While i was on my learners the moment i managed like 3k or whatever over my dad would make this really annoying disapproving noise...soon taught me to watch my speedo a bit more often so as to avoid it cuz it got on my nerves lol. I got my first ticket a year or 2 into my Ps...10km over...car was in my dads name so the fine was sent to him (camera fine) and i legitimately thought it was a 110 zone not 100 so it was an honest mistake...but after umming and ahhing over whether i should take the point until it was too late, my dad took the point and i paid the fine...with P plates up and he wasnt also fined or anything. Just to answer the question from earlier...about Ls and P plates for a full licensed driver generating another fine. I was prepared to take the point, parents chose to instead however.