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The Bogan

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Everything posted by The Bogan

  1. You need to do that for J turns, LOL
  2. Lame illogical reply. Im interested, so your saying its OK to do stupid stuff because someone will fix up your mistakes, It this attitude that is causing all the trouble, people thinking they are above the general populace because in their mind they are better, which when you look deep into it shows a insecure person who does things to try and make themselves look bigger to other people which in turn makes them feel good about themselves. The term I was looking for was "macho Insecurity"
  3. Um OK, like its OK to punch someone in the face because the bruising will be gone in a month, I can see your logic, can you see my sarcasm.
  4. GTR is and always will be better than a GTT, Im kicking myself that I got a R33 GTS-T when in hindsight I should have got a R32 GTR, The 33 has cost me about 35k so far and I wont get rid of it yet as Ive invested to much and if I was to sell it its just another 33 which costs around 10_15k. A very good R33 GTR can be had for <30k, Not sure on 34GTTs as Im not interested in them. And yes Im still thinking about a R32 GTR to drive on the streets.
  5. I love ABS on the street AND when I track my car, no big lockups killing my good tyres, mashing the pedal as hard as I can when braking knowing I can still steer under brakes if I need to. For me there are more PROs than CONs.
  6. Have a read in the motorsport section.
  7. Its society in general, lots of kids who think that the world owes them because they are hektic, because there mom says so or there ego outweighs there ability, look at the schools, there is no respect, alot of talk about respect but no real respect, they swear at teachers and old people, guys treat girls like shit, and you can get stabbed because you look at someone, we used to have fist fights all the time now they stab you in the back or get there mates involved because the little f ucks came front on they would go down screaming blue murder and crying like babies when you took your fists to there face. Give them some time in jail, there young faces are not the only thing that will get some attention, Sooner or later you have to walk the way you talk.
  8. Need one for they kids video collection, the youngest feed the old one some toast and it is now toast.
  9. Yep, just taking a few photos for later on.
  10. Hair dryers will heat the plastic and soften the glue, should just peel off, then just clean with tar and grease remover or prepsol.
  11. Where were their friends to say "dont be a dick mate"
  12. Lots of wankers, look at their faces, all scared till some fool dives in, then like sheep they follow, Lock them up and throw the book at them. Lots of little kids who still live on there mothers teat ruining for the adults, again. Stay tuned for law changes, do the fools think they can behave like criminals and nothing would happen. Post up all footage I say, the cops will get them soon enough. BRING THE NOISE
  13. I am a robot-I have a robot vagina
  14. Found it. Anyone doing something this w/end, Also anyone else done this and have you got any tips. Im only new to this so please be patient with me.
  15. Flag Marshals- the guys who stand in those little posts and watch the action on the track, reporting any incidents and accidents to the stewards, and also waving flags to communicate with drivers. They might also be supported by Spotters, who sit around the track and report anything these guys might have missed. The above post I stole from something Kel posted in 2005, Ive looked on the CAMS site but was unable to find info on what course needs to be done. Thanks for any info, Mark.
  16. http://www.nulon.com.au/products/Radiator_Flush_and_Clean/ You can down load a manual off the net which tells you how to flush the system, the file is to big to post. Get your dad to show you how to fix everything else. PM me if you cannot find it and Ill try and help. See you around, Enjoy
  17. Im under the impression that they would wear out pretty quick, otherwise I would run my Dunlop Formula Rs all the time but cannot afford to spend the 2k (ish) to always replace them.
  18. I think hellaflush means there are to many idiots in the world, and to reply to your question I would look at them for a short time before walking away shaking my head. Due to the nature of my work there are alot of young guys with lots of money to spend on SS Commys, XR8-XR6T Falcons and also High end Imports, the smart guys you can have a sensible conversation with drive around doing the speed limit even though some of them have well over 4-500 horses and 20-30 thousand spent on mods including brakes and handling mods, they do these mods to new cars too, they buy a nice new car of the showroom floor drive it to their fav workshop then proceed to spend a house deposit on mods. The idiots have cannons, VTA BOV, slammed cars, gassin it up and down the road but have to negotiate a speed hump by crossing it at a 45 deg angle, at least they think they are cool even though other people are laughing at them. Damn, Ive just vented to atmosphere.
  19. I just used the plastic press in jobbies from a 100 Series Land Cruisers rear trim which was 5mm ply covered in sub box carpet stuff , fitted like they were made for it, could glue them under the carpet or just paint them black.
  20. Would someone please post what hellaflush means, I was under the impression that it was slang for a screw that was not square. Or is it that trailer queen look that if the car was driven on the road and hit a bump it would burn paint ?
  21. http://www.autospeed.com/cms/A_1361/article.html http://www.autospeed.com/cms/A_1370/article.html http://www.autospeed.com/cms/A_1379/article.html http://www.autospeed.com/cms/A_1829/article.html This is a good site with results from testing not here say.
  22. http://www.autospeed.com/cms/A_110281/article.html
  23. A pod without a shield will just suck hot air from the engine bay giving you less power, your better of using a good quality filter in your stock air box. But if your fully sick then physics doesnt mess with you.
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