lol. god. trust that to come back on sau and find bitching. some cant help ourselves ay.
honestly, in my opinion, i can understand why craig would be a bit pissed off that we didnt get best club display, seeming as he put so much effort into it. Heck us city folk had nothing on Kadina locals.
Have chucked all the photos onto the computer, and without going through them and deleting all the sh*t ones, i have 269.
So expect to see a fair few haha. Will most probably upload a fair few of them to photobucket, and if you want more, let me know and organise a cd or something.
Was a great day, had a lot of fun getting to know a few of you abit more and meeting some new people . Although staying up the night before at an insane 21st/penthouse/birthday thing at glenelg for Cronic (Dan) and not going to bed till 3:30am....getting possibly 30mins sleep and then waking up at 4:30am to get out to caltex was POSSIBLY not the best idea haha.
Going through photos now