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Everything posted by frozenpod
Intake system includes from free air to the cylinder head which includes air box, filter, piping, turbo, supercharger and intake manifold. If you put a turbo motor from the same model that was orignally NA I think it has to be 100% as factory which would include what ever cooler came from factory ie side mount. You could then make modifications as per EPA guidlines ie FMIC.
The company I work for buys parts from Soanar all the time, they are good to deal with and generally ok priced. This battery appears to be a generic chinese sealed battery which we use something very similar for our UPS backup systems, I'm not saying there is anything wrong with this battery but I don't think this battery is design to supply large starting currents. I would suggest looking at the automotive sealed units such as (from memory) Pulse branded ones that come from the same factory as very expensive Oddysee.
I suggest you read the guidlines again the 1 intake modification was the previous regulations which is no longer the case, changed in the as per above vehicle modification guildines dated 2006. Whist on most turbo cars this means you would typically only fit legally an aftermarket FMIC if they didn't come with one from factory as it is the most effective modification in that case you cant do anything else which means only 1 intake modification but this doesn't mean you cannot have more than 1 intake modification in all situations. For example you fit both a POD filter and a supercharger.
Shaun, your quote is incorrect I didn't say that please edit it. I have not been to all of China and it is a big place, from what I have seen there is certainly a different environment and feel in different locations as well as development levels. I have asked my partner if the killing of girls still goes on and she said there are rumurs that it still happens in very poor parts of china. Which it appears I haven't been too. China's censorship from what I know and have experienced I have already commented on in previous posts but I will add a little more to it. I do not know the full extent of it but it didn't come across as a big deal particularly when international news was available on the internet and there was some news from the US on TV. In my use of the internet I only came accross about 3 websites I was unable to use whilst I was there. Likewise I don't know everything in fact very little about there business regulations. I have seen the infustructure being built and there is still an amazing amount going on to support business. The exact legalitise I don't know but I do know that most people if they can save up a small amount of capital can start there own business. Durring the 60th Anniversity Celbrations there was American and European spokes people talking about how well china has been doing in providing the infustructure for businesses and how they were leading the world in this area. China has had the highest business growth in the world with many overseas companies relocating to china so there foreign business regulations must be quite good otherwise they wouldn't bother even with the cheaper labour. Yes they are a developing nation, I have never said that there were not a developing nation infact as you have suggested everything I have said has pointed to China being a developing nation that has been under going rapid growth. I have never suggested that they were a first world nation but something to add from the 60th Anniversity Celbrations there was political analysts which said China was very close to being a first world nation and at there current rate of development it would only be a few years before they are accepted world wide as a first world nation. As to Australia being a 'First World' nation, and 'China addressing basic requirements' what I said was china has matched there growth to provide for there people. China has had massive amounts of growth and any country to support this level of growth and provide the basic requirements of food and water would be considered a good job but they have also provided the infustructure to allow there country to flurish. On the other hand have you heard about the water restrictions//water crisis in Victoria, power generation and distribuition cannot meet peak demand, we can no longer provide enough locally produced Fruit, Veg and Fish to meet our demands and we are now importing large qty from US, Thialand New Zealand ect. Australia has not matched it own growth in providing the basic requirements for the people and in this area we are going backwards. Something to think about is that when Australia was a developing nation there was no where near as many regulations and people were 'freeer' to do as they please which is currently a simliar situation in China from what I understand. Speak to older friends/family and see what they think about Australia today compared with in the 1960-1980's people that were working adults durring that time that have been to China recently have spoken about China as being like Australia was back then which I must admit I was surprised to hear. Given advancements in technology, economice growth there is no doubt China is going forward at a rapid rate, I am not saying they have everything perfect and we sure don't but they are going in the right direction all they need is a little more time. As to Chinese coming to Australia yes some do but not everyone wants to leave. My partner parents is a good example they can come to Australia under the current imigration laws if they choose but they have recently decided not too. They were going to come but they have changed there minds I assume as China is getting better all the time and as per below there world experience gives them a much better perspective. My soon to be father in law works for an agency company providing the interface between manufactures and international buyers and regulalry travels to Australia, New Zealand, Canada, US, UK, Europe. I have spoken to him about his travels and places he liked ect and he said 15 years ago that he picked Australia for his daughter to become educated and create a life in the best conditions possible so that she could have the best life possible, he said if he was to pick now it would be either New Zealand or Canada or possibly stay in China. There plan was always to move to stay in the same location of there daughter but as per above they have decided not too.
1 intake mod?? You have this regulation from the EPA modification guidlines wrong if you think you are only allowed 1 intake modification. You can have as many intake modifications as you like provided they meet the requirements unless you have an aftermarket intercooler which in the case of an aftermarket intercooler it is the only modification that you are allowed to have. Mofied plenum chambers are not legal under any circumstances without ADR approval.
Shaun, That article is 9 years old and even back then it was probably a typical media hipe up, think of the hoons articles ACA type footage.... I used to think like you and I only knew what I had been told and read. I haven't been to all of china but I have been to a number of big cities and country cities/towns and once going there I have completely changed my view. PS whilst I was there I didn't notice an abnormal balance of boys vs girls. The one child policy is not a policy where if you have more than one child you will have your child or your freedoms taken away or where you are forced to give up your child. As I understand it and I know of a few families that do have more than one child you can choose to have more than one child but you will not receive additional government support which for the lower class makes things very tough. The governement will also support people that the conception occurs when the couple is taking precaustions to prevent pregnecy. Whilst I am prepaired to believe boys are preffered there is certainly not an abnormal balance of boys vs girls I don't believe girls are thrown away. The government has been a typical communist government in the passed but in the last 60 years this has been changing. In particular over the last 20 years China has transformed into something quite special and appears to be striking a very good balance between communist and capaltised society where people are free to go about there business on there own not restricked but at the same time the governement continues to expand, build and create what is needed to support new business and allow exsisting business to expand to meet there rapid growth. Large efforts have been put into basic requirements such as food, water, power and in many ways they are greener and use technology that is beyond what we use. IE electric buses. They are also in other ways very damaging to the environment using largely coal power sations similar to what we use but with a much larger population and manufacturing power requirement. My only question is, have you been to china recently and for anyone else reading this if you have been whilst you were there what did you do, just to see tourist attractions stay in hotels ect but have you been into typical office work places, factories, peoples homes. As per the above comment when I did it very much changed my veiw.
"Visiting vs living" This was mostly my point, I haven't just been there as a tourist I have lived with locals as they lived, eatten what they eat traveled via there normal methods of transport and been with them to there daily grind and it puts a very different picture on the country. There is no doubt there are a few areas they need to massively improve on but they are a developing nation and the are heading in the right direction but there method of government/society reformed communist has many advantages over a democrate, capalist and there are disadvantages as well but polictical anaylists are very positive or the hybrid situation China currently has. Yes there is some strange stuff sensors, whilst I was there I was infected with spyware, one of the few restricted sights I came across was almost every anit-spyware anit-virus software website was not available, the other was youtube and some other social networking sight everything else I tried to use was available. Our internet censorship regulation debate in Australia is a disgrace and is another example of our overregulation. They have security guards on there to give the people something to do. They have over a 1 billion people and they need to do something earn money ect this is no different to India or how Australia used to be with having a task broken up into smaller sections done by more people, overtime in Australia this was reduced to improve efficency. China and India given labour rates and cost of living compared with the rest of the world have not had to take this path yet but it will only be a matter of time before they do. I can only say I have never seen a breath test, or any form of enforcement related to traffic offenses. As to the person you know who spend half of Feb in jail perhaps this was after they had an accident which was casused by being drunk and had an accident. Perhaps when the police were at the accident sight cleaning up making sure people were ok he was then picked up as a drunk driver and put in jail. As to this thread back on topic our form of governement is about reducing regulation and control and handing it back to the people. The government no longer own or control essential services such as Teslstra, Power Utilities ect as in our form of governement the theory is to get things started then hand these responsiliblities back to the people in the form of private companies who can then run them independently and more efficently. Whist on the one hand the governement is doing this on the other they continue to intrduce more and more regulations mostly go well above what is required or are pointless. An example of good regulation is the R 18+ rating for video games, we currently don't have anything higher than MA 15+ rating and there are many games which have been specially edited for Australia to suit this rating or they were not able to be sold here as the R rating doesn't exsist. There is also the suggestion that some R rated games are being labled MA incorrectly. Having an R rating is perfect example of good regulation that changes and adapts with the change in technology and social behaviour. An example of very bad regulation is the hoons act brought upon us with a lie and as has been discussed to death is there is no additional laws or regulation ie if you comment an offense under the hoons act before the hoons act you were commiting an offense such as careless driving, dangerous driving. The hoons act is a change in penalities allowing more police powers and IMO I have seen this power under the hoons act to be abused, it is also a buzz word used by police through the media to hip up and legitimise there war on hoons which is purely a revenue raising excerise and has nothing to do with road safety. Given our method of governement we should be doing the exact opposite and deregulating whilst educating people and allowing the individual to be more informed/edcuated allowing them to act more responsible whilst allowing society to grow and inhance.
Have you been to China recently things have changed a lot in recent years. You can access this website and the internet censorship from what I saw is fairly minimal but still annoying. They do own there own apartments infact it is much easier for a regular Joe in China (at least most parts of China excluding a few areas which is stupidly expensive) to buy there own place than what it is in Australia. A good example is my partners best friend in China, works a regular office job in a local mid sized company, had been working for two years when she purchased her own brand new apartment. Relative to her pay the apartment was about 1/4 the cost of here. They generally work under a lot less stress and more people do the same work ie they are less efficient and work less hrs. Typically from what I have seen of my partners friends and family most people typically work from about 9 till 4:30 with a 2hr lunch break. Most people typically go home for lunch which is quite nice and in many ways healthy than grabing some crapy fast food whilst on the run which most people tend to do here. Another good example of more people doing the one job is a bus driver, there is typically 2-3 people working on the bus, the driver and ticket collectors, there is also what appears to be random security on buses that move around from bus to bus. In Australia this is all done by one person the bus driver and this appears to be the same for most jobs. Many hands make light work approach combined with a lot more people to keep employed. Chinese people appear to lead a slightly simple life but there is no doubt that they are happy relaxed and there is a sense of it is hard to explain as I don't completely understand but I would almost use the word freedom. I cant comment on what would happen if someone sent an SMS complaining but I can assure you that no one or very few people would want to send a complaint. The people are happy and proud of who they are and there country. I cant comment about a protest but whilst I was there I did see a protest on the news and what was shown the police were standing by watching, after the cameras were turned off they could have all been locked up but what I saw on TV didn't indicate this as it was on for a number of days. 0% alcohol I have never seen a breath test done in China and whilst I am not familure with every law I can assure you that (most) people don't drink and drive because they are educated that it is not safe/responsible and they simply don't do it even though if this is a law it is not enforced. As for there driving in general it is great even though it appears a little crazy at first people drive to the conditions have car control and do not drive in anger or with intent to do the wrong thing they just drive. This means even though they drive all over the road including foot path, change lanes ect at low speed around town they are doing all this at low speed suitable to the conditions which could be anywhere from 20 to 60km/hr. When conditions permit ie when they get out on the open road, FWY ect there is no hesiation to do very high speeds ie 180km/hr and maintain it. There are very few crashes and from the entire time I have been in china I have only seen 1 crash that was a very small touch and no one was hurt just a cracked bumper. As per above there is no anger in there driving they don't get upset react to other drivers which is a problem and getting much worse in recent years here.
Liberal arts where on earth would you get an idea like that?? I am an Electrical Engineer and I don't preach or at least I typically don't but I believe that our current governement is not acting in our best interests both short and long term relating to traffic regulation. Busy day at work but I was going to respond to your comments about China, USA I will do so now. Yes I agree in some parts of the US is as you have described. I have not spent a lot of time there but I can tell you from the two states I have been to they were vasty different so much that you would almost think you were in a different country. I am lead to believe by collages and some family that live in the US that every state is different right across the country so whilst in some states your comments are correct others there regulations and society are very different.
It effects everything in a small way which people don't notice unless you take a very big step back. Some of the small things, extra red tape, increased cost of living, additional taxing, poorer public services such as roads hospitals as the governement has wasted funds elsewhere, police (lots of police are moving to the traffic units ie new Hoon Squad, we really need them elsewhere and have much bigger problems such as drugs, violence to deal with), the person takes less responsibility as more and more choices and responsibility is taken away from the person they take less responsibility of what they are still left with and when things go wrong 'shit happens' use there lack of responsiblity 'its not my problem, not my responsiblity' as a defence.
IMO Birds you are a classic example of social engineering and you believe what you are lead to believe. Yes they can be but in the case of hoons act and speeding they are far from it. Given the governement, police and media propergainder about speeding and hoons is a lie yes I used the word lie people are not being educated at all but brain washed. Education is not just knowing the answer but understanding where it comes from and idealy the educated person can then apply the knowledge to another similar situation. Evidence of lie look at the latest speed TV ad. "Speed being the number one killer on the road" it is actually the 17th highest cause of fatal accidents. Similar for the hoons act the public were lead to believe there was a high threat to there safety from hoons and speeding drivers which quoting Peter D " Originally Posted by PeterD Would be interesting to know how many road deaths are specifically attributable to hoon defined actions. The last data I looked at showed you were more likely to be killed on the road by mum, dad and the kids than a hoon. Most road deaths occur at or below the speed limit and speed is No17 on the list of major causes of road fatalities." Given what the public is being told either being incorect or manipulation of the truth to the point of being lied to how is this education? How does this result in a more informed 'educated' person who will behave more responsible?
There are plenty of laws to protect you and me, there has been for 50 years this is not what we are talking about we are talking about over regulation which is done for a number of reasons which also include altera mototives which quite often doesn't actually help the real issues of society and results removing the indiviuals choice and freedoms. Birds did the law and would more laws help in this situation. Some people will do or want to do the wrong thing regardless of laws in place to prevent them. Regardless of hoon laws, speeding laws, drink driving laws there have been people well over the limit driving well above the speed limit clearly the new hoons laws didn't stop them. Similarly there are plenty of people with knives that are using them in muggings attacks ect on other people even though there are laws in place that didn't stop them. What we need is not more laws but individuals to take more responsibility. This is all about education, and in other parts of the world the people are educated/informed and the society grows/advances in a positive way were as but dumbing the people down and putting in place more regulations, people don't understand the concequences of there actions and they are more likely to do the wrong thing because they don't understand what could happen. US and China
Birds I don't have time to reply to all your comments but I will reply to the following statement. You seem to think that these laws are here to protect you and without them you couldn't go about your life safely. Whilst some laws are required to insure this we are well beyond that point and massively over regulated. Your approach results in removing the ability for the individual to make a choice "we can't actually trust average Joe" because the person is either not smart enough or a mence to society and assumes if he did have the right to make his own choice that he would make the wrong one. If you take this to extremes which is where we are heading the individual ends up with not able to make there own choice about anything even the simplest daily task they cannot choose. I think you need to vist some other countries in the world to see how they live and compare to what we have here, countries which on average has a much lower education standard that Australia people are still allowed to make more choices. IMO whist many additional laws/regulations are bought in under the banner of the protection/safety there is often hidden agenders such as revenue rasing, additional taxing, keeping people employed as someone has to insure these new regulations are carried out.
Birds you have made some interesting comments I think you are out of touch with what is really going on but you are intiltled to your opinion. I have been to the US, and asia not the UK and I will say without a doubt in the US and asia they have it much better off from a driving perspective. The governement in Australia uses fear to change public opinon to creat new laws and the public is conned into thinking we despirately need them when we don't. We don't need hoons laws, as everything in the hoons laws was perviously covered by exsisting laws which are still in place. The hoons act has only changed one thing which allowed at the same time the government to introduce impounding cars. It is a disgrace the attitude the police and government are trying to inforce/create is that if you are driving at 5km/hr below the speed limit you will be fine yet speed by just a couple of km/hr you are highly likely to quote Ken Lay "slide of the road into a tree". The skill of feeling a car and driving to the conditions is totally lost. IMO the roads are getting more and more dangerous with drivers that are not paying attention to anything other than there speedo. The comment about having an instruction book is not how I would put it but perfectly in line with what is happening. Car control no longer exsists, people are not driving but they are passengers sitting in the drivers seat. IMO the current actions of government and police is resulting in a lower standard of driving and resulting in more accidents and in some cases more deaths on road. The police have modified/tweaked the statistics to support there revenue rasing approach to traffic safety and the truth has been lost. Earlier this year Ken Lay said we have had record large number of increase in young driver deaths on the road, the offical statistics drivers under 24 were down 30% from previous years yet the two older age group was up 700 and 800% and accounted for almost all the road toll on there own. A good example of non truthfull statics was present on another forum by Peter D from the accident research center at Monash University which a fatal accident which he investigated he put down to by him to be 'failure to give way'. The police on the other hand recorded the cause of the accident 'speed'. The situation was as follows, major rual HWY with a side road meeting it ie T intersection, the vehicle on the main road going straight was estimated to be travelling at 105km/hr in a 100km/hr zone, car pulled out from a small side road which had a stop sign and they failed to stop. The vehicle on the HWY was unable to avoid the other car and a collison occured which resulted in multiple deaths (all occupants). Pretty clear what was the cause of that accident 'failure to give way' and speed had nothing to do with the cause at all. Even if the vehilce on the major HWY was doing 100km/hr instead of the estimated 105km/hr it wouldn't have prevented the accident and would have been highly unlikely to have prevented deaths. But as the driver that was not at fault was estimated to be travelling at just above the speed limit police were able to use speed as the cause. In other posts by Peter D "Would be interesting to know how many road deaths are specifically attributable to hoon defined actions. The last data I looked at showed you were more likely to be killed on the road by mum, dad and the kids than a hoon. Most road deaths occur at or below the speed limit and speed is No17 on the list of major causes of road fatalities." Given speed is the 17th highest cause of fatalities on the road there is no doubt there is 16 higher causes which at least some of could easily be targeted by media advertising, public awareness and police inforcement. But by doing so you don't generate the revenue from fining people for going 3km/hr over the speed limit and it actually costs money to educate and train people by both better driver training and community awareness to save lives. The current approach is not helping and is creating a much bigger problem on the roads which is only getting worse. If there was a sudden change in governement approach it would probably take a generation or two too have a major impact as a lot of young to middle age drivers have bad habbits which are already ingrained. There are a lot of unaware passengers that sit in the drivers seat. As to the desal plant, it is the wrong thing to do. It makes no sense what so ever and it should not be built at this time. Sadly both parties are for it and they have been from day one and they have refused to entertain and explore any other ideas. and follow up with this one:
Not sure about the battery wire but my car from factory has open ended wheel nuts as does just about every car I can think of that has steel rims.
Bang For Buck Tyres.
frozenpod replied to KezR33's topic in Suspension, braking, tyres and drivetrain
This thread has soo much crap and not enough fact but the above comment is right on the money It all comes down to your application and what you are prepaired to live with. For street tyres I personally wouldn't live with the 595RS-R's but I can live with the KU36's others may be able to live with the 595RS-R's for street use. Neither are a full semi slick and the KU36's are a street tyre that can take a little heat and also has better dry performance with a loss of wet performance as a concequence IMO. The 595RS-R's are a step ahead in performance but there is again a concequence. I went with KU36's as my car is a weekend car never drivin in the the wet that occasionally sees the track my mate with the same car uses his car daily and regular track, motokarna and hillclimb events uses 595RS-R's on a separate set of rims that he bolts on the night before. He went with the 595RS-R's over other semi slicks due to cost, life and he was advised they do not need to get as hot to reach peak grip levels which he would not acheive with R comps at motorkarnas and hillclimbs. The 595RS-R's do have more grip compared with the KU36's, they do have much stiffer side walls but not quite in the legal of R888's AD048's RE55s ect and they are not as nice to drive on compared with the KU36's. The are both different enough that they suit different applications but most importantly they are both good quality tyres that are reasonably priced and perform well in there class. I choose the KU36's over AD08's as they reveiwed better for dry performance, the AD08 is a more rounded tyre and it is overall better (costs a lot more too) but all out dry performance from tire racks and GRM tests the KU36's just topped the charts and for my application offered better value for money. -
What other semis are you comparing them too. Most people have found R888's to be the best grip vs life vs price semi available. The performance of the Yoko's are better (they heat cycle out after about 15-20 runs ie 2-3 track days), the R888's whilst not quite as good performance wise last 5 plus times as long.
Interesting list I must admit there are a couple of figures I am surprised about. R31 I would have been sure was around 1300kg. There are a few track soarers that are into the mid 1300kg range which are only interior and sound deading removed and light weight seats. Still with stock glass and panels, they don't weigh anywhere near as much as people make out. They certainly have the capability to be reduced to 1300kg as a dedicated track car. There is a soarer track only build currently going on and the target is 1100kg. They have plastic windows fiberglass gaurds rear quarters bonnet and boot, I don't think they will make that but I cant wait to find out where they do end up.
I wasn't refering to Anti lag/B-R regarding EPA and bad tune.
ACA have clearly provided a very very different context for the video but in both videos a few things are clear. The car has plates, it is running poorly and in breach of EPA and should be off the road until fixed, whilst the stunts/driving is being performed the road appears at all times to be closed so it might not be as bad as some people have made out. If you have watched Targa or other Rally events they used public roads that are closed nothing special and most of the time there are no barries just road no different to this one. I am in no way interested in drifting but the drive appears to have some skills even though he is an idiot for a number of reasons. No helmet, plates on the car, incorrectly tuned/most likely used a performance shop/tuner that doesn't know what they are doing and using what appears to be a public road that may or may not have been closed in a legal fashion for the making of this video...
I would use 1 heat ranger cooler ie 7's on a stock engine with no mods and look at running 2 heat ranges cooler "8's" and smaller gap if you at pushing more boost ie about 1 bar. Pending on condition of coils the larger gap may still work fine but due to age and condition every car is different. http://www.skylinesaustralia.com/forums/Ng...eri-t68157.html
Brake Pads Users Ratings Guide
frozenpod replied to Snowman's topic in Suspension, braking, tyres and drivetrain
I agree 110%, I will not buy EBC pads as they provide stuff all information about them and from some personal experience they are not great performance wise dispite there claims. I will only buy pads (I try) that have a graph of friction vs temperature but it appears there is only 2 or 3 manufactures that provide such information one of which has stopped providing this information in recent times. I am prepaired to give other pads a try pending recomendation based on a reasonably scientific comparision with other pads ie where only the pad was changed and not new rotors or different type and condition/age fluid. -
Brake Pads Users Ratings Guide
frozenpod replied to Snowman's topic in Suspension, braking, tyres and drivetrain
True nothing beats new brake fluid but as per above I am not using standard DOT 4 fluid, I am using CSR Dot 4 which is a DOT 5.1 that is compatable with DOT 3 and DOT 4 systems. I thought CSR DOT 4 was the only DOT 5.1 backwards compatable with DOT 3 until your post of the GP600. CSR DOT 4 is rated to 286 deg dry which is a significant upgrade over standard DOT4 and DOT3 but not quite as good as you say as the RBF 600/660 and GP600. Interesting, I have found TRW pads to have very high friction, higher than every other street pad I have tried even pads claiming 0.5 and I have assumed even though I cant find a spec for them that they are at or above 0.5u friction. I have not tried the A1RM but by the sounds of it they could be a very good option. Pointed noted. The reason I asked was I have tried DS2500's and I wasn't overally impressed with them and before I fork out for DS3000's I might look into other options. IE the DS2500's were good but not great and certainly not worth the expense at 5 times the cost of TRW Lucas pads which had similar braking force, better cold performance didn't eat rotors but just lacked the higher temp range that the DS2500's provided. I was hoping when I put them in to gain an increase in braking force not only higher temp range given other peoples comments about there experiences but I didn't find this. -
Brake Pads Users Ratings Guide
frozenpod replied to Snowman's topic in Suspension, braking, tyres and drivetrain
My cars brake system I needs about 3lt per flush, I typically buy a 4lt container of CSR Dot 4 at about $40 amd flush the brakes the day before most track days. How do the A1RM pads compare to the TRW Lucas pads in terms of friction, I see they are rated to 0 to 780 deg C which is probably the best temperature range pad I have seen to date but the friction is a little light on at only 0.4-0.48. -
Brake Pads Users Ratings Guide
frozenpod replied to Snowman's topic in Suspension, braking, tyres and drivetrain
I have been running 286 deg fluid along with quite few other regular track goers with the same car and brake setup. I have been using 700 deg plus pads and I regularly overheat the pads to point of fade without issue any fluid issues to date. The same fluid has been in the same car with DS3000's which I will be buying next and the fluid has never show any signs of boiling. Keep in mind my track car is rated to use DOT 3 fluid only and Castrol Super Response DOT 4 is the highest temp DOT 3 compatable fluid that we are aware of. I would use higher temp fluid that is DOT 3 compatable in my track car if there was some available, are you aware of any?