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God_speed last won the day on December 14 2015

God_speed had the most liked content!

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    V spec II Nur
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  1. A client's very special R33 GT-R V.spec N1...
  2. I'll just leave this here. Autumn N1. by Matt Tung-Yep, on Flickr
  3. Nice - is this Anthony's old car by any chance?
  4. Whoops, looks like that last shot of the two N1s didn't come up properly. Here we go:
  5. No worries Mat! Always great to see you and your track machine on one of the cruises.
  6. And finally, refuelling time (again?) for the E85 boys!
  7. At the Royal Hotel, Singleton.
  8. At the Truck Stop / half-way point: The road ahead... REAP3R - an amazing vehicle SAU Nestled. Spotted Meeting Ned Kelly. Stag II F4T Evangelion All-sorts. LMGT1 Weapon. By the numbers. At the back end. Tucked away. Track regular. R32 Lineup. Social. Super clean V.spec II CE28s. On point. Guns and Ganadors. Happy trio. That doesn't look like yours Mates
  9. Ok guys. So, photos can be found on my Facebook page here: https://www.facebook.com/godspeedphoto/ - please share and tag! Now for some photos at the meetup at McGraths Hill McDonald's: Cheeky drive-by Vertex At the meetup Loved this classic Itasha Three 33s Michael's BCNR33 Kosta's BNR32 Hardware Brake Those N1 twins again
  10. Gangsta lean, lol
  11. Yeah I agree with this assessment. But it seems that he, as a photog, has his method, has it down pat and doesn't try and mess with it (well, during a shoot, anyway). So I understand that. I noticed he started doing the multi-car panoramas, which are pretty interesting and would look great in large format.
  12. Thanks James! Couldn't miss those guys hanging out at the corner there, so was wondering when those pics would turn up. Fantastic work from John K!
  13. Thanks Mark! Definitely a classic in terms of proportions and styling. You can't mistake it for anything else! I think it was your VS2 that I spotted as well? It was very nice!
  14. Great day out guys, thanks for organising. More photos to come soon.
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