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The Bogan

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Everything posted by The Bogan

  1. How are the torque curves in comparison. I think I had the shift light set for 6500 as this kept it in the fattest part of the curve. It was also limited to 7500. I have been told that revving the old 3.0ltr past 7500 is waiting for trouble. But then I did nanny the old girl(well as much as you can nanny a car at the track or strip). How's the traction, or lack of it, it was loose when I had it at only 380. Excellent results, hope the drags went well.
  2. Tri's, of at least that is what I use for my tri exercise. 4 x 10 of weighted dips seem to work well for me after bench and inc DB presses.
  3. Bugger, I'm down in Canberra on a radiation course breaking my brain with math. I won't be back till Friday night. Good luck mate, post up your slips.
  4. I think the engine check light was set up for over boost warning, its been a while and I cannot remember exactly. I remember the low oil pressure warning light would come on at idle which was fine as it was set fairly high, it is adjustable if you want set it higher or lower.
  5. I agree to disagree, my point which may have been lost due to the alcohol I had consumed was it is all down to the power and how it is delivered. Like a 500hp na vs a 500hp turbo, if they both weight the same and are typical in drive train. Im not saying I dont like turbos, I am saying I like the car with the best power delivery between the two. All it takes is a trip to the drags to make up your own mind. Each to their own though. Drink on.
  6. Yeah No, If both cars are equal in weight and power then the winner would be the one who makes the most power/torque lower in the rev range. I've seen plenty of lazy eights smoke turbo cars, the turbo cars usually come together at half track but are then chasing, then its revs and gearing. There is a old guy who frequents WSID, he rolls in a well sorted old VT with a fairly standard 5.7 and a slush box, it will do 10.5 all night every night, yes it runs drag radials, has a stally and has been stripped, but the only real power mods are a big holley and a exhaust. I don't know how much power it made, under 300kw I would assume, but it smoked my old boat (500hp manual on drag radials) every time I lined up against it, if it was over 1/2 mile I may have passed him, but it wasn't. In the end it is only fair to compare if they are equal, other wise its like saying your 200kw 1400kg Skyline beat my 195kw at the spark plug 1800kg XR6 NA taxi. All this crazy ranting has made me want a 6.0ltr VL, with a big stally running some big rubber doing some big fast and the flatulent wheel stands. Disclaimer: Scotch is the devil
  7. I am not a advocate of street racing, its for idiots in my opinion, BUT, I have heard that 3rd gear power skids passing them puts them in their place. Ninja.jpeg
  8. Sounds about right to me, but out of the mentioned movements all I really focus on is the clean and press, I am trying to learn to snatch but I am finding it a very hard movement to pull off. Hence the only real clarification from me would be in the clean and press, well the press part any way, with a mil press the bar is pressed up but slightly forward, with the clean and press the press ends with the bar straight up and the head pushed forward with the shoulders pushed back (head through the window)like a clean and jerk. Well at least this is how I was taught to do it, I firmly believe this is the best full body movement there is, others may differ but it is my fav, it smashes me and makes me puff. Yes I'm a fan boy, plus it scares most of the gym plebs away from the rack area where they do their concentration curls for the girls,LOL.
  9. I would still look at the flexibility of the shoulder girdle, the position of the bar on your back and grip width. I have had surgery on both rotator cuffs, if I don't maintain a strict shoulder flexibility regime and some specific rotator cuff exercises mine play up no end. When I press on the squat I have the bar fairly low on my traps, a fairly close grip, shoulders back, chest up and press on the bars like doing a behind the neck press which helps for me. Hope it goes well, shoulder injuries are arse.
  10. Maybe work on your flexibility, my shoulders were tight as but now I do shoulder rotations with a broom stick, helps heaps for snatch and getting your head out the window on presses. This is not me!!!!!! >>>>> I'm much prettier, LOL. Whilst I'm posting I got some new heavy wrist wraps of Fleabay, they are officially the best ones I have ever owned. I initially got some but they sent 2 right hand wraps, I messaged the guy and told him about it so he could fix the packaging for others but not to worry about mine as I got the missus to fix them, he still sent out some new heavy duty ones. I need to use wraps on cleans, bench and presses as my wrists joints are rubbish from old age and damage. The elastic wrap is twice as firm as anything else I have owned, and now I have 2 sets (1 x awesome and 1 x OK) for the happy price of $16. I had forgot about good customer service till then, there is hope for the world.
  11. I got the stock box rebuilt and modified but at the drags with sticky tyres and sticky track it started to chew the case hardening of the gears after about a dozen runs, the oil I used was good quality, and I even swapped out the oil and added some modifiers to try and slow the wear but to no avail. When you are pushing a heap of torque the stock box might be fine for street duties or the occasional squirt , but when it gets leaned on it is found wanting. Disclaimer: This is from my experience of 2 gearboxes and talking to people at the drags, most overcame the issue by installing a slush box.
  12. Never a truer word was spoken. Also mechanical sympathy for the drivetrain is null and void, the drags I found to be the worst offender. Unless you have big dollar items trying keep it together I assume. But then a lot of it has to do with the driver, when I had my old boat its driver was rubbish though,LOL . But like what was mentioned, you rarely see the big cars out on a regular basis, its usually, track day, broken, fixed, drags, broken, fixed and so on and so forth. Either that or they are "dyno queens". I hope I win LOTTO soon...........
  13. Yeah, its my old boat, I am looking forward to see it again when it is on the boil and angry. How is yours going mate.
  14. Nice set up, can you flip the section with the heave beam around, I would be putting my head through the roof.
  15. Every Tuesday and Thursday at lunch time, but the Tuesday one is the only one run by the PTI's. Disclaimer: The talent may be a bit old for a young fella like you mate, not many under 30yrs, but most of it is around 20yrs younger than me, LOL. And watch it if you are at the school going heavy on the rack with the platform and you dump the weights, the wooden floor under it is getting a bit iffy, and Cas will yell, I know this from experience. Apparently the new gym they are building in your neck of the woods is going to be super sweet though, from the plans it fairly big with a dedicated weights area on a concrete floor.
  16. In other news I have got a new box of 8 chalk blocks coming. I shall sacrifice a block and attempt to make my own liquid chalk for fun, following the guidelines in the thread below. http://www.adventurerock.com/uncategorized/diy-liquid-chalk/ Apparently it sets up a good base for the dry chalk so it lasts longer, in theory you apply the liquid chalk at the start of the session and then you will need less dry chalk during. That's the theory anyway. It may also be a cheaper alternative for the people who's gyms are not dry chalk friendly and need liquid chalk (which is stupidly over priced for what it is).
  17. I purchased my own 1.25 as they only have 2.5 at my current gym, they cost about $10 a pair, I painted mine "Vixen Red" and they live in my gym bag.
  18. I took the advice of taking the longer rest period between my 5 x 5 working sets, 3 minutes, I made all the lifts in my A workout so I can go up 2.5kg next time it comes around. I was under the impression that any more than around 45 minutes of weights is to long, I may have to revise my thinking. I now have to agree though that it seems the heavier I go the longer I need to rest. I am not interested in lowering my body fat to the point were my abs are more defined, I like food and beer to much for that, I am happy to be around 20% bf with some fitness and some strength. As for my cardio, I am going to try (read: do a dodgy) and drop the Tuesday and Thursday cardio morning sessions and swap them for Pilates and stretching, I am doing Pilates at lunch time on Tuesdays anyway so another Pilates session at Thursday lunch time with the stretching in the mornings should be cool, plus the work out my eyes get is a bonus. I shall still be taking the WPI/Creatine/Dextrose Pre work out and WPI/Glutamine post work out, I've still got a heap of the stuff left anyway, and buying the stuff in 1kg batches is relatively cheap. I was talking to the Doc at work today and he said he could take my bloods and have a look at my Test levels and everything else he could wrangle. I love the benefits of my job.
  19. No offence intended to you with the "pencil neck" statement, I've been told by previous PT that its stupid to try and lift heavy weights, they think a good weights workout involves lots of isolation exersizes, heaven forbid you wear unfashionable clothing or grunt during a heavy lift. As for goals, nothing in particular, my cardio training is mandatory at work, the weight training is because I like the added strength, and I also enjoy the personal competition in getting that extra rep or the extra 2.5kg in the lift. Cheers
  20. 8 to 10 every night, I sleep like a log, I do get up during the night to piss but I am 48 and that shit happens. I work in civil construction, but atm I am instructing and assessing so my work load is next to minimal.
  21. Found this a while ago, the IT band roll nearly made me vomit it hurt so much. http://learntosquat.com/7/7.6.howtocurekneepain.html Some stretches to fix some forms of knee pain. Also if you point your knees in you can hurt your knee
  22. 4 Food meals a day, breakfast, morning tea, lunch and dinner, 3 protein drinks, pre and post sessions and 1 at night before bed. I multi in the morning Food consists of chicken, steak, lamb, all types of fish, 2 with veggie's, 1 with fruit and 1 with pasta or rice, all small serves but I am getting the calories I need, actually more than I need to put on some weight. Water is about 2 to 3 litres a day dependant on work load and climate.
  23. There are PT and then there are good PT. The PT we have are well trained who continually undergo retraining, they are not the typical know it all pencil necks who would not now what working heavy sets means. Some of our PT compete in everything from PL, Body Building, Triathlons, Cross Training Comps and stupid things like the Tough Mudder ( I say stupid because I think it would kill me, LOL).
  24. I am hoping that it will help me towards the end of my session, I am finding that at the 30 minute mark I am starting to fatigue a bit now, when doing my heavier lifts I have gone from only having a 1 minute rest to now a 2 minute rest, I am OK with a 2 minute rest but I feel like I need a bit more. The theory is that the stuff will help my ATP stores to last a little bit longer. I think my morning cardio sessions are sapping some of my energy when I do my weight sessions in the evening. I do cardio Mon to Fri most weeks with my weight sessions now on a one day one and day off split. My sessions are broken into 3 days Usually about 5 pyramid warm up sets then I stay on the same weight for each working set. Day 1,Flat Bench 5 x 5, Inc Bench DB 5 x 5, Dips 3 x 10, Tri Ext 3 x 10 Day 2, Heaves 5 x max, Deads 5 x 5, Arched Heaves 5 x max, 1 Arm DB Row 5 x 5, Bar curl 3 x 10 Day 3, Squats 5 x 5, Clean and Press 5 x 5, Leg Ext 3 x 10, Leg Curl 3 x 10 I am 48 now, I know I cannot lift like I did when I was younger, I just want to help myself as much as I can. Thanks.
  25. I was recommend to start taking a creatine preworkout supplement by one of the PT at work, I am getting on in age now and it is getting harder at the end of the sessions, apparently if you mix it with dextrose it works better, I had a look around for dextrose and the supplement shops want between $15 and $20 a kilo. Went to a home brew shop and got it for $3 a kilo, mega mark up or what!. I am on 5g creatine with 20g dextrose with some WPI which I have about 1/2 hr before my session. Post workout, about 1/2 hr after, I have WPI and 20g of glutamine now as well. Session last about 45 minutes. Does this sound about right? And please no replies about how sugar is the devil.
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