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The Bogan

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Everything posted by The Bogan

  1. Ordered from QLD at 1705h yesterday Sydney time, were waiting for me at work at 1200h WTF WITCHCRAFT
  2. Got bored this morning and serviced the bogan cruise "bike", changed the engine oil, 20w 50 and the filter, the chain case and the transmission with 80w 140
  3. What do you use the car for? For the amount of money you would spend getting 20hp out of the 30 with NA mods, you could have a good chunk of cash towards a little boost netting alot more, lots of kits available You would need a few drivetrain solutions though Hammer time
  4. Got bored and checked brake pad wear, rear were still pretty fat, fronts only had about 5mm left so.......got some Forza FP2 front pads on the way from Brakes Direct $139 delivered Not bhed, good price
  5. Fark the 3 pointed swastika pos Or sell up now and buy a 3 pointed swastika and regret????? The old Datsun is gold dust, any muppet with a job can own a BMW My 2 cents is to stop treating the old girl like a dirty bitch Not saying to not run her hard, just saying to not treat her like a dirty slart
  6. Called Harrop today to see when they are sending the HTV2300........well, Covid has struck again, it seems everyone, everywhere, are ordering stuff, lots of stuff, therefore......massive backlog for ordered parts. They start fabricating 2300's for LS1 applications on........ 19 March..... They did say mine will be one of the first to be shipped though
  7. I carry a brick to chock the back wheel The brick also comes in handy late night shopping after the shops have closed One night, out late with the Mrs, she spies this nice little dress in the window of a shop, she asked "could you get that for me", so I get the brick out, smash the window, and give her the dress....a little further down the road she sees some shoes she likes and askes "could you get it for me"....I got a bit angry at that and said, "what, do you think I'm made of bricks".......
  8. I build stupid cars to daily Life is to short for a boring daily I ❤ all go fast builds
  9. I'm talking about the exhaust/turbine housing and dump/screamer pipe That's looks like bonnet and firewall paint melting stuff I had a highmounted old TO4ZE years ago, the heat coming off that was intense, even ceramic coating didn't keep it in check I recommend some form of beanie for the exhaust housing and some form of lagging/wrapping for the dump and screamer at least
  10. What are you doing for thermal protection mate, shits gonna get real hot
  11. Did the cooling system flush with Rislone flush, although the system seemed clean and nice and red, and was flushed 12 months ago with the SCA flush, after the flush the red turned brown and lots of crud drained out, then flushed the engine and core with clean water for a while before the water cleared up, then fitted the new OEM rubber coolant hoses and jubilee clamps, filled with Penrite red coolant and demineralised water Also swapped out the diff oil with some Penrite pro gear 80w 140, I used Nulon 80w 140 last time, 12 months and 15k km ago, but the diff was a bit slappy with it, the Penrite has worked well in keeping it quite 20 minute test drive and miraculously no leaks Hopefully I can put all the undertrays back on tomorrow
  12. Found a minor coolant leak, the coolant hose from the overflow to the engine, the clamp has seen better days, and I'm hesitant to just get a new clamp in case it is actually the hose on its way out so, as I tend to do.....I'm replacing all radiator hoses and clamps Lets hope the weather stays good till the parts arrive, riding the bike is the rain sucks balls
  13. I found the power issue You seem to have a dog jammed in your exhaust pipe That would cause a mad restriction
  14. Just strip out the interior.....................and go camping in it
  15. Yeap, my fuel system needed the Ford green top 42lb- 440cc injectors to get it up near 360-400kw The stock 28lb - 300cc only got me 260kw at around 90% Dommegabudget
  16. I'm also looking at these things Costco have them for $1900 https://www.costco.com.au/Automotive/Car-Accessories/QuickJack-Car-Lift/p/8513217
  17. Isn't "fat cruise ship" a gender nowadays
  18. Where was this?
  19. The old window tint was a bit worse for wear and I was umming and arring about replacing it, or at least, removing it After ringing around to see how much it would cost for a tint joint to remove it........I went onto ebay and got overnight parts from....China With the $100 steamer it took about 1.5hrs from the start to the finish No glue, no residue, after pealing it of all it needed was some windex 100x easier and cleaner than using a heat gun
  20. Soon For sale $100k covid dollars- or swap for Euro boat
  21. That does look fun I've never actually seen that happen before I'm sure you are going to have even more joy getting those puppies out
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