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Everything posted by wrxhoon

  1. if u r just pulling the old box out and replacing with a new its just straight forward . drop one out lift other up bolt on and way u go . if u r going to change the clutch at the same time then u have to line the clutch up , if u want to do that let me know and i'll post for u .as long as u know the basic stuff , undo tail shaft all bellhousing bolts including starter , slave , unplug wiring , take the gearstick out , i think that covers it as u have a push clutch it will come out no probs . r33 with pull clutch is a different story .
  2. very easy on the gtst top boltls are easy to get unlike the gtr ( u cant get to them unless u lower the g/box ) .
  3. swordfish most rims have the with and the offset stamped on them usualy on the inside . i can asure u they are not 10.5 "if u want to measure with u need a rim measuring tool otherwise u can estimate if u dont have tyres on them the with is the distance across on the inside where the tyre fits in , if u have tyres fitted measure the outside and is usualy 25-30 mm less depending on the rim some rims more . as u can see its very hard to measure with tyres on without the tool ( tyre shops have it ) other thing u have to consider is the centre hole depending on the car u want to fit the hole maybe to small and of course pcd .
  4. rb26 's run about 1 bar stock in r33's
  5. u need a new clutch , its finished , either worn clutch plate or stuffed pressure plate either way g/box down and new clutch in .
  6. hippy dont know about delivery to s.a. mate give them a ring . have u tried dealers in s.a. ?
  7. it would rust if it had water in it for a long time and very little fuel but would have to be siting there for a long time . have a look if rusted badly replace if only a little clean it up ,change the fuel filter , clean the pick up and keep an eye on ur fuel filter in the future rubish in it .
  8. a friend of mine had an r33. when he bougt it it had r34 rims (17") and they would hit the calipers but only every now and then, when cornering hard when the rim flexes so he put 3mm spacers and that was fine then . i must say i was surpriced that they hit he has sold the car since otherwise i would measure the clearance but it was like 1 or 2 mm without the spacers .
  9. i hope u know that u need spacers to clear the brake calipers if u want to put hem on an R33gtst
  10. go to jaycar or dick smiths for the led's . i have resealed one before ( not of skyline ) i used silicone sealant , the clear stuff , i worked ok .
  11. hippy , nissan hornsby's number is : 02 94872244 or toll free 1800 066320 thats the spare patrs number . nissan hornsby were one of only 2 R32 gtr dealers in nsw , they will get any nissan import part u want , if not in australia they will get it from japan ( takes about a week ) and they dont charge anything for freight from japan . if not in australia u may have to pay in full before they will order it for u though .
  12. franks , thats the reason they don't have rexes anymore , maybe they want to try the gtr's now . i've heard that a cop is driving a supra in mulgoa rd penrith he is baiting drivers with turbos then radios his mates that are waiting 500 mtrs down the road and pulls them up , i dont live there so i don't know how true it is but a mate told me that he has heard them (cops ) on the scanner .
  13. if u r concerned about fuel consumption u should drive a none turbo like a celica then u'll get 600 k out of 50 lts or itegra about the same . when u drive turbos u dont worry about fuel , try driving a hot coome then u 'll see how much fuel u use . 25-30 lts per 100 km .
  14. joel u r right the stock gauge reads mercury mm and thats 700 when it reads 7 or as u said about 1 bar ( 14.5 psi ) but u'll find that the stock gtst s doesnt go to the end of the gauge only gtrs does . not sure what stock boost for r 32 gtst is though , i do know that the autos run lower boost than the manuals in both r32's and r33's .
  15. same here jimx my r33 gtr reads 3 at idle and about 6 at 2500 rpm
  16. ned do u have a stock dump ? full stock exhaust ? do u have an r33 gtr ? if yes are u in sydney ? i have never seen a full stock exhaust . i have an r33 gtr and i want to compare my exhaust with a full stock system to see where i can improve it .
  17. by the time u see the coolant gauge go up cause u got no oil pressure ur engine has probably spun all the big ends and the crank is ready for scrap . u will hear the big ends knock as soon as pressure drops . when ur big ends have a big clearence ( worn say 1-2 thousants ) when u first start the engine u'll hear the big end bearings a little for a few seconds another reason u dont rev the eng when u first start . when u do an oil change u may notice the same thing if u dont fill the oil filter with oil before u put on ( imposible in the skyline pos in some cars that the filter is upright .
  18. its not just rb gauges that dont read accurate most stock gauges dont . dont forget most cars dont have any at all just a warning light that goes on when pressure drops to about 5 -7 psi . the gauge is not there to tell u when u r low on oil it wont do that , driving easy it will pick up oil even if u have 1 - 2 lts in the sump . the dip stick wont show anything if it drops to 3 lts . between min and max on the dip stick its about .8 lt ( rb25det,1lt rb25de ). the gauge is there just in case ur oil pump stuffs up , if u r contantly looking at it u'll se it drop and may save ur engine , but u'll hear the bearings knock as soon as pressure drops if the sound system is not to high lol !!!in both cases the big end bearings will pick up a little ( the gauge reacts slowly ) but will be ok if u stop the engine quick . if u install a mechanical gauge ( most accurate ) they all use plastic tubes these days the plastic tube can come out when the oil gets very hot , u loose oil and bingo the end of ur engine . if u r worried have the pressure checked and if u want install a aftermarket gauge but remember its only a guide and u dont need huge pressures as long as the volume is there u r fine . standard rb 25det pressure is : idling ( 650 rpm )1 kg/cm2, 2000 rpm 3.5 and 6000 5.6 .thats when oil is hot , if u dont have a temp oil gauge after normal driving for about half an hour , and using normal spec oil , thinner oil =lower pr thicker oil =higher . i dont know at what pressure the release valve will open but on my gtr it opens at about 6kg/cm2 , i think the rb25det opens a little higher . the rb 26 pressure at 6000 is lower as well 4.6 and 3 at 2000 which goes to show u that u dont need high pressure, volume is more important .
  19. it will depend on the opil u use and the temp of the oil . thinner oil lower pressure hot oil =lower pressure too. dont forget the oil doesnt get hot quick like the coolant it may take half hour driving to get to say 120 . u may have a crook oil sender or crook gauge . pressure is not tha important volume is as long as u have oil pressure it will be ok
  20. sewid try to listen to this noise when the car is stoped and the engine going .if its aslight wound type of noise then push the clutch in and after 60 or so seconds see if the noise goes if it does then its the g/box bearings for sure if it gets worse with the clutch pedal pressed in then its the thrust bearing in wich case it shouldnt do it while driving .
  21. if u are prepared to come to my place in west pennant hills i'll help u out . i got all the tools that we may need here ,like pressure cleaner , jacks compressor ......... pm or email [email protected] , i check everyday . cheers , jerry
  22. i have done many engine rebuilds not just cil heads and i have all the nececesary tools to do it , i live in the hills area . if u run stock boost then stock h/gasket is fine . my gtr has stock h/gasket and 16 -17 psi without any probs . i had a gtir with 20 psi on stock h/gasket no probs but thats a bit high though . if u want to do the job ur self i can help u out with all the info u want no probs prepared to lent u a torque rench as well . do u do your own work omn yopur car usualy ? how much experience do u have ?
  23. cause u want to know how many k's u r clocking , at least i do , i dont know about u . sumfathin cause its very hard to prove cause the cars come from japan, where are u going to find the owner ?
  24. odo problems are very common with imports cause they turn them back and most times they are a bit rough and stuff the gears up . never believe the k's on the odos of imports , i dont how can u when u see a 95 gtr with 10,000 k's on the odo that was at powerplay in sydney a few weeks ago , a v -spec .
  25. if u r going put a new manifold gasket when u take the man out u can check for warping yourself .first u clean all the old gasket ,use a scraper to do it u can also use block and sandpaper . when its very clean u get a straight ruler and put it across lentgh ways and diagonaly across use a filler gauge to see how much its warped limit is .3mm if more than that u have to have it machined when u replace the broken studs put some locktite on the threads that go in to the cil head and u'll need a torque rench to do them up .here is how u do them up :the first one u do is top of man 3rd from the front of car 2nd u do 3rd bottom ( always count from front of car ) 3rd to do up is 4th top , 4th is 4th bottom , 5th is 2nd top , 6th is 2nd bottom , 7th 5th bottom, 8th is 5th top , 9th 1st top , 10th1st bottom , 11th 6th top ( last one ) 12 6th bottom .by the way when u undo them u undo them the opposite ( start from 12th and work ur way to 1 . when instaling the studs make sure that the short threded side does in to the cil head here is how to install them . use 2 nuts on the long threaded side lock them together then screw them in to the cil head tighening torque 27-31 n-mt . once tight undo the 2 nuts then install u r gasket make sure u put it the right way then the manifold make sure u use the correct washers for the correct ports there is 2 sizes . port no 3 and 4 ex diameter is 22mm 1,2, 5 and 6 is 24 mm and make sure u face them the same way as they came out mark them if u have to .when u tighten the nuts do them 25 n-mt . if u have to remove the exhaust sensor make sure u dont damaged it ! ( i'm not sure if u have to remove it or maybe u can just disconect it , i u dont have to remove dont ).
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