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About GTS4onP

  • Birthday 19/01/1992

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    Christchurch, New Zealand

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    RB25DET R32 GTS-4 Sedan
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  1. Yea I've done conversion, you keeping the 4wd or going RWD?
  2. Can't put a stock Bov on, has custom I/C piping because standard J-pipe would hit the turbo
  3. Sweet as, Might get a longer pipe then, Does the diameter of the pipe affect it aswell? Or will just 3" mandrel bent be fine?
  4. It used to run mint with standard turbo setup, generic front mount cooler kit and had a atmosphere venting bov on it though. Just since going Top mount with shorter intake pipe so thinking maybe that was the cause
  5. Got Bosch platnium plugs in my car, Pack number P1-6, think they were FR7DPX, far far better than the HKS and Denso Iridium plugs i had in my car previously Can't fault them, run 10psi with bigger turbo etc very well
  6. Tried searching, no luck As per the title was just wondering if the length/angle etc of the intake pipe between turbo and AFM would effect the car stalling when coming to a stop at traffic lights etc etc as my car is now doing. I have heard that a longer pipe will increase turbo backpressure and help stop this. Car is not running a BOV at all, and has a top mounted turbo etc etc Cheers
  7. BUMP Anyone know about how you'd go about mounting them?
  8. GTS4onP


    Lol 60% of skylines you see in NZ are bogan ass skid hacks which get the living shit thrashed out of them, 20% are still standard non turbo family sedans and the other 20% are reasonably nice.
  9. Another Christchurch boy here, once again, seeing as theres f**k all happening in the South Island thread lol
  10. Hey, had a quick search but couldn't find anything Just fitted a top mount manifold to my Rb25det in my gts4 and the turbo hits on the power steering resevoir, just wanting to know where most people mount them. I'm sure theres a simple fix but just thought I'd ask Cheers
  11. Sweet cheers, wouldn't be able to find out if they're on the factory Skyline rails modified or custom or even the WRX ones been modified? Would be much appreciated Cheers
  12. Because in NZ, WRX seats can be picked up for $150ish where as GTR seats are $600+ and no-one can deny that WRX seats are f**kin comfy lol
  13. As the title says, looking at putting some WRX seating into my Skyline, just wanting to know if anyone has done it and how much of a mission it is/will be. Cheers
  14. Lol yea but the family car is still quicker than ya "Sporty coupe" haha
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