So naturally any bikies on their harleys will get done for noise and lose their bikes right... coz we all know how often bikies get pulled over.... pff...
This "law" is a joke. If someone has a lawyer that even slightly knows what they're doing, surely no court can enforce this flakey set of rules. No one can be guilty without evidence or a witness.
If they are serious about these hoon laws, make huge fines and/or strict loss of license etc, fair enough, but seriously, how can they justify taking something that you own? I don't recall having signed anything that says the police can take MY car that I OWN let alone SELL IT!
Next they'll be selling people's homes for obstructing someones views, or playing music too loud. I'd love to know what dumb arse comes up with ideas like this.
1) We need a letter template written by someone with skills in that area so we can all print it off, sign it and send it to our local MP's. Anyone have any legal contacts who could help add some legal credibility to it?
2) We should start an email campaign, sending it to everyone you know and everyone they know and so on.