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Everything posted by wrxhoon

  1. they are already there look in post 16
  2. how about a tracker ? $990 if you can fit it yourself and $1290 if you want it fitted in , no annual fees . you will know where your car is all the time the minute someone opens the door you will know , you will know if someone started it or if the car is moving , speed , direction and best of all you can immobilise it from any phone at any time . with an alarm you will not know anything , a siren will go on for 1 minute thats it , cut the siren and its silent . alarms are old technology soon every car will have a tracker ...
  3. i have no doupt at all as to what happened , i'm 100 % sure that the ceramic stuff from the rear turbo stuffed everything up . all this bulldust that it cant go down the dumps front pipes and the u turn up is just that bulldust . it gets sucked in from the turbo in to the exhaust manifold in to the exhaust ports and to the combustion chamber , some pieces are still imbeded in the top of the pistons. anyone that doesn't believe it you are welcome to look at the pistons and the turbo , i still have them . the evidence is conclusive and my engineering shop had another engine that was the same ,about the time went . maybe it wouldn't happen if the gtr had a one piece exhaust manifold instead of the 2 , 1 for the 3 rear cil and 1 for the front 3 .
  4. no it was not the owner ( as he knows he wouldnt get any mechanical work from , i do my own ) it was a guy working there that took it for a drive to get a brake meter reading in order to get a pink slip , its an annual thing in nsw after the car is 3 years old . i dint knock the the power f/c back to limit the rpm ( i usualy do to 3000 rpm )
  5. especially when I could pick up a set of 34 GTR rims for ~$2000.00. where can you get them from ? i would love a set for that even with a few scratches , are they that cheap there ? do you know someone that wants to sell them for $2000?
  6. front r33 gtr b/bar -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- i have a front bumper bar and lower lip to suit r33 gtr , just the bar no blinkers no grill , the b/bar is in very good nick mica red the lower lip has some minor scrapes under it and its black as it comes on the orginaly not painted , both are genuine i'm after $ 550 for the lot . before you ask me if that will fit a gtst , i cant tell you yes or no make your own inquiries , im in sydney updated with pics , will sell seperate lower lip sold , taking offers for the b/bar
  7. do you have the rear pods ?i want both sides if you do
  8. no not at all mark , its just that i thought gary (sk ) would know better . the engineering shop that does our machining told me that he had one go about a month before mine did . the same thing , rear turbo let go and the ceramic dust went in the engine , damaged the rears just like mine . anyway you guys can believe whatever you like . i must admit that i never seen it before either ( in any other car but then again the gtr is not a normal car is it ? )
  9. thanks , not what i wanted
  10. chrome gtr intercooler pipe and silcon hose $150 since you dont reply to emails and pms i thought i'll post here , can i get a pic of it . [email protected]
  11. mark it hapen how i explined above , i found the little ceramic pieces imbeded on the tops of the rear pistons some are still there if you have a close look in the pics . the ceramic pieces got sucked back through the exhaust ports , there no doupt about that . now when they in the combustion chamber the scored the bore , piston sides tops and rings , then much smaller pieces went down the the bore and in the sump ( i found small pieces in the sump), all the oil was contaminated with them . if you guys dont want to believe it its up to you , why would i want to make it up ? i'm just trying to warn you what happens when the ceramic wheels fly off in an rb 26 , so it doesn't happen to you ....
  12. hang on gary , i said the 3 rear pistons were badly scored and the 3 REAR bores as well ( the rear turbo let go ) the 3 front are very lightly scored ( compression was normal in the 3 front cilinders the rear 3 were all down from about 70- 100 if i remember right ).as the dust got sucked in the rear 3 and it damaged the 3 rear bores some went past the damaged pistons , bores and rings went in the sump and yes some found its way in the bearings as well but obviously very fine stuff because they were marked only very little . i had everything changed or rebuilt , reground crank + new bearings ( big ends + mains ) , rebored to 87 mm + arias pistons , new oil pump ( yes the other one had very fine score marks in it ) done all the valve sets ground valves ( yes a couple valve seats were leaking from that ceramic dust that got there ) . i guess you are still not convinced .............. next you are going to say ahhh the engine was on its last legs right ? well i'll jump in first and tell you that the engine was rebuilt 6 months before that . anyway its not the firt one that has that happened , i know of another one .
  13. lets get a couple things right : the ceramic stuff didnt travel all the way down the dumps. as the shaft broke off it became thousands of small pieces, before it went down the dump some ( heaps ) got sucked back through the exhaust manifpld ports and in to the combustion chamber . thats the reason the rear pistons and rear bore were damadged ( you cant see that well from the pics )the front 3 are very lightly scored because the dust went everywhere even in the oil pump . have a look in the top of the pistons you will see some cereamic imprints in there . there is no way that it went down the dumps to the y front pipe then back up again i can assure you of that . as for not running air filters , i can assure you i would never do that not even in the workshop , it had the stock airbox with paper type air filter ( still has ). i hope thats convinced you if it hasnt you can inspect the pistons .
  14. take tour car to bel and let ben do it , not a lot of money and the best tune you can get . butthead from these forums had it done at croydon , he has 2530's , dumps , 3 1/2" exhaust front pipes , injectors , pods ,cam gears . he took it to wsid and could only do 12.1 @110mph . then he took it to bel and tuned it although he hasn't taken it to the drags yet the car is a lot quicker . my car has only n1 turbos , power f/c and 3" exhaust +1.2 bat boost and i did 11.7 @120 mph with bels tune . buttheads car will go faster still .
  15. there is another one
  16. i'll see if i can post some pics of the pistons tomorrow . i rebuild the engine , the enginnering place that does my reboring and head work said he has seen it before . the dust gets sucked back in the engine throught the exhaust ports . i wasnt driving my car when it happened , this guy took it around the block to get a brake meter reading for a pink and when he came back it was blowing smoke everywhere . the oil was going throught the turboi seal straight in the exhaust pipe . it was dumping that much oil in there when i put the engine back in the car it was still blowing smoke for like 15 -20 minutes ( burning the oil in the exhaust pipes and i washed the ex pipes as well ) as you can see from the pics the rear 3 pistons are badly scored on the sides and the tops the front 3 are very lightly scored . the rear turbo let go . do you need more evidence ?
  17. as i said before it did happen to me and i know of another gtr that had the thing . the wheel of the rear turbo broke off . as it smashed in the housing it became tiny pieces like sand some of which found their way in the cilinders , the 3 rear bores were stuffed the front 3 very timy marks on them , the tops of the pistons had imprints of the stuff on them . the oil pump was slightly scored and even the crank had tiny score marks . my engine at the time was completely stock . sk if you want to see pics of the pistons i still have them .
  18. i dont have any probs , i'm running 1.2 bar boost with stock blow's , standard airbox but still plenty of shoooof when changing at 5000 rpm or higher .
  19. thats the trick to get the material off with the sponge still on it , if you dont then you have to get it all off the material and the plastic off the door trim then buy new sponge the same thickness tick the sponge to the material then stick the lot to the door trim . good luck doing the job so you cant tell . when i did it i made sure i pulled the material with the sponge on then glued it back on the end job you couldn't tell the difference .
  20. when i did it i spend a few hours taking it off and i took all the sponge off in one piece . i used contact glue same as they used , put a light coat on each surface ( door trim and sponge ) let it dry and then put it together , a long and painfull operation but you couldn't tell it was taken off .
  21. MANWHOR3 , i'm not aware if rb25's will suck the ceramic dust back in the engine or not . but i9 know the rb 26 will for sure
  22. predator , did you get it off with the sponge still on it ? thats the hardest thing i have found , you can peel the material off easy if you dont care about the sponge but then when you put it back on it will be uneven . as for the contact glue you should put it on both surfaces let it get dry by=ut a little tacky then put the 2 surfaces together . if you just put on one side and put together while still wet you can still move it but the glue comes throught the material and you can see it .
  23. whats a bung plug ?
  24. if your turbo lets go on the rb26 ( ceramic only ) i can assure you that you will stuff up more than pistons . as it breaks ( the ceramic exhaust wheel ) it smashes againest the housing and you right you will find it in the cat but also sand like dust ( remember its ceramic not metal ) gets sucked back in the engine and it goes everywhere . scored bore, stuffed pistons , stuffed oil pump even marks on the crank and cilinder head .
  25. take it to a motor trimer , i did this myself on a wrx sti , changed 2 door trims but i spend on e day doing it , if you get it off in one piece with all the sponge still on it , it will look good but its very hard believe me you will swear .
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