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Everything posted by GFXman

  1. sounds good to me
  2. god damn it.. wanted to go to this. Can't make it
  3. and no doubt they'll be jumping on people for the slightest thing in the first few months to make an example... sigh
  4. holy shit :nowigetit
  5. awesome! congrats guys
  6. LOL
  7. still gotta sell the 'dore... anyone?
  8. one word really... f u c k e d I'm not even going to start... it will accomplish nothing... sigh
  9. If it means the local manufacturers will make millions of dollars more, I guess the government is fine with small businesses going bust. I swear the people in government have shit for brains. The people who buy imports wouldn't spend that money on a new local car anyway. Example, someone who buys a 15k GTR... what can they get new for that.. a Hyundai Getz? No way a person who wants a GTR will buy a Getz. Their only other option would be a WRX/Monaro/350z etc... sorry, but not everyone has 40k+ to spend on a performance car. Their whole reason for doing this is because of competition and also to get older environment unfriendly cars off the road... So I guess what they're saying is they'd rather people buy 20 year old V8 commodores as opposed to more efficient 2L 4cylinders from Japan which not only are cleaner, but are better quality. Sigh... And do you think there's anything we can do about it... as if And then they mention something about a 30 year rule in the future... wtf is up with that?!?!
  10. GFXman


    if you haven't read the paper, here's a link to the article http://www.theadvertiser.news.com.au/commo...55E2682,00.html these idiots needs to be stopped
  11. GFXman


    Sorry to hear about your mate tim Christ, what a complete ****wit... seriously what goes through the mind of these dumb shits. I think it would better for him if the cops catch him before the locals do hmm... vigilante posse anyone?
  12. Happy New Year everyone hope you all had a great NYE whatever you were doing !
  13. So any cruiz planned for the 2nd?
  14. merry xmas all... better late than never
  15. i think i have a work dinner on, but if not I'll be there
  16. could do a boxing day cruise/lunch? nothing ever happens on boxing day anyway
  17. nooooooo not the 19th damn it not enough weekends left
  18. Sweet, sounds good A sunday perhaps? I also nominate Stu
  19. good point. I dont have a problem at all with being punished for being cught doing stupid things on the road. What I can't understand is how they can take YOUR car that you own, come to your house without a warrant to confiscate keys and impound your car based on someone "claiming" you've done something wrong. sigh
  20. I know we've had this topic before, but I just thought I'd share some info i received today. It's a complete load of bullsh!t and I really can't understand how the hell this sort of thing can be enforced. It completely contradicts existing laws and the way they're enforced. What ever happened to being innocent until proven guilty. These are based on WA, but as these laws are being approved in SA expect the same... or knowing SA, worse Link 1 http://www.policespeedcameras.info/news_articles.html Link 2 http://abc.net.au/greatsouthern/news/20041...10/s1213976.htm
  21. I'd say there 2 chances of that I think he wants to get some runs under his belt at a small meet before going to a big public event.
  22. bummer LOL @ punishment
  23. The last one was awesome. Small crowd, close up views and nice relaxed atmos. Another one would be wicked... I reckon I could even convince Jaffa to run the lumpy machine Bloody hell, if he doesn't, ill nick it for the day haha Perhaps a combined day with the LS1 lads? Bit of 4 v 6 v 8 rivalry
  24. what times did you manage Andrew?
  25. hey if people wanna do stupid shit on their own somewhere, who am I to argue... but in a group (and in traffic) there no place for idiots as far as im concerned.
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