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The Bogan

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Everything posted by The Bogan

  1. No offence intended to you with the "pencil neck" statement, I've been told by previous PT that its stupid to try and lift heavy weights, they think a good weights workout involves lots of isolation exersizes, heaven forbid you wear unfashionable clothing or grunt during a heavy lift. As for goals, nothing in particular, my cardio training is mandatory at work, the weight training is because I like the added strength, and I also enjoy the personal competition in getting that extra rep or the extra 2.5kg in the lift. Cheers
  2. 8 to 10 every night, I sleep like a log, I do get up during the night to piss but I am 48 and that shit happens. I work in civil construction, but atm I am instructing and assessing so my work load is next to minimal.
  3. Found this a while ago, the IT band roll nearly made me vomit it hurt so much. http://learntosquat.com/7/7.6.howtocurekneepain.html Some stretches to fix some forms of knee pain. Also if you point your knees in you can hurt your knee
  4. 4 Food meals a day, breakfast, morning tea, lunch and dinner, 3 protein drinks, pre and post sessions and 1 at night before bed. I multi in the morning Food consists of chicken, steak, lamb, all types of fish, 2 with veggie's, 1 with fruit and 1 with pasta or rice, all small serves but I am getting the calories I need, actually more than I need to put on some weight. Water is about 2 to 3 litres a day dependant on work load and climate.
  5. There are PT and then there are good PT. The PT we have are well trained who continually undergo retraining, they are not the typical know it all pencil necks who would not now what working heavy sets means. Some of our PT compete in everything from PL, Body Building, Triathlons, Cross Training Comps and stupid things like the Tough Mudder ( I say stupid because I think it would kill me, LOL).
  6. I am hoping that it will help me towards the end of my session, I am finding that at the 30 minute mark I am starting to fatigue a bit now, when doing my heavier lifts I have gone from only having a 1 minute rest to now a 2 minute rest, I am OK with a 2 minute rest but I feel like I need a bit more. The theory is that the stuff will help my ATP stores to last a little bit longer. I think my morning cardio sessions are sapping some of my energy when I do my weight sessions in the evening. I do cardio Mon to Fri most weeks with my weight sessions now on a one day one and day off split. My sessions are broken into 3 days Usually about 5 pyramid warm up sets then I stay on the same weight for each working set. Day 1,Flat Bench 5 x 5, Inc Bench DB 5 x 5, Dips 3 x 10, Tri Ext 3 x 10 Day 2, Heaves 5 x max, Deads 5 x 5, Arched Heaves 5 x max, 1 Arm DB Row 5 x 5, Bar curl 3 x 10 Day 3, Squats 5 x 5, Clean and Press 5 x 5, Leg Ext 3 x 10, Leg Curl 3 x 10 I am 48 now, I know I cannot lift like I did when I was younger, I just want to help myself as much as I can. Thanks.
  7. I was recommend to start taking a creatine preworkout supplement by one of the PT at work, I am getting on in age now and it is getting harder at the end of the sessions, apparently if you mix it with dextrose it works better, I had a look around for dextrose and the supplement shops want between $15 and $20 a kilo. Went to a home brew shop and got it for $3 a kilo, mega mark up or what!. I am on 5g creatine with 20g dextrose with some WPI which I have about 1/2 hr before my session. Post workout, about 1/2 hr after, I have WPI and 20g of glutamine now as well. Session last about 45 minutes. Does this sound about right? And please no replies about how sugar is the devil.
  8. LOL, Jebus, 29, excellent work, my best ever is only 15. I have only ever known them as heaves, but as stated before I have a military back ground, I am also 48. I did use my own spin for the naming though as I was taking the piss.
  9. LOL, touché.
  10. Heave = to raise or lift with great force Chin ups =Yuppie term for heaves from the 80's taken from the really old phrase "Keep your chin up" in reference to keeping your head held high in the face of adversity. Pull ups = what babies shit in or the generation now term for Chin ups which is the yuppie term for heaves from the 80's taken from the really old phrase "Keep your chin up" in reference to keeping your head held high in the face of adversity. Brought to you from Robbopedia
  11. http://www.ebay.com.au/itm/Sports-chalk-gym-chalk-weight-lifiting-crossfit-gymnastic-rings-rock-climbing-/270934216536?pt=AU_Accessories_Tackle&hash=item3f14f00f58 $8.00 DELIVERED I just put the chalk in a old (clean) gym sock, tie a knot in it and crush it up, it only lets a bit of chalk out and doesn't make a mess, a little bit of dust is all, AND, 50% of your chalk doesn't end up on the ground. I did have a real chalk bag for a while but I left it at the gym one day and someone nicked it, thieving bastards.
  12. Clean and Press is my fav, I do it after squats, great for all round body strength. For Birds due to the products in your pic > Quote from American Psyco My name is Patrick Bateman. I'm 27 years old. I believe in taking care of myself and a balanced diet and rigorous exercise routine. In the morning if my face is a little puffy I'll put on an ice pack while doing stomach crunches. I can do 1000 now. After I remove the ice pack I use a deep pore cleanser lotion. In the shower I use a water activated gel cleanser, then a honey almond body scrub, and on the face an exfoliating gel scrub. Then I apply an herb-mint facial mask which I leave on for 10 minutes while I prepare the rest of my routine. I always use an after shave lotion with little or no alcohol, because alcohol dries your face out and makes you look older. Then moisturizer, then an anti-aging eye balm followed by a final moisturizing protective lotion. No offence, just taking the piss.
  13. Excellent post. Form is the main thing that matters for all exercises, you see it all the time, half squats with shocking form, not touching your chest and only half bench pressing both DB and BB movements, swinging the weights because they are to heavy to lift without swinging them like the cheaters heaves, at least it gives us something to laugh at the gym whilst resting between sets. Disclaimer: I do not consider the Kipling (swinging) heave to be cheating if it is used by people who cannot do correct form heaves, I consider it a progressive exercise only to be used till the time you can rep out some good form heaves, I am attempting to do muscle up ATM, so far only the Kipling muscle up has been successful. This is what inspired me because, basically it looks cool. > http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=r2OGpM6HBro
  14. PM me if you are going to WSID and if I'm free I'll come for a look and bring the bits of the user guide I've got. If not then I will most likely see you on the street, if a big red BF Falcon starts following you don't worry its only me.
  15. Do you have the drag radials that I sold with the car, if so they are getting very old and like a big burn out to bring them on. I think it liked to launch at around 4000 rpm if I recall, less than that it bogged down and any more it just spun, I suppose it will be different with a different tune? Have you got a Super Street ANDRA licence, if you don't expect to get kicked out the first run the car hooks up, or you can pay for SS licence on the night for $150 or something, they will hit you up at the slip office on your way back . If you are planning on going more than once you WILL need one. Its fun beating almost every rego'ed RWD & 4WD street car at the drags (not trailer queens with rego plates that wouldn't pass a pink slip), my favourite win was against some Porsche 4wd turbo thing that cost $300,000, he complained that he didn't have the launch control on, we lined up again and I beat him again, he did have me till half track though, but at half track I flew passed him, laughing .
  16. That's my old boat mate, the box was the standard R33GTS t box, it was rebuilt and modified not that long ago, if its at UNIGROUP now they can tell you about the internal mods, but after the rebuild it did about 20 runs with drag radials which may have upset it again. I was going to get a better box but instead got a better school for my daughter, LOL. Don't go off the old dyno sheet that was supplied with the sale, that sheet was taken at UNIGROUP by Stevo during the tuning, it was detuned from there to keep the tune safe as the fuel flow was wanting due to injectors being on the small side, when it left it was running about 380, it will be a totally different beast on E85 with some more boost and tuning. It should go well with a good fuel set up, it ate nearly everything at the SAU nats for speed and was the fastest and quickest RWD by far, the trophy's are somewhere at UNIGROUP. Best time at the strip I got was 11.080 @ 132? mph, I want you to get it well into the 10's. As for the track, now it has a new nut behind the wheel the times should drop there as well. Tell me when you go and post results. I also found in the bottom of my toolbox most of a copy of the user manual if you want it, it was sold with one originally with all the spares, its yours if you want it, but only pages 49 to 144.
  17. Some with more knowledge than me should be able to answer that correctly, BUT, the info I've gleaned is to have my feet slightly more than shoulder width apart, set up correctly and force good form by concentrating on forcing the knees apart, if the form falters use lighter weight. I've only been doing body weight squats with the bar held low on my back trying to get back into "how to squat", trying to set up for the squat and keeping all the core, back, arse and head in the correct position is 90% of the squat, the hard thing too is keeping that going for every single rep. I'm to old to screw with my body with poor form, I've been there and done it and have the MRI and CAT scans to prove it. I cringe at the gym at work when I see some of the younger guys sacrificing good form to try and get a lift, still physios need food and orthopaedic surgeons need to keep their women in diamonds so its not all bad. EDIT: I have also bit the bullet and am going to do the pilate classes that are available at lunch time at work, it will help with my core strength and its not bad for the optic nerve either.
  18. It was the squats and dead's that screwed my back to start with, when I was young and dumb I would always try and get a PB at the end of a session, due to fatigue and sloppy form I would get out of shape on a fairly regular basis. My spine got compacted and screwed the cartilage stuff in between my lower vertebrate and my knees went due to me pointing my knees together struggling to do heavy squats. I'm older and hopefully smarter now and not really interested in doing 1RM lifts at the end of a session. I'm never going to get big numbers now anyway, but like you say my whole body strength will greatly appreciate the movement, even if it is only light weight. Best of all it is a no brain style of program with only 7 base movements (I added chins and dips) and no real tricky things needed for my training log. I have just finished doing my log for the first 2 sessions and apart from the added chins and dips the only other change was swapping OHP for Clean and Press because they are my favourite exercise.
  19. After having a sook at work again about my back and my perceived ability to not being able to do deads or squats, a guy put me on to this web program, he said he was looking for something a few years ago and was told to give this a try, he too was worried about his bad back and joint problems but now says his back is better that it was years ago. It is a bit weird having to drop the weights at the start but he says it will ensure my form is spot on thus negating the chance of injury. The strong lift program is broken down into 5 12 week programs, 3 initial programs from 5 x 5 to 3 x 5 then 1 x5, excluding warm ups, then a intermediate and then a advanced, each has a slight variances in reps and sets, it seems like a good system but like all things only time will tell and I am in no rush. He did recommend to add weighted dips for the "A" workout and weighted chins for the "B" workout.(we have to modify everything touch, LOL) I will start this on Monday and see how it goes, I am quietly confident on the basis of his results. I thought this might help some people. My goal, YES I HAVE ONE NOW, is to see what I can bench/squat and dead for 5 reps in 2 years time. Disclaimer: This is not a body building program, its more about overall strength. The meat of this program with some good history of the big names in power lifting and body building and some excellent reading is from page 15 to page 65, I enjoyed the 30 minutes of reading so much I am throwing my hat into the ring. http://stronglifts.com/5x5-report.html
  20. My favourite training day is Day 3, 10 x 5 Clean and Press day, I just sit at the same weight for every set, as stated elsewhere when I can complete all sets and reps I add between 2.5 and 5kg. My rest time for the cleans is around 90 seconds but everything else is around 60. 165CM@78kg 20% bf My latest routine is currently at: DAY 1 Inc DB Press 5x10@35 Flt DB Press [email protected] Decline Bench 3x10@75 Close Grip Bench 3x10@60 Standing Tri-ext [email protected] Rope Tri-ext [email protected] Day 2 Body weight Heaves 5xmax@78 BB Row 5x10@65 Arched Back Close Grip Palms Facing together Body weight Heaves 5xmax@78 1 Arm DB Row 5x10@35 DB curls 3x10@15 Hammer curls 3x10@15 Day 3 Clean and Press 10x5@70 Shrugs 3x10@60 45ish minutes Cardio/Cross Training on Mon, Wen, Fri. Weights days are 2 days on then 1 off, sessions last around 45min. And before any says, "where's the squats and dead's", I'm 48 now and my back and knees don't like bending all that much now, yes it makes me sad but not needing pain killers to sleep outweighs the inconvenience of not doing them. I use a belt now only for the cleans but I use wrist straps for most other exercises as my wrists get sore now. I have no goals really, just basic strength and body maintenance. Pre workout Supplement is Coffee Post workout Supplements are Coffee and Cigarettes I enjoy my sessions, critique at will, but leave my supplements out of it, LOL..
  21. I just got sick of the cost of it all, plus tracking a daily with some power ends up with lots of money regularly spent on consumables and lots of hire car time when it breaks. In the end all I want now is a car that I can have some fun with, which is cheapish on consumables but has lots of options for setting it up. Hence the old NA MX5, plus as my daughter is able to get her CAMS licence now it would be a perfect platform for her to get some driving skills in. I am in the process of hitting my funds with a very large hammer to sort them out then find a nice example to play with. I should have it all sorted by late 2013 or early 2014,then I shall be having no more sads, but don't quote me on that.
  22. I feel I keep getting drawn to a MX5. Im not interested in trying to make big power anymore, a well set up and reliable car is all I crave now. When I grow up I want to be like Chubbs.
  23. And I have the sads. I still haven't found anything to build yet, stupid money and stuff...
  24. LOL, not much boost, that's how you know when you own a mans car, when 20ish psi is f**k all.
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