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Everything posted by Huy

  1. Huy


    I reckon. Lots of Nur's popping up! Great shots, Evade. All of those cars looks awesome. Just out of curiousity; I thought p-plater's can't drive turbocharged cars over east? (they can in WA)
  2. Huy


    A pic my friend took last Friday. I think his Sierra and the GT-R make a good combo! Nevermind the plates on my car (personally joke about me buying a new M3..).
  3. Huy


    Looks perfect to me. Nice work!
  4. Huy


    Oh, I didn't realise it was you, Matt. Your username has changed. Long time no see. Hey, you're not allowed to get a black Nur!
  5. Huy


    Wow. Who owns that? Looks very good!
  6. If I had my time again, I would've jumped on Matt's car, no question...
  7. You'd be mad not to buy Matt's!
  8. It's a Vspec II Nur. Says it on page 1 of the thread.
  9. Yeah, I will be very soon. Going to be difficult to let her go, but sacrifices need to be made, unfortunately. Good luck with the sale, I hope it goes to a worthy home!
  10. Straight swap, Matt? Congrats on the feature!
  11. I think you need more wheels. New shoes look great on the 35!
  12. SSR Type F. So hot!
  13. Except the purple ones. De-value!
  14. That wheel shot is amazing!
  15. I want one!
  16. Just out of curiousity, have you been in/driven any well sorted 2.6/2.8L GT-R's? Seems like overkill for what you're going to be using the car for. I can see the $$ going down the sink already.
  17. Sumopower. And those cars share practically nothing in common with a road going R35. Would still love to see how their times compare to a V8 super taxi!
  18. My friend rung me and told me about this car. Apparently the owner sold his Nur and bought this car as an investment. I'm sure the owner knows it can't be registered.
  19. Some lucky person in the country has this car. I wonder who it is? http://draganddrift.blogspot.com/search/la...UNE%20%23%20001
  20. Very nice, Jack. Tough!
  21. Huy

    R35 Build

    Love it! You've done very well for yourself. Goodluck.
  22. They certainly need a tune. I couldn't believe how much mine woke up after some basic mods. It just keeps piling on speed. I love the fact that it's more responsive now, and has plenty of top end power. Fun fun. I think the Vspec II interior is fantastic. Compared to my brother's Evo IX, this is far better.
  23. How much for the wheels only, Az?
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