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Everything posted by wrxhoon

  1. I have one in Sydney if dont find in Brizzy p.m. with an offer.
  2. Are you sure you have xenons? Are you sure they havent been converted? If they are original 34 xenons you should have excelent light. I have stock 35 watt globes in mine . The condition of the battery wouldnt make any difference when the engine is going as long as your alt is working .
  3. I'm fairly sure but i can't be 100% sure ( according to my records its a 32, second half of 91 actualy). Have you got a pic of the engine? The engine may be out of a 33 but originaly was in a 32, someone may have fitted it in a 33. Later 32's do have the 33 crank.
  4. Rods are still available.
  5. I have a drivers side, you are halfway there .
  6. I don't think you can tell with Nissan fast how old the engine is by the number. I have a list of engine numbers and the aproximate built date . You are correct in saying your engine was built in the second half of 93.
  7. I think you will find a 01 pathfinder weighs well under 2000 kg, depending on the model spec it should be 1700-1850 kg . The above specs are GVM ( gross vehicle mass, not tareweight). Even the new pathfinder ( much bigger and heavier) only weighs 2150-2250, depending on model.
  8. That road wouldn't be Oaks road mona? Near the M2 tunnel? It was dark and i didn't see you, what kind of car was you driving?
  9. Under the old system you had to have a dimmer in the dash so compliancers put them in and they look very cheap. I have seen a 33 GTR with a factory dimmer , the only one i have seen .
  10. Hmm it's not as simple as that dude, if it was everyone would just replace the globe ... They take the balast off ( under the light assembly) they cut the wiring that goes from another balast ( inside the h/light assembly) to the globe and finaly they replace the globe with a halogen . To reconvert you need hte balast ( easy) but the hard part is to run a wire from the little balast ( inside the assemly) to the globe and get another plug . This is impossible to do because they cut the wire so close to the little balast inside that you can't get to it unless you pull the h/l assembly apart ( pull the front off) so you can get to the little balast inside...
  11. . I think there is something wrong with your lights if you say the stock xenons are dim, mine are very bright!
  12. Pleasure helping you out mate, i hope the new ECU works OK. Put your multimeter on the battery when you have the car running at say 3-4000 rpm. You should see about 14 volt.
  13. Read post 10, i'm not sure that you will be able to reconvert , depends on what they did . More than likely you cant , if i see your lights i can tell you if you can ...
  14. If as you say your engine still has perfect compression ( i still think if you do a leakdown test you will find the 3 cyl of the blown turbo will have higher leakdown and some scoremarks in the bore), i wouldnt risk old ceramic turbos again. Next time you may not be so lucky . If you want a turbo i have one, you can have it for $100, including actuator.
  15. There are no lines there mate, unless you are thinking of the attessa , that needs bleeding if you want to change the fluid there . Get yourself a big and quality breaker bar ( one that wont break and you may hurt yourself) say 400mm long , then all you need is a very small extension( the smallest one you can buy), you dont need a socket at all. The 1/2 inch will fit in the pugs you have to undo, just make sure its all the way in when you put load so it doesn't slip.
  16. The trasfer case is attached to the box ( round on the drivers side of the box) the drain pug is at the side and the fill plug at the rear.(about 1.8 lts atf in that) . Just drain and refill, i dont know why every one says they are impossible to undo, all you need is a long breaker bar and some mussle. Sure they are very tight, probably never been undone in 15 years..
  17. Top rocker covers are fairly easy too, on the exhaust side you will have to remove the twin turbo pipe from memmory but not overly difficult, while its out get it polished , you dont have to chrome it .
  18. Tighten to 29 nm , second step 98nm, then loosen them all. Tighten to 25-34 nm, then 95-10 degrees, or93-103nm
  19. In length or diameter ?
  20. You are welcome to try it on my car Jim, if you want to bring it to the hills area.
  21. Wrx's don't have transfer cases!! You wouldn't have done any damage to the transfer case but not so sure about the g/box, it depends on how hot you got it. Refill it , take it for a run and you will know by the sound of it ..
  22. Of course stock.
  23. Does anyone know if the R32 front pipes are the same as the R33? I want to know for sure by someone that has interchanged them. Thanks in advance ...
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