops at their peril , many of the 350,000,000 odd have guns. It was a shame that a few didn't have a gun or 2 in the night club the other night, but? We are already being attacked by drugs. In the bush towns it is going nuts with young kids flogging ice and whatever. Youth unemployment and parents letting their kids run around at all different hours of the day and night, makes you wonder if they are partners with their kids. Look at what happened with that mental bloke that was shot by the cops, these are the good guys that had tasers, he had a knife but still let go with 3 rounds and hit 4 people , that's good shooting, not!
  8. These drongos would use a knife if they had no gun BUT guns in the wrong hands can do a lot more damage, 49 dead in the US, one nutter !
  9. I think running too lean can do damage and quickly, such as melt a piston, but I am just guessing ?
  10. Seafood in Taiwan , spent all night not knowing what end to point at the bowl, finally a little hairy thing came up, my butt Had a 12 hour work day set up for that morning, no sleep, could not eat and still feeling like crap, longest day in my life and had to fly home the next day.
  11. have a roach man and "CHILL" it wont hurt you, again
  12. Thanks Pete Just love white Skyline Pics Have to tell you I only ever saw one white 33 up here , no 32s and it looked great. Cannot believe I bought a black car , any type of black car. I think I had a brain meltdown because it was a Skyline ??? Loved the reflection "like" photo with the 34
  13. Maybe the locals in Amsterdam are over puffing on the shit since it became legal and not getting that bad guy image anymore. Could it work here, I doubt it. Does not work with grog . To me, pot was crap after the original high, could not taste anything, ruin the night and I would go home ? The young Poms are like a lot of us when they are away from home, go on like DHs and over do everything. The French and the Spanish cringe when they see a mob of Poms. This is not my observation, it is my Pommy mates words and he used to be one of them,lol I can only guess the locals in Amsterdam would feel the same way, but money is money and the tourists are the ones that have it.
  14. Like alcohol , there are some that can handle it and some that cannot. Trouble is you do not know until you try it and for some that can be too late. I knew many that thought they were handling the pot and could handle harder drugs and just do it on the weekends , some did and got off it, some did not and some died
  15. /\ /\ This Grog is bad enough without legalizing pot? Less arrests there , LOL it is legal now! The only dumb shit I ever did in my life was through grog. Smoking pot did my head in and I am sure it cannot be good for you. A lot of people can handle grog and pot and keep working but I know from experience, a lot don't . There are the poor bastards that try for a better high on stronger drugs thinking they can handle the shit and then their life turns to shit!
  16. That is so weird , hard to believe the benefits, all the extra jobs ,(who works when they are off their face) , tax , (who works to pay tax) , less deaths on the road I can understand, they are stoned at home and do not have to drive around looking for a deal, maybe home delivery. The shit does your head in and except for pigging out , you do not want to do much of anything, they must be spiking it with vitamins, lol
  17. How about some other pics Pete, looks great Well except for QLD bit
  18. It is an easy fix through the Haltech, just a little less aggression. I thought it was sorted ? I was just wondering if the boost controller would just stop it before it spiked as it would be set to whatever, say 25psi and just limit it to the 25psi ? It is all VOODOO to me
  19. It does not do it the second time now, similar the first time, maybe a bit earlier, just after 4000rpm Going out in early the morning if it is sunny to see how the glare is with that dash mat and will give it a good run and keep a better eye on it
  20. He is trying to hold the wastegate shut as long as he can to build the boost faster, looks like it has to be less aggressive for the colder weather , boohoo .
  21. Could not find much between the 2 turbos, especially the PT6266 CEA Gen 2 http://www.spracingforum.com/forums/s...
  22. This was explained and I do understand. Just wondering, the adjustments had been made to the tune on a cold day and it was great for a couple of weeks, then the weather started turning cold up here when it started happening again. I usually go early in the morning, at the coldest time of the day, so I waited until 2pm when it was much warmer and ran it again, same thing happens. This only happens on E85 and it makes 75KW more than 98 pump @ around 4000rpm , could this cause the spike as it wants to keep boosting and the ECU steps in and stops it and brings it back to where the boost should be.. I am not worried, I am with a great shop that looks after their customers, just good to get feedback from blokes that know what they are talking about and you may find it interesting or have had the same experience
  23. I have the Haltech 2500 Elite ECU, having some spiking problems. Went back and had a tune touch up and seemed to fix it but the weather went cold and I am having the same problem @ 4000rpm + after it is on full boost. It spikes and the ECU makes it drop back for a split second and off it goes again. Just needs a touch up again to sort it out , but I was wondering, the HKS evc 6 boost controller was taken off and then the ECU was running the show, Would the same spiking situation be happening if the HKS boost controller was controlling the boost, I am not changing anything, just wondering ?
  24. Liked the old TG, mostly they geld well together and their separate personalities mixed in. I liked JC and found him funny TG USA, seems like they were rehearsing for the show and they never seemed to get much better, I found it boring New TG, have to wait and see if they get better, well see if they last. Mat will be OK but something missing ATM ?
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