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Everything posted by KamikazeNinja34

  1. While i was on my learners the moment i managed like 3k or whatever over my dad would make this really annoying disapproving noise...soon taught me to watch my speedo a bit more often so as to avoid it cuz it got on my nerves lol. I got my first ticket a year or 2 into my Ps...10km over...car was in my dads name so the fine was sent to him (camera fine) and i legitimately thought it was a 110 zone not 100 so it was an honest mistake...but after umming and ahhing over whether i should take the point until it was too late, my dad took the point and i paid the fine...with P plates up and he wasnt also fined or anything. Just to answer the question from earlier...about Ls and P plates for a full licensed driver generating another fine. I was prepared to take the point, parents chose to instead however.
  2. perhaps do that next time...u dunno when someones posting at the same time as u
  3. Happy birthday Ash
  4. failing that, im sure a nice steep embankment wouldve stopped it better than it driving down the wrong direction of traffic...ugh
  5. had it dynoed a month after i got it? Pulls 190 atw atm...but yeah only had it dynoed once. will run it again at another dyno even once i fix a few things and get a front pipe/pod filter ensemble going on. That should see 200 at least...
  6. i was a bit lost too...
  7. There is an events section up the top that is open to the public. all members only stuff is concealed in the members only section.
  8. You'll find the defensive driving course a few posts under this one actually. On special Best advice is to take it easy for a while until you know the car and what its capable of before u go say...throwing it around corners at 40 or 50kmh... Once you have a better idea of what its capable of...then start to get a bit more game if you want. you'll probably find yourself doing that without thinking about it.
  9. +1. 33GTR ftmfw
  10. That's a given Pat...given the whole points given out wit defects n such being more...err...popular.
  11. What are u lookin at gettin? Still can't believe u sold the 33...
  12. lol would but its at the point where i need to cut n polish all the carbon off... and my cnp is still in melbs. needs new o2 sensors...
  13. No u didnt cuz u snobbed me on sametime last time i tried to say hello Saw it in the carpark a few cars up from my 33 the other morning though? Gotta get the suspension/bushes and CV joints checked on mine come jan when i can afford it...knocks something shocking and i think the front left CV joint is starting to go... I've seen a black 32GTR in ballarat the night new moon opened at the regent actually...very clean...if ur on here, i think i love ur car rare for me cuz i dont like 32s as much... *thumbs nose at rob*
  14. yet again...not in...but i expect a thread dedicated to the results of the awards Ash...kthx...
  15. lol and why not?? I'd go if i could. I wants a better figure 200+! ...eventually
  16. aha rob it made my day the other day when the security guard at work called over that a "blue...skyline....or similar" had its lights on in the carpark. im like so hed be referring to the 80s model MR2...ha...not even similar!
  17. meh i'll be there in spirit...thats good enough right? giving the poor car a rest for a while lol... Leigh...don't encourage him
  18. Whatttt? There's never any decent cars in creswick...
  19. If you have fines that you rightly earned by infringing the law seraphyn, i don't see why you should be allowed to evade the law to the point of a clamp being necessary. You know you have the fine. Go on a payment plan if its too hefty. you dont ignore it and go shopping. I'll be in chaddy on the weekend...clean and fine free no boot for me!
  20. or go shopping if you had bills and fines to pay?
  21. And when they get you for destruction of government property?
  22. where are you working now AJ?
  23. though you will need to renew ur permit for an unreg vehicle to drive it places for rwc unless u plan on trailering it.
  24. +1, nice n easy. Just more tedious than anything prolly. Though they will have different laws to be observed when on the road.
  25. Meh,u got fines u pay em, simple. Not like they were handing out NOUs...
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