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Everything posted by Thomasino

  1. Spotted Carl, at his mums house, lol. See my sleepy eyes?
  2. For sale is a used, but mint condition set of tail lights for a 180SX. I had these on my 1995 180SX but chose to swap back to the stock lights, as the rest of the car was stock, and it didn't suit my car. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the lights and they worked perfectly when I used them. No cracks, the globes and LEDs all work perfectly fine. Included is the left and right lights, centre with reverse lights, and all connections required. On the right car, these lights can really set it off. The LED surrounds are reflective chrome style, red and plain chrome, and the back of the lights are black with the clear plastic front. Very nice lights in mint condition. I am unsure of postage costs so I made postage free and slightly increased my sale price to what I believe is reasonable. Will only post within Australia. Local pick up in South Australia available, located Southern suburbs. Cash accepted. Any questions don't hesitate to ask! Price is negotiable for local pickup only. Item also on eBay, click here. Tom.
  3. I spose...haha.
  4. Sweet! Progress! We have the blanks! So now getting them printed... Still no takers on swapping an unnamed Large for an unnamed Extra Large?
  5. Didn't spot much today, Woke up this afvo and went to work, that was my day!. But last night was going down Brighton road and followed a clean as red R32. Looked relatively stock apart from rims (very smooth ride, doubt it had coilovers). Got caught at a red light though and lost him. Oh and on closer inspection (by that I mean my mate told me) that Carls wagon is actually a rolla. Makes me look like a tool now doesn't it.
  6. I was discussing this with one of my mates at work tonight. It was a gold coin donation for last fridays cruise, right? A gold coin! If you own such an expensive car surely you can afford a gold coin donation. I've got no problem donating $5 for this as its a good cause. If someone wants a gold coin donation for organising a cruise for themselves, then I can understand if people refuse to pay, but not for this. Looking forward to it.
  7. Got the ok to go. Will let my mates know and definitely keen for this! Will wear my SAU hoodie and will be driving probably the only stock white 180 there PM meet spot (if not posted up) when decided on, thanks.
  8. Wine Red Stagea 'RS FOUR' at Marion carpark today. Trying to convince my mum to get one
  9. Spotted a nice as black R34 with eye lids at about 2:40 on Fireash drive (or st, or whatever road that starts at Ford South road corner). Spotted the same car going past the cemetery later that day. Also at 1:10AM spotted two cops in backstreets going from my mates house to mine, <5 min drive. One followed me for a bit then stopped in the middle of the road when we parted ways to watch if I was to do anything stupid.
  10. haha happened at Habour Town at the very end of the night. I was getting macca's and stopped to talk to a few people, I said hi then they said 'and the cops are here!' and all bailed! I was like, ummm cya then.
  11. Too bad I'm only 17 So I have to remove the seat belts also? Hrm ok thanks guys. Just say I do get defected for it, would I have to go to regency or my local cop shop? It literally takes <5 minutes to do the whole job, its so simple so would they just let me off at the cop shop?
  12. Waaaaait. Oh I see but why did everyone suddenly go on the brakes? Went to go get Macca's at Habour Town at about 12-1AM and was a few skylines there. Kahli, Brad, Luke, Tom (300ZX), then after I came out the drive through a heap of ceffy's and silvias showed up. Got out and started talkin to them till a cop showed up, they all took off pretty fast.
  13. Good parking... Been spotting a blue gemmi wagon for the past couple of months outside Carls mums place. Saw it coming off the truck and haven't seen it moving since, drove past in my 180 Carl and I didn't know if it was you outside, so kept going.
  14. Well I finally got sick of taking people in my car who don't care about it. I thought saying 'Sorry I got no rear seats' would be an easier option then trying to decline them due to not much leg room. So I took them out. 2 clips and 4 bolts. My question is, is this defectable for whatever reason? If I get pulled over and they see I have no rear seats or parcel shelf (in my 180SX) will they defect me for it? I can just as easily put them back in (less then 5 mins) but just wondering. Thanks for any help! PS: To make it less obvious I was planning on laying some carpet down so you can't see all the metal.
  15. Do you do any work? Just kidding. Spotted a nice as white 33 in glenguari (f**k knows how to spell that suburb). Noticed it coz its sunroof was popped up, made me want one in my 180
  16. haha my thoughts exactly^^^ Its recently been pointed out to me that there's 2 of them very close to my home. Always wondered why there was one of those red pedestrian crossing lights in the front yard of that place.
  17. Got a 360, Halo 3 stylez. Can't exactly remember when I got it, sometimes this year. Took it to a mates place, brought it home, turned it on, red rings. Called up a mate, took HDD and cords out, plugged power in, worked good. Probably happen again, I bet. GTA4 was hyped up and to be honest, I enjoyed it for a while. Loved the graphics, physics and AI, but most of all loved multiplayer. I unlocked the third island and stopped playing. Got bored. About time I bought a new game. Thinking Gears of War 2. Also got Forza 2, drifting is hard imo. Probably just need to practice more.
  18. Spotted HOSTILE on Brighton Esplanade tonight.
  19. Isn't there a thread for this? Original: http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0...98-2682,00.html Updated: http://www.news.com.au/adelaidenow/story/0...99-2682,00.html
  20. Watching Cash Cab, the blokes in the cab needed to use a shout out, deciding who to ask about some music question. Driver 'We'll pull into this servo, there's a girl here you can ask?' Passenger 1 'Nah she doesn't look like she'd know' Passenger 2 'She drives a holden she must be bogan!' Made me smile.
  21. We kept a big huntsman upstairs for a while. My step brother and I named it Fred (or Frank, it kept changing). Didn't build any webs, just sat. Adds excitement to life when you wake up and he's not where he was when you went to bed, and can't find him. Though when he got within a 1m radius of either of our pillows it was time to move him back into the living area. Eventually he disappeared. But back on topic I hate people that do 25 km/h in a school zone outside school hours and there is no one under 18 in the zone, in fact, no one in the zone at all. And then stop for a couple seconds at a giveway sign to make sure no one is coming, drive slower then walking pace around a corner because their afraid the insanely huge G forces experienced while turning a corner will break their hip or something, and then think its best to do 5km/h under the speed limit everywhere else. Or when you're following the above person down a street where you have to give way to oncoming traffic if a car is parked on your side of the road. Only when a car is on the other side, the on comiong car has stopped, waved the person in front through, but the person in front also stops, and waves the person who already stopped through, make sense if that. When people stop and WAIT for people to come to give way to at the end of Jetty Road so everyone can see their wicked Mitsubishi Mirage with sick as graphics and sick chromies with a huge loud as milo tin on the back, then floor it and give you the finger because everyone was tooting him to hurry the f**k up. When people do walking pace down Jetty road...for each of their 15 laps they do.
  22. People helping me when I really need it makes me happy
  23. The sound of an RB smoothly rolling then all of a sudden VRMAAMAMAAA AMAAAAAA makes me happy. Watching all the toss bags when they tell me to do a burnout and I rev it then slowly roll away makes me happy. Chicken Schnitzel with mushroom sauce makes me happy. (Some) chicks make me happy. My car makes me happy. Understanding things makes me happy. Finishing things makes me happy. Success makes me happy. Sleeping makes me happy. Winning makes me happy. Getting a good pay check makes me happy. Being around my friends makes me happy. Music can make me happy.
  24. Filled up tuesday night I think at BP for Ultimate at $1.11 and it'll porbably last me a week or so.
  25. How about rav 4's? I REALLY hate when you get to a petrol station, line up waiting for the two people that own the two cars at the two pumps to come back and move their cars so you can fill yours up, then 10 mins later they come back having the last bite of their footlong subway Also people who don't even have their P's and fill thier myspace album named 'mates cars' with pictures off carpoint... Or when they get the best car they can find on carpoint and upload all the pictures to myspace and say 'this is my car...hopefully' or 'I'm getting this, soon' and change the car every week. I hate myspace. I hate it when your friends dog you. I hate it when your friends lie to you. I hate it when your friends can't resist the girl you wanted and spend all day every day hooking up infront of you I especially hate it when people don't respect your stuff, ESPECIALLY your car. I also hate it when knobs on the road try to drag you off or ask if my 180sx is turbo... I hate it when people chew with their mouth open. I hate people that think they're the best, or are good at something and show it off, bragigng about it. I hate jocks (not the udnerware). I hate when I rant on for too long in a post.
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