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The Bogan

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Everything posted by The Bogan

  1. I got a vein they seem to like
  2. Yeah, I've been there 3 times before, it sucks but recovery is quick.
  3. Not sure, I've had some ultrasounds but still waiting on the docs assessment. I've had 3 operated on before and it felt the same when it let go, big tearing then I hit the deck. Oh well, looks like some time off and then get back into it slowly, again... Stupid guts.
  4. I have done a hernia doing sprints. Shitf**k
  5. Wrap is cheap and easily replaced. It is definitely looking the buisness. Excellent job mate.
  6. Cheapest and best mod for na is to remove weight. Remove everything you can.
  7. Carpet was smelly so as you do I ripped it out and binned it, dry iced the deadening and finally painted it. I got some grip tape from flea bay so after the paint has cured I will cover the foot well in it.
  8. I need to work more on my flexibility, my hamstrings need some serious work. For years I would work on my flexibility for the same amount of time as my strength training, sadly I backed of on it for a few years and I am now paying for it. Over the last couple of weeks I have got back into working on it, foam rolling, rolling around on a cricket ball and stretching whenever I watch the TV. I'm 50 in a couple of months, if I want to keep lifting (and sleeping without back pain) I need to sort this out, other wise injuries will keep coming fast and furious.
  9. I have found it to be the simplest program for getting stronger and the "thick" look, I have got time to kill every arvo so I like to throw in some fluff to give my vanity some time, the fluff does help with the getting a bit of the cu t look. I also feel the clean and press is one of the best exersices out there, strangely hardly anyone does them.
  10. As my back seems better after a rest I am starting the 531 again, I have knocked up a program inspired by Jim Wendler, its got some fluff supersets and some other vanity exercises, but all in all I like it. I've posted up the excel program where you just enter PB weight and reps into a yellow box and then your 1RM into another yellow box, this will fill in the program for Mil Press, Dead's, Clean and Press, Bench and Squat. The clean and press day is like a rest day, I just focus on form and a strict press. The fluff is for you to fill in. The percentages are from the 531 book. Do what you want with it. It takes about 1hr to get through the training taking rest breaks of 3 min for the heavy sets and 1 or 2 min for the warm ups and the fluff, I usually take 10 minutes to warm up which also involves the first 3 warm up sets. Training 531 - Copy.xlsx
  11. I love my 1.25 plates, every so often go for new PB and have a win, I dispise not making a lift, my next attempt at some PB's will be in 6 weeks. I feel for me getting a 1.25 or 2.5 PB's every couple of months is better then going to heavy and risk injury or failure. My last PB was the 90 clean and press, training weight for 6 to 8 weeks then go for 92.5. Have I said I hate missing lifts.
  12. Meanwhile, behind the façade of a innocent looing book store, I managed a 90kg clean with strict press. Not big numbers but a new PB for me.
  13. Isn't love sweet
  14. No I don't.
  15. I wish I was young again.
  16. LOL, and I bet you cleaned her real good to.......... f**k I miss owning a bike
  17. School teacher? If so, yeah, nothing like it, you don't get to hand your own back. The thought of handing mine back comes on the odd occasion, In reality I couldn't live without them!
  18. Tell me that after you have had a kid or two
  19. Have you bred yet, usually after a woman breeds they slow down a bit, only for a while though, then its good to go till they have their next kid. Though with some the plan of smashing kids out wins out over desire, this is the best plan of attack Ive seen if you want more than one and still have a life Disclaimer: This is the view of a bloke, women may/will see it differently........like always, LOL..
  20. The best thing about women getting older is that they get as toey as hell again from around 35, and by then they know how to use it. FWIW, I'm 50 this year and the bird is 44. Good times
  21. Mine are 13, 14 and 15. You are going through the terrible two's I take it, that's like a f**king holiday, wait for them to get to teenagers, mine are breaking my balls. They are good kids mostly, the boy is easy to deal with, the girls, well they are another story altogether, teenage hormones going insane, boys and shit hanging around. This is my punishment for being a shit kid myself. This is also why I need to smash weights 5 days a week, keeps me keep calm at home.
  22. LOL, young adults and their sexy time. Get some life time up. I remember living with new born babies, quite some years ago now, but back then we would rather sneak off and sleep, actually back then sleep was better that sex. Stupid babies, they are the devil incarnate. EDIT: Stupid kids, they are the devil incarnate.
  23. I thought I was in the wrong section for a minute, did I hit some wasteland thread? On topic, I said I was going to post this ages ago but forgot, might get the topic back on growth chamber talk. > Copy_of_pyramid-weight-lifting-chart.xls
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