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The Bogan

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Everything posted by The Bogan

  1. Pretty happy with the criise ship, apart from a shitty 60' from lots of wheel spin
  2. Waiting.......... And the line is the same behind me Passenger runs have been allowed for a while, ET and MPH is the limiting factor
  3. Going to WSID tonight with the boy for some passenger runs Not going for gold, I'm going to leave easy with some minor mechanical sympathy In other news, I have the local tilt tray guys number on speed dial 🤣
  4. Embossed aluminium sheild and some lead protection Fitting anything on LS1 headers when they are on the car is overly painfull, but Done and dusted Next......
  5. Have you ever stepped on Lego? That stuff is dangerous and I won't have it anywhere near me Plus cars and motorbikes are like Meccano and Lego for adults
  6. Found my next pointless mod Purchased a RU-3130 for $50 with a 3.5" flange, LOL, I said flange.... > Plus some composite sheet and pinchweld to look like > Why, maybe more induction noise, and a day of making templates, drinking beer and possibly even some wrinkle coat paint splashed about
  7. I asked about this when Autotech put the blower on, this is the way Harrop has the installation, the drivers rear breather is plugged, the passenger rear breather goes to a PCV valve then the intake, the front drivers fresh air is still there plumbed in to the intake as well I asked about if it would restrict the flow, both Harrop and Autotech said it was fine and a single 3/8" line is more than enough, because thats what it basically has stock, well, my rear main is still where it is meant to be, and the dip stick stays in its tube The standard valve cover vents go from 2 x 3/8 to 1 x 3/8 line with a PCV valve into the TB Because I'm bored and want to play around, plus they have heat shields standard I assume an engineer smarter than me thought it was a good idea, and it got past the people holding the purse strings, so they thought it was necessary as well I asked myself "why do OEM exhaust manifolds all have heat sheild, and why does nearly every modified car doesn't have one" My conclusion for OEM was the smarter than me engineer senario above For the modified cars, my conclusion was it doesn't add HP for the money and time, so alot people don't bother, until they melt wiring or other stuff Meh, I've got a heap of the sheilding for a few attempts, worse case senario is I hate it and start looking at V4.0, or, some other random thing that the voices in my head think is a good idea......... (I wonder what a 4" exhaust would sound like compared to the current 3.5" single ?????)
  8. Grabbed 2 meters of 3/8" line from Peps to match up all my PCV lines It did have 3 different brands of lines, some OEM, some from the blower install, some from Peps Did I need to do it, like nearly always, nope, no real need or benefit from doing it, it was purely a visual want In other news I all the bits and pieces to fit up the heat sheilds, I've taken some leave next week so I can do it slowly and hopefully I'm happy with the end result, so far my "cunning plan" looks good....in my head... 🤔🤯
  9. Sound waves are like shock waves, they will just "climb over" any wall you throw up Mufflers, Db restrictions and no external gates are the way of the future if you want to keep it under control Local council doesn't care about the pittance of funds that come into the are from track days, opening up blocks that they can get a yearly rate from is more beneficial to them The only saving grace would be that the land in close proximity be only opened as commercial, but that will not happen Local commercial businesses are struggling in Goulburn and Braidwood, so there is no point in opening up more, halfway between there and nowhere Unless you open up a exhaust shop inside the track maybe......nope
  10. Edited because you have a WRX
  11. Use it before a service But, as stated you don't need it Subaru boxer/Direct Injection benefit from it because they don't have port injection which cleans the valves The Boxer in a 85 or BRZ doesn't need it because the have both port and DI A little throttle body cleaner will suffice if you want to clear our some blow by oil from your throttle body
  12. Make it......Electric https://www.tuffmounts.com.au/product/conversion-kits/tuff-mounts-astra-electric-power-steering-universal-kit/ Then post results because I want to do it......just because
  13. So......yeap.......tried installing the heat sleeves.......yeap.......nope Even after pulling off the coils and leads there was no way in hell that I could fit them over the pipes I tried from the top, I tried from the bottom, sometimes things don't work out the way I want them to In other, less rage related news, my Harley now has thermal sleeves under the heat guard LOL
  14. The guy from Vice Grip Garage has one that he uses when starting up cars that have sat around Basically cuts it into the fuel line in the engine bay and away you go,clean fresh fuel
  15. Got bored, had this stuff laying around so "chop fit a go go" Looks good with the bonnet and boot closed Only did the boot because I did the bonnet and still had some offcuts left over Still has some chalk marks from previous chop fitting, meh
  16. I actually like my bogan mobile more than my old 33 boat #stereotypicaloldwhitemale But then I grew up with Ford and Holden V8's in the 80's, they were all modified and quick for their day, but slow as 10 slow things compared to the Commodore As you get older they say your mind reverts back to your youth, some of the fun memories from my youth also involve alot drag racing and big skids in a Kingswood Premier with a 308 and 4 speed, I also had a ZD Fairlaine with a 302 and auto, that was slow as, but a wicked cruiser, and you could put 4 surf boards and a couple of duffel bags in the boot and go on a surfing safari.....good times I also lost the track day bug so don't need a "sporty" car that can go around corners, all it needs to do is cruise around, make cool exhaust and induction noises, and go like a cut snake, in a relatively straight line I also like playing the modification game, hell, my Harley has aftermarket brakes, suspension, intake, exhaust, seats, wheels and a nice tune, it is wicked fun to punt around #notgayatall - Out of all the build threads here, this one is my favourite, the development of this car over the years is amazing and shows true dedication to a project/hobbie, through the highs and lows, I wish I had the aptitude, knowledge and time to do the work myself, but I'm sorely lacking in all departments
  17. It's the "modified anything" gremlins One you open anything and release the magic it typically is like walking through a mine field Strangely it is a walk most, if not all of us here take But stock is bad, modified is good...... At least Mr Kinkstaar does the modifying himself, the only thing I typically open up is my wallet
  18. I'm taking the cruise ship into Autotech tomorrow to look at the RaceTCS install I've got a price for install in my head based off others that have similar stuff installed, hopefully it hits the mark I'm super keen on setting it at 5 and 10% slip and just mashing the loud pedal and seeing what happens
  19. "He that is without a modified car among you, let him first cast a greg." Quote from some book, I think it was a Haynes manual...
  20. +1 I made the mistake of buy a car before I really new what they were about, the STI, whilst it was new and comfy, it had no soul at all, and was slow, and reminded me of a Kia
  21. Your stuff look much better than the original stuff I used on my tri-y headers, which didn't survive the swap, that did work OK though, but currently the headers are only ceramic coating, which, while it is meant to be the bees knees, it really only reduces temps by "not alot" and is more for protecting the mild steel pipes The new stuff is meant to maintain an "air gap" which "apparently" helps the insulation LOL In other news I'm taking it into Autotech next week for them to have a look at the RaceTCS, the spot where I want it, and the program "thingie" that is on my lap top computa which you would know as it is basically the same thing as your Racelogic I'm really keen to get this fitted
  22. Yeap, hence why when I had the new headers fitted I had them ceramic coated and fitted at the exhaust shop The Thermotec sheet stuff I originally had on worked OK but not the best as it was only covering the front side of the primaries, this sleeve stuff covers the whole primary, typical to wrap, from the head down the primary for 600mm, and is 11ty times easier to install than wrap, and 100% better than the old sheet stuff The stuff did cost me $250 though, but, fitting this will result in alot less swear words and rage fits than removing the headers to wrap, or trying to wrap them installed (which I swore that I would never do again, a few times...). I am waiting for my new fender covers to arrive before I go balls deep fitting them though, I've got the paint to where I'm happy with it, the last thing I need is little scratches from my pantaloons dragging across the guards
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