Very easy to see if you have a pull or push clutch , like duncan and bigsully said . More than likely you have a push clutch and you would know if you had a 34gtr box , they are 6 speed getrag .
As for the engine, post or pm ( if you dont want everyoneto see it ) the engine number and i'll tell you the year that it was made .
The number is on the drivers side , look under the alternator .
there are several small differences in the 3 engines but can be changed on them . The 34 has different CAS and exhaust cam , not interchangable , unless you change both, the 34 doent have the igniter either , 34 has plastic top timing belt cover , unpainted plenum and red covers .
32 and 33 differences are very minor and harder to notice and as they are easyly interchangable hard to pick .