When- when was Marulan ?
With who Auto-sports +SAU
Any pre-setup involved-bleed brakes + 1ltr exta oil, and emptyed my glove box
Favourite memory of the day- Driving around on the gas without the fear of breaking the law or getting booked
Things you learnt; about your car, yourself or the track- My car handles better than I thought, my car is forgiving when I dont do things right, Get someone to go for a spin with you and show you the lines to take (not the ones that I take)(Thankyou Duncan),you dont need to go 11ty bazilion kph to have more fun than 10 fun things.
How much fun you had! - If im not working and there is a track day on Im there. also how a little red car with stockish mods can near on lap me in 1 lap(damn you evil and your stupid driving stuff), I almost wet myself when I found out it was evils better half driving it.
The best thing though was the mateship, everyone helping everyone, and everyone laughing at each others mistakes, thats what hooked me.
Come on Sunday