^^^ Piping is correct, I dont think the solenoid is working,while listening there isn't that buzz noise the solenoid (I think) makes, s15 are a NC type, fusion on posts 16 17 on this thread had the same issue, their NC.
So should i a)joing the solenoid wire to the ecu or b) cut the wire from the ecu and wire it directly the IEBC?
In not too certain if this makes a difference but im running a haltech e8 with plug in adaptor for the wiring loom and map sensor, im almost sure that this wont make a difference.
So far im only getting 5psi, the solenoid can only go two ways and I tried both, I still get 5psi.
First Im going to check for blown fuses, then manually operate the solenoid to check for malfunctions, last will be the wiring.
One last thing, the solenoid as two wires O and O/B, im assuming O is for earth?